Will Tucker show bravery and quit to stand up to tyranny and creeping communism?

Tucker is a lying little weeny. Seems he is a coward too. What kind of coward encourages others to take a stand nightly, but is too much of a pussy to do it himself? That would be tucker carlson style coward.
Between the Donald and Tucker I am surprised you get any sleep. Always a piece of work, speaking of which do you have time for that. Hahaha
The vast majority of employees at Fox Corporation, the umbrella company for the conservative Fox News channel, are vaccinated against coronavirus and those who are not will be required to do daily testing, according to a memo sent out from bosses – despite some of its biggest screen stars questioning the vaccine.

In the memo, which was sent out on Tuesday to Fox Corporation employees, Kevin Lord, the company’s executive vice-president, announced that more than 90% of the company’s full-time employees had been vaccinated.
Tucker's monologues that expose the fake ass Deep State establishment that we are subject to are brilliant. Tucker is the smartest broadcaster on cable, obviously, but curious who his writers are and how much he assembles the presentations.
Smart people don't quit; we fight. Quitting is for quitters. Fighting is for potential winners.

If Tucker decided to get vaxed for real, it is his choice. He has the most popular show on Fox, if not cable. I am pretty sure he can do as he darn well pleases.

Deciding to bet vaxed does not mean that one cannot be vehemently against tyrannical medical mandates. Everyone has their own situation, and the risks and benefits from COVID and the vaccines vary by orders of magnitude for different people.

This is why it is so important to respect everyone's decision based upon their own unique circumstances. It's a very complicated subject, constantly changing, and the science is unsettled.

You do you, and I'll do me.

Tucker is one of the few remaining real journalists. He has unique and intelligent reporting and insight you will not see most other places.

And his devotion to Conservative issues in the face of such opposition these days is commendable. By being such a source of reason, he is helping to lead the fight, in a way that he has exceptional capability and skills to do. We can all contribute in our own way, and I hope everyone does.

A couple of simple ways anyone can help is by writing their representatives and pushing back with rational arguments and/or actions against any employer mandate. Fight it every way you can, if you want.

I could be wrong but I don’t think Tucker has said he is personally opposed to getting vaccinated or if he has been vaccinated. He just believes it should be up to the individual.

Should Tucker make a stand and quit? Perhaps if he doesn’t want to take the vaccine and Fox News threatens to fire him if he doesn’t. Otherwise no.

Here is an article Tucker authored and some excerpts.


So, maybe the symptoms amount to nothing. That’s often the case. Maybe they amount to something. We don’t know. The fact is, we can’t say what the long-term effects of this vaccine will be on women, including pregnant women. Honest people admit this. Every scientist knows this. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, "more longitudinal follow-up, including follow-up of large numbers of women vaccinated earlier in pregnancy, is necessary to inform maternity, pregnancy, and infant outcomes."

In other words, at this point, we just don’t know. Again, that doesn’t mean the Coronavirus vaccine is dangerous. There’s no proof that it’s dangerous. But there doesn’t need to be. We don’t need proof of harm in order for public health officials to be careful and precise about how they distribute these drugs. No medicine is designed for every person, in all circumstances. In fact, every prescription is the result of a cost-benefit analysis. Most people, for example, would consider chemotherapy a miracle treatment. It is. It saves lives. We are grateful for chemotherapy. But just because we’re grateful to have chemotherapy doesn’t mean we’d give chemotherapy to the entire American population. We don’t even give chemotherapy to every cancer patient. Because every patient is unique. Just as every person is. That’s a fundamental precept of medicine. Of science. Yet somehow our COVID vaccination policy doesn’t acknowledge this. For the purposes of vaccination, our leaders pretend that a 19-year-old athlete is identical to an 80-year-old with emphysema. Both need the COVID vaccination immediately.


So what is next? It’s not a question of the vaccine. You may want the vaccine for yourself and your children, you may not. It’s a question of being forced to take it. And if we allow ourselves to be forced to take it, what next? Anything is the answer to that question. If the authorities are permitted to control a health care decision this intimate — if they can force you and your children to take a vaccine you don’t want and are afraid of — what can’t they do? Nothing. They’ll have total power over your body and your mind, forever. What’s the limit to their power? There isn’t one. …emphasis added
Tucker Carlson is one of the loudest voices praising those that are brave enough to quit their jobs rather than to be forced to either take the vaccine or to be tested. In his own words, those requirements are tyranny and creeping communism. His employer, fox, requires masking in all of their offices and public areas, as well as either proof of vaccination, or daily testing. Surely Tucker will follow his own advice, and stand up to such tyranny. Otherwise, he would be nothing but a scam artist who says what he says for the money, and doesn't believe his own rhetoric. How soon will he take a stand and quit?

Is he vaccinated?

When was this if so?
I have not been watching Tucker or fox.

Tucker must be really good if the mealy worms are this upset over Tucker. I will have to add his show to the DVR.

Thanks for the positive reviews.
I have not been watching Tucker or fox.
Tucker must be really good if the mealy worms are this upset over Tucker. I will have to add his show to the DVR.
Thanks for the positive reviews.
Tucker does have a great show. Last night he had Tulsi Gabbard on. She was terrific too.
Tucker Carlson is one of the loudest voices praising those that are brave enough to quit their jobs rather than to be forced to either take the vaccine or to be tested. In his own words, those requirements are tyranny and creeping communism. His employer, fox, requires masking in all of their offices and public areas, as well as either proof of vaccination, or daily testing. Surely Tucker will follow his own advice, and stand up to such tyranny. Otherwise, he would be nothing but a scam artist who says what he says for the money, and doesn't believe his own rhetoric. How soon will he take a stand and quit?

Tucker has taken the vaccine and encourages others too…so why should he?
That's the point. Carlson has no integrity He does exactly opposite of what what he tells others to do.

He hasn't told anyone to not get vaccinated.
Don't know. If he actually believes what he claims every night, his self respect will require him to take a stand, and refuse to either be vaccinated or to be tested. After all, he's made it clear that those things are examples of tyranny and creeping communism that he just can't accept. You don't think he said those things just to pander to the crazies do you?

Has he openly said he has not already had the jab?

He might rail against it but his boss has the final say and he's still there. Just saying.
Tucker does have a great show. Last night he had Tulsi Gabbard on. She was terrific too.
I have never watched him. I will make sure I record him to see why the democrats vehemently oppose him.
What does where he lives have to do with following fox's orders?

Do you think they told him to get a vax?

He obviously doesnt' have to wear a mask in maine, or social distance, or anything else

It's his place
Tucker has taken the vaccine and encourages others too…so why should he?
You either haven't watched the show or are lying. Tucker doesn't encourage anybody to take the vaccine. He spreads lies and conspiracy theory horror stories about it continuously.

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