Will trumpism share the fate of McCarthyism?

It's not going to happen until all of the other Republicans start calling Trump a liar. The problem is that far too many people in the party are trying to tie themselves to the hate, fascism, anti-democratic and divisive politics which are the hallmarks of Trumpism, just to get themselves elected.

Republicans at the state level will basically do anything to disenfranchise city dwellers. Witness the plethora of anti-democratic legislation being pushed in state houses across the USA. Added to which people who will do Trump's bidding are now running for Secretary of State in multiple states to ensure that votes will be switched to Republicans next time.

The white Republican Party is doing everything possible to disenfranchise minorities, or anyone who might vote Democratic.
The lies you told about Russia. The hate you have spewed for five years now. The fascism of vaccine mandates and masks or you lose your job coming from your side, the anti-democratic act of requiring ID to vote (you have that in Canada btw), And the divisiveness of a president blaming YOU for the pandemic because you won’t do what he says to voluntarily.

One of these days you’re going to realize everything you hate about our side is actually you. You’re the one doing all of these things you claim to hate.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
Can you define "trumpism" please. What exactly is it?
A link? Check the 3rd party list for upcoming elections. CUSA is a respected faction of American life while conservatives have been targeted as subversive and seditious.
How are communist "protected", though? They're no more protected than anyone else. They certainly no less human pieces of shit fascists.
The lies you told about Russia. The hate you have spewed for five years now. The fascism of vaccine mandates and masks or you lose your job coming from your side, the anti-democratic act of requiring ID to vote (you have that in Canada btw), And the divisiveness of a president blaming YOU for the pandemic because you won’t do what he says to voluntarily.

One of these days you’re going to realize everything you hate about our side is actually you. You’re the one doing all of these things you claim to hate.

No lies were told about Russia, and no hate was spewed.

Vaccines mandates are public health policy and have been since I was a child. The fact that American conservatives have politicized this pandemic has made it the most destructive outbreak in the world. You've destroyed your own economy with your idiocy.

Democrats support voter ID, but not restrictions on what ID to use. Republicans want a specific "voter ID" so they can control who gets the voter ID card and thus, they control who can vote. Democrats want any government issued photo ID used. Once a person has jumped through the voter registration hoops, voter should be easier for them thereafter, but Republicans keep making it harder to vote.

Yes, we have voter ID in Canada. I can use any government issued ID to register and to vote. Voter rolls are updated from income tax filings. I can walk into the polling station on election day and register, using my bank statement or utility bill to prove residence.

The President should blame the unvaccinated for the problem you have now. The fools refusing to get the vaccine are keeping the pandemic going. You've lost half a million health care workers over the mess that Americans have made to the pandemic response, and the Republican Party continues to oppose public health measure to end it.

The Republican Party is a death cult, at this point.
No lies were told about Russia, and no hate was spewed.

Vaccines mandates are public health policy and have been since I was a child. The fact that American conservatives have politicized this pandemic has made it the most destructive outbreak in the world. You've destroyed your own economy with your idiocy.

Democrats support voter ID, but not restrictions on what ID to use. Republicans want a specific "voter ID" so they can control who gets the voter ID and who can vote. Democrats want any government issued photo ID used. Once a person has jumped through the voter registration hoops, voter should be easier for them thereafter, but Republicans keep making it harder to vote.

Yes, we have voter ID in Canada. I can use any government issued ID to register and to vote. Voter rolls are updated from income tax filings. I can walk into the polling station on election day and register, using my bank statement or utility bill to prove residence.

The President should blame the unvaccinated for the problem you have now. The fools refusing to get the vaccine are keeping the pandemic going. You've lost half a million health care workers over the mess that Americans have made to the pandemic response, and the Republican Party continues to oppose public health measure to end it.

The Republican Party is a death cult, at this point.
Russia collusion was an absolute lie and shitloads of hate was spewed and is still being spewed.

The pandemic isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Stop lying about vaccinations being the magical solution to ending the pandemic.
Lisa558 wrote: Trump was a good president who accomplished a lot, and before the Chinese released their lab-created virus on the world, we had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, real low-level wages increased for the first time in decades, no new wars war started, the border was under control, and the economy was booming. 21OCT14-POST#50

NFBW wrote: Are you certain that it is a fact that the Chinese released their lab-created virus on the world? 21OCT20-POST#66

NFBW wrote: Are you aware that the rate of unemployment was dropping at the same rate during the Obama and Trump years? Trump didn’t improve the trend line at all, he maintained the same rate that Obama set. Which is fine if you want to credit DJT with that as an accomplishment. It is an accomplishment but it is a rather mundane run of the mill accomplishment - not much to build a legacy on. 21OCT20-POST#66

NFBW wrote: As far as new wars started by a US President, there were no NEW wars started by any US President since W started the US ground invasion into Iraq to find WMD in March 2003. And before that W started the War on Terror in 2001. 21OCT20-POST#66

“”” If we consider the Koran War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the war in Afghanistan and the Iraq War,

Trump joins Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower in not having officially brought the United States into a new war since 1945. “””

NFBW wrote: Are you aware that DJT’s booming economy prior to COVID smacking it down was not booming by DJT’s very own standard. DJT says failure to have gdp annual growth over 3.0% is weak. DJT failed to get annual GDP to 3.0 so his economy should be considered weak, 21OCT20-POST#66

NFBW wrote: Trump’s tax cuts were supposed to produce GDP at 4% to 6%....2.9% was Trump’s highest year. Trump matched Obama on that but never beat him. 20DEC11-POST#11

“”” Trump blasted Obama as being “the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3% growth.”
Trump now seems likely to be the second. GDP growth hit 2.9% in 2018, as it also did in 2015. So Obama and Trump both came close. Trump promised to boost economic growth to 3% or even 4%, but he’s not going to get there. Most economists expect slower, not faster, GDP growth in 2020, and 3% seems out of reach under any scenario.“””
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