Will Trump Show Up For The Sunday Night Debate?

When you try to draw equivalents between a dedicated public servant like HRC and a guy like Trump who has never done anything for anyone when there wasn't a personal upside for him, you, by definition support Trump.

All you have done is to try to prop up your small fraction of a messiah.

Hey Candycorn, the bulldyke is going to win, reasonable people see it. You don't have to make some dumbass comment about the bulldyke being a dedicated public servant when the same reasonable people know she rode her husbands coattails to become Secretary of State, made 100s of millions of dollars selling influence while in office and aided and abetted her husbands abuse of women. Try to show a little bit of grace.

Bulldyke? Ann Couter is running?

Where have you been?

Gennifer Flowers Tells Daily Mail: Bill Clinton Told Me, “Hillary Had Eaten More P*ssy Than He Had”… Daily Mail Scrubs Quote – Update: Huma Called Hillary’s “Body Woman” – Update: Daily Mail Reinserts Quote… | Weasel Zippers
. . . Gennifer said: ‘I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know.

‘He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.’
Who on Earth with half a brain would believe a word Gennifer Flowers says? You have to be an idiot to take anything that woman says seriously.

Hey...she has a website!

The OFFICIAL Website of Gennifer Flowers

Trump supporters can book her for their victory party and watch her as she "entertains" them....
Who on Earth with half a brain would believe a word Gennifer Flowers says? You have to be an idiot to take anything that woman says seriously.
And the liberal war on women continues... :eusa_doh:

(Psst....idiot....there were dozens of women who came forward. Bill got caught and should have gone to prison. Deal with it)
Well, if you can't believe Gennifer Flowers...who can you trust?
Bill Clinton actually sexually assaults dozens of women and progressives like CC here attack, degrade, and discredit the women. They all vehemently defend Slick Willy.

Donald Trump merely talks about sexually assaulting women and progressives like CC here feign "outrage" in hopes of political gain.

You're a disgrace to women everywhere CC...
Trump is cancelling ad buys in key swing states like Ohio and Florida. Members of his own party are dog piling on the man as continues his extended Ex-Lax/Taco Bell shit on the GOP brand. And Trump is once again doubling down on the election being 'stolen' and 'rigged' as his poll numbers continue to plummet.

Its like watching the Hindenburg crash into an orphanage; horrifying, but you can't look away.
Trump’s loss will be the consequence of a ‘campaign’ that clearly has no idea what it’s doing:

‘The Marion County GOP headquarters in Ocala, Florida, is haunted. More specifically, the former movie theater that housed the headquarters was haunted, until it was torn down this summer to make way for a parking lot. And yet, for Republicans looking to volunteer in Ocala, the county GOP’s website still lists its address as the recently razed home of “Morris” the ghost.

Directing would-be volunteers to demolished buildings (and their now-homeless ghosts) is just one risk of outsourcing field operations to state and local parties. Both the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaigns are coordinating field efforts with their party, but Trump is leaning on the Republican National Committee almost entirely. Until a couple of weeks ago, the Ocala office was one of only a few offices in all of Florida working to elect Trump.

That lonely, haunted Ocala non-headquarters exemplifies Trump’s ground game strategy — ephemeral and ineffectual.’

Where Clinton Is Setting Up Field Offices — And Where Trump Isn’t
How does Donald Trump look his two beautiful daughters in the face after this? I would be so deeply ashamed (then again - I would never say or do this disgusting stuff and I'm not a narcissistic megalomaniac like Trump so....)
I'm hearing hints on MSNBC that he may not. Who knows...

Anyone with more intelligence than a three year old knows that yes, he will show up to the debate, and no, he is not dropping out of the race. You tards sound as fucking stupid as the Republicans did a couple of weeks ago claiming Hillary would drop out for health reasons.
For quite awhile people were saying, which Donald Trump will show up? Which Donald Trump will we see at this or that event?

Well, if we hadn't known already, that question has been answered...

...there is only one Donald Trump.
I'm hearing hints on MSNBC that he may not. Who knows...

It's all imploding right now. We have Republican politicians that endorsed him--un endorsing him. Regarding his open mic comment that blew up in his and his supporters faces yesterday.

Hillary should refuse to shake his hand if he does show up.

She should at least use some hand sanitizer afterward.
Watch what Bush does after shaking black man's hand.

Bill didn't mind, I mean the millions he made off you dumb niggas in Haiti after the earth quake. Just think the millions the Clinton's will make off you dumbasses now? I mean Matthew wow, and you will fall for it. Because you're a stupid nigga.

Another meaningless racist rant. It's all these right wingers have.
Hillary should refuse to shake his hand if he does show up.

She should at least use some hand sanitizer afterward.
Watch what Bush does after shaking black man's hand.

Bill didn't mind, I mean the millions he made off you dumb niggas in Haiti after the earth quake. Just think the millions the Clinton's will make off you dumbasses now? I mean Matthew wow, and you will fall for it. Because you're a stupid nigga.

Another meaningless racist rant. It's all these right wingers have.

Not racist just the truth. After the earthquake the Clinton's made millions off of the Haitians and they are fixing to do it again.

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