Will Tucker show bravery and quit to stand up to tyranny and creeping communism?

Tucker Carlson is one of the loudest voices praising those that are brave enough to quit their jobs rather than to be forced to either take the vaccine or to be tested. In his own words, those requirements are tyranny and creeping communism. His employer, fox, requires masking in all of their offices and public areas, as well as either proof of vaccination, or daily testing. Surely Tucker will follow his own advice, and stand up to such tyranny. Otherwise, he would be nothing but a scam artist who says what he says for the money, and doesn't believe his own rhetoric. How soon will he take a stand and quit?

Lol, you are having a wet dream
Hating a person for being an honest journalist.
It's getting kinda Orwelly around here.

Hey Orwell, please point out where I claimed to hate him. I'll wait. I did say his name and integrity should never be in the same sentence though!!
Chris Cuomo of CNN deflected stories about his brother's abuse of women and his E.O. that caused the deaths of about 10,000 nursing home residents but lefties want Tucker to quit over Covid. WTF?
Hey Orwell, please point out where I claimed to hate him. I'll wait. I did say his name and integrity should never be in the same sentence though!!
If you're defending the experimental China virus vaccine and the MSM who's pushing it for the drug companies, then you probably need to look inward and check your own integrity level instead of saying any more here.
Carlson is not an honest journalist. His own lawyers said that in court, and the judge agreed.
I'll take your word for it and never watch him again.:71:
If you're defending the experimental China virus vaccine and the MSM who's pushing it for the drug companies, then you probably need to look inward and check your own integrity level instead of saying any more here.

Really, I bet ewe bleed "stolen election " don't ewe!
Sure ewe are, ewe believe and parrot anti vax BS and believe in "stolen election". Stay stupid
Oh, I'm a 'truther', a JFK'er, you (sorry ewe...I'll play along with your homonym game) name it.
If there's a conspiracy that happened , I'm investigating.

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