Will trumpism share the fate of McCarthyism?

Trump will be on his deathbed surrounded by nobody. Sure you'll have some diehard trumpanzees line the streets still holding up "Q" posters, but even the most die hard trumpanzee will wonder where everyone went.
You are now on ignore due to excessive stupdity.
McCarthy died a humiliated man. His bullying and lies ruined many good people. trump's fate may be the same....if the GOP ever regains sanity.
You have been cast into outer darkness as in assigned to the dustbin of history aka Put on Ignore for being excessively stoooopid.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.

It's not going to happen until all of the other Republicans start calling Trump a liar. The problem is that far too many people in the party are trying to tie themselves to the hate, fascism, anti-democratic and divisive politics which are the hallmarks of Trumpism, just to get themselves elected.

Republicans at the state level will basically do anything to disenfranchise city dwellers. Witness the plethora of anti-democratic legislation being pushed in state houses across the USA. Added to which people who will do Trump's bidding are now running for Secretary of State in multiple states to ensure that votes will be switched to Republicans next time.

The white Republican Party is doing everything possible to disenfranchise minorities, or anyone who might vote Democratic.
There is no such thing as "Trumpism"...that is a made up leftist term.
You have a better term for it? I think we should come up with a better term to describe an ex game show host as a fake President who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground on policy issues so he spent four years spouting bullshit & outright lies to cover up for his stupidity.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years
When the democrat Truman administration and HUAC began to decline they managed to blame the whole thing on a single republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. Today the same sad democrat nut cases still use MCCarthy for propaganda while the freaking Country is going down the freaking drain under an administration that has no real leadership. It beats talking about Biden anyway.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.

Take your meds, Bro. You are truly mental

Will the left ever get over their Trump obsession is the more important question. For the first three months or so after Trump left office saying someone had TDS was fun and good for some laughs but we are almost halfway through October now and you guys are still obsessed with all things Trump that is really pretty sad.

Yea. It's not like you guys were obsessed with Hillary or anything.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
McCarthyism was bad. Trump was a good president who accomplished a lot, and before the Chinese released their lab-created virus on the world, we had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, real low-level wages increased for the first time in decades, no new wars war started, the border was under control, and the economy was booming.

IOW, your trying to draw a parallel between MCCarthy and Trump is an indication that the media was successful in brainwashing much of the population. The result? We now have Biden, who has angered our allies, empowered terrorists, caused a massive surge of illegals, is creating inflation, and is overseeing a refusal-to-work situation creating a supply chain problem.
Trump will be on his deathbed surrounded by nobody. Sure you'll have some diehard trumpanzees line the streets still holding up "Q" posters, but even the most die hard trumpanzee will wonder where everyone went.
Surrounded by his family? Trumpanzee? As I have done with others such as you. Let’s compare resumes. I am game at any time.

I am civil as your fellow leftist ElmerMudd will attest.
McCarthyism was bad. Trump was a good president who accomplished a lot, and before the Chinese released their lab-created virus on the world, we had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, real low-level wages increased for the first time in decades, no new wars war started, the border was under control, and the economy was booming.

IOW, your trying to draw a parallel between MCCarthy and Trump is an indication that the media was successful in brainwashing much of the population. The result? We now have Biden, who has angered our allies, empowered terrorists, caused a massive surge of illegals, is creating inflation, and is overseeing a refusal-to-work situation creating a supply chain problem.
You need to read the posts on here demonstrating McCarthy was on targetr.
Trump was the opposite of McCarthyism but ignorant (in the true sense of the word) lefties can't let go of the concept. The left whined about the "mistreatment" of Commies for fifty years and now Biden's secret police monitor freaking school board meetings and vow to quash seditious behavior. Call it Pelosiism or Schumerism or Bdenism but innocent Americans are suffering far worse abuses from the government today than the Commie bastards ever did in the 50's.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
Journalists, Libtards and partisan historians will most certainly lie, like they did about Joe McCarthy.

McCarthyism began to decline because some of his assertions were proven to be false. But with trumpism....it seems truth does not matter. He has lied over and over....it has been proven....even in court. Yet his cult still follow him like neutered sheep.

But I still see a day when the lies will begin to bring down trumpism. He has been gaslighting America for well over 5 years.
More projection, nothing more.
McCarthyism was bad. Trump was a good president who accomplished a lot, and before the Chinese released their lab-created virus on the world, we had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, real low-level wages increased for the first time in decades, no new wars war started, the border was under control, and the economy was booming.

IOW, your trying to draw a parallel between MCCarthy and Trump is an indication that the media was successful in brainwashing much of the population. The result? We now have Biden, who has angered our allies, empowered terrorists, caused a massive surge of illegals, is creating inflation, and is overseeing a refusal-to-work situation creating a supply chain problem.
There's nothing bad about rooting out communists
How trump works is this

trump gets on Twitter and looks at what his supporters are talking about. trump doesn't understand any of it, but he gets the phrasing right.

Then trump repeats what he found on Twitter back to trump's supporters.

trump supporters lose their minds, "trump is a genius!"

The truth need not enter this process.
you.should really charge Trump rent.

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