Will Tucker show bravery and quit to stand up to tyranny and creeping communism?

You refer to everyone not of your tribe as a sheep. When it is YOU who are incapable of thinking for yourself. EVERYTHING you post is in lockstep with the ruling elite. Makes EWE the sheep.


Ewe mean because I don't agree with ewe and follow the idiots down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Sez the lil lamb.
He's just taking after the leadership.

They get away with openly lying to Americans even after they get caught.

Take Comey and Brennan for example ....they basically were caught in an attempted coup d' etat against our president, then went on television for three years lying about it, calling Trump a traitor and a Russian asset, .... when they are the actual traitors.

He's a semi functional moron. Capable of parroting what his masters tell him to, but incapable of wiping his own ass. Pay him no mind. When the economy collapses, as it is doing at this moment, this ignorant twit will starve to death, or get shot while trying to steal some other persons food.
Ewe mean because I don't agree with ewe and follow the idiots down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Sez the lil lamb.

Sure thing little sheep. It's easy to follow along with the ruling elite. It's hard to stand up to them. Now run along little nazi. Your masters want you to clean out their horse stables.
Why do so many leftists dye their hair odd colors, wear REALLY BIG pronounced glasses, jewelry and that? Seems to me they don't like themselves very much. And why is it one of the criterions for left TV news is the person is gay?

Ever notice leftists are really sad?
What a silly irrelevant remark.
Your masters want you to clean out their horse stables.
I heard the Army is looking for paratroopers to send to the Congo.
I think Aldo Raine would like it there.
Carlson's lawyers said, and the judge agreed that information about vaccine that carlson gives is false, and not backed up by any credible proof.
Fox are currently defending 4 billion in law suits over saying the voting machines were rigged.
Fair and balanced???
Like a one legged blackfella.
I heard the Army is looking for paratroopers to send to the Congo.
I think Aldo Raine would like it there.
View attachment 549238

Nah, like I said, he's too stupid to wipe his own ass so he certainly wouldn't be capable of pulling a ripcord. No, cleaning out horse stalls is about the limit of his ability.
In your dreams. The machines were independently tested and found to be correct. Do some research or shut up.

No, they weren't you lying twat. The Maricopa county corruptocrats deleted files, and refused to turn over other relevant data. You're just too fucking dishonest to admit anything.
No, they weren't you lying twat. The Maricopa county corruptocrats deleted files, and refused to turn over other relevant data. You're just too fucking dishonest to admit anything.
Nope. The deleted files claim was just another debunked conspiracy theory.

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