Will trumpism share the fate of McCarthyism?

You lefties liking your gas and grocery bills?

Wouldnt you rather spend that wasted money on Obama porn?

When you pay $60 to fill your tank, do you think, “Well at least the bad orange man cant get me”?

Fucking tards.

Retarded sheep.

If someone opened the gate to leave the slaughterhouse, you sheep would stay in line.

Just despicable.
Look what we have here......someone that doesnt have enough money to fill up their gas tank.
McCarthy died a humiliated man. His bullying and lies ruined many good people. trump's fate may be the same....if the GOP ever regains sanity.
Trump will be on his deathbed surrounded by nobody. Sure you'll have some diehard trumpanzees line the streets still holding up "Q" posters, but even the most die hard trumpanzee will wonder where everyone went.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
So lies will bring Trump down but not the rest of the politicians in orifice?

Why do you think that is?
How trump works is this

trump gets on Twitter and looks at what his supporters are talking about. trump doesn't understand any of it, but he gets the phrasing right.

Then trump repeats what he found on Twitter back to trump's supporters.

trump supporters lose their minds, "trump is a genius!"

The truth need not enter this process.
Bidumb supporters are like the hitlerjugend--believing anything he says while he heads the country to Gotterdammerung

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
more babble shit OPINION from you - babble crap = worthless

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
there's no such thing as Trumpism --you fail before you even start
McCarthy was right all along. We would be much better off if some brave person stepped up to uncover the communists.
The left parrots "McCarthyism, McCarthyism" because they heard it somewhere. They have no fucking clue at all who the players were, what Venona is, and that McCarthy was absolutely proven right beyond a shadow of a doubt.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
Nope. If anything President Trump has exposed the radical left for what they really are: Marxist and communists. It’s also proven that McCarthy was 100% correct and we should had hanged communists back in the 1950’s.
All? Really? So a hat trick is made up or is it an engrained statement in hockey with a storied past?
Someone somewhere made up the term hat trick. They gave it meaning. It didn’t spring into existence spontaneously.

Same story with Trumpism.
The left parrots "McCarthyism, McCarthyism" because they heard it somewhere. They have no fucking clue at all who the players were, what Venona is, and that McCarthy was absolutely proven right beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I remember my Grandfather's best friend, Louie Dernan. He came to my granpa absolutely terrified. He didn't know what to do. He felt that he was going to be identified by the Committee on Unamerican activities. My grandpa tried to tell him he had nothing to fear. Then Louie said "you don't understand. I AM a communist. I joined the party in college." Louie was told to leave. I never saw him again. McCarthy was right and we were better off for his work.

Meanwhile, today, our traitors hate Trump and support blm.
The left parrots "McCarthyism, McCarthyism" because they heard it somewhere. They have no fucking clue at all who the players were, what Venona is, and that McCarthy was absolutely proven right beyond a shadow of a doubt.

You're too young to know anything about it or the lives he ruined with his lies and paranoia.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
Try and keep up....McCarthy has been vindicated.....as in McCarthy was correct on what he claimed.

So Trump is irrelevant in current American politics? No reason to bring him up?
Currently he holds not public office he is not running for one at the moment he does not make policy he is still banned from social media so given all this yes I would say he is rather irrelevant at the moment. The policies and decisions being made by the current President are far more relevant in my view but for some reason many still want to focus on Trump can't imagine why. (Sarcasm)
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McCarthy died a humiliated man. His bullying and lies ruined many good people. trump's fate may be the same....if the GOP ever regains sanity.

Well, now Trump is telling Republicans not to bother to vote because the Democrats will just steal the next election. He's quite insane.

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