Will Tucker show bravery and quit to stand up to tyranny and creeping communism?

Oh, I'm a 'truther', a JFK'er, you (sorry ewe...I'll play along with your homonym game) name it.
If there's a conspiracy that happened , I'm investigating.

Of course ewe are, which bout of fuckery are ewe investigating now?
investigating now?
The same intelligence email from Sydney Blumenthal also confirms what has become a well-known theme of Western supported insurgencies in the Middle East: the contradiction of special forces training militias that are simultaneously suspected of links to Al Qaeda.
Tucker Carlson is one of the loudest voices praising those that are brave enough to quit their jobs rather than to be forced to either take the vaccine or to be tested. In his own words, those requirements are tyranny and creeping communism. His employer, fox, requires masking in all of their offices and public areas, as well as either proof of vaccination, or daily testing. Surely Tucker will follow his own advice, and stand up to such tyranny. Otherwise, he would be nothing but a scam artist who says what he says for the money, and doesn't believe his own rhetoric. How soon will he take a stand and quit?

Carlson will stay where he does the most good.
Tucker Carlson is one of the loudest voices praising those that are brave enough to quit their jobs rather than to be forced to either take the vaccine or to be tested. In his own words, those requirements are tyranny and creeping communism. His employer, fox, requires masking in all of their offices and public areas, as well as either proof of vaccination, or daily testing. Surely Tucker will follow his own advice, and stand up to such tyranny. Otherwise, he would be nothing but a scam artist who says what he says for the money, and doesn't believe his own rhetoric. How soon will he take a stand and quit?

Why do so many leftists dye their hair odd colors, wear REALLY BIG pronounced glasses, jewelry and that? Seems to me they don't like themselves very much. And why is it one of the criterions for left TV news is the person is gay?

Ever notice leftists are really sad?
Chris Cuomo of CNN deflected stories about his brother's abuse of women and his E.O. that caused the deaths of about 10,000 nursing home residents but lefties want Tucker to quit over Covid. WTF?
Yes they do. He tells the truth and that means they have to go to the cook them nook of the DNC where cooked narratives are written for all good little apparatchiks who want the mama's milk of good salaries for defecating on American Constitution defenders like Tuck Carlson who shares the real truth about deep state troublemaking with American voters.
I could be wrong but I don’t think Tucker has said he is personally opposed to getting vaccinated or if he has been vaccinated. He just believes it should be up to the individual.
Thanks. You are correct. I had seemed to recall him hinting that he was vaccinated, but come to think of it, it was Hannity who says he has been vaccinated.
The same intelligence email from Sydney Blumenthal also confirms what has become a well-known theme of Western supported insurgencies in the Middle East: the contradiction of special forces training militias that are simultaneously suspected of links to Al Qaeda.

Cool,does that explain "stolen election " or anti vaccine?
No hatred, simple question. A question ewe cannot answer!

You refer to everyone not of your tribe as a sheep. When it is YOU who are incapable of thinking for yourself. EVERYTHING you post is in lockstep with the ruling elite. Makes EWE the sheep.

You refer to everyone not of your tribe as a sheep. When it is YOU who are incapable of thinking for yourself. EVERYTHING you post is in lockstep with the ruling elite. Makes EWE the sheep.

He's just taking after the leadership.

They get away with openly lying to Americans even after they get caught.

Take Comey and Brennan for example ....they basically were caught in an attempted coup d' etat against our president, then went on television for three years lying about it, calling Trump a traitor and a Russian asset, .... when they are the actual traitors.

Unless folks get held accountable, they won't stop.

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