Will "we" Allow Brandon to Acquiesce to Putin's Atrocities?

LOL... Trump was cheering for Putin when the invasion began.

No, he was not. That is once again just the usual spin that is now all over the media.

He praised him in the way it was done, and he was hardly the only one to do so. Even Elron Musk did the same thing. But the media adores him, so he never came under fire for saying almost the exact same thing.

Saying that an operation was done was well planned is not the same thing as praising the fact that it was done in the first place. I can recognize that Japan did a masterful job of keeping their war plans for 8 December 1941 a complete secret, and coordinating multiple different military invasions at the same time. All in radio silence. Most remember Pearl Harbor, but they also invaded Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines all on the same day.

I can hate them for doing it, but nobody can deny it was not a master stroke and was excellently planned.

But the problem when anybody in the media talks of the former President, they have to spin it into something completely different.

It is no longer acceptable to the civilized world that Putin achieve his strategic goals in Ukraine when the dust settles on this conflagration. This cannot be allowed to happen. "We" are the leaders of the Free World.

Does Biden have the balls to shove Ukraine right up Putin's ass?
1) Biden's clique can't pretend to be a part of the "Free World" simultaneously suppressing more than half of the USA.
2) The president of the United States of America must not be "anti-Putin". He must be "pro-American".
3) And the logic of being pro-American means that we shouldn't beat our enemies with a carrot and feed our allies with sticks and we shouldn't write the checks we can't pay.
Biden has done basically nothing with Ukraine other than what any other sissy would have done.

The issue here is not just Russia-Ukraine. There are scores of other autocracies around the world who could easily invade and overwhelm neighboring states, but they hesitate to do so because they assume that the "world is watching." If Russia gets away with this grab, there will be nothing holding the others back.

I am not suggesting that the U.S. act unilaterally, but the U.S. must gather a coalition of countries that together will punish Putin and even drive him out, so that the whole world will see what happens to authoritarians who take this path. And it WILL be necessary to rattle our nuclear sword once or twice in the process. WE have the ability to obliterate Moscow. Our nukes will WORK, while nothing made by the Russians is reliable, and could easily blow up on the launch pad.

This "war" cannot end with Putin controlling half of Ukraine. Period.
Sure. War will be ended with Putin controlling whole Ukraine (and, may be, significant part of the EU).
What is even worse - Biden's team ready to give up not only Europe to the Russians, but the whole world to China. Biden is a freaking traitor and he ruined balance of European security (and wealth of the Americans) just in the useless attempt to protect his personal assets in Ukraine.
No, he was not. That is once again just the usual spin that is now all over the media.

He praised him in the way it was done, and he was hardly the only one to do so. Even Elron Musk did the same thing. But the media adores him, so he never came under fire for saying almost the exact same thing.

Saying that an operation was done was well planned is not the same thing as praising the fact that it was done in the first place. I can recognize that Japan did a masterful job of keeping their war plans for 8 December 1941 a complete secret, and coordinating multiple different military invasions at the same time. All in radio silence. Most remember Pearl Harbor, but they also invaded Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines all on the same day.

I can hate them for doing it, but nobody can deny it was not a master stroke and was excellently planned.
Yes. But what was really important to make their master strokes possible - it was American (and English) wishful-thinkung.
Rump would not have done the same. He would have handed Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter and was doing so during his 4 years of office. He had the same zeal when Putin invaded Ukraine as he had when his followers tried to take and hold the Capital building. I would say that Biden has done more than even Obama has done for Ukraine.
No. Trump would not provoke Putin to attack Ukraine. With Trump in office we would have at least four more years of peace, better economy and much better position for negotiations about European security.
No, he was not. That is once again just the usual spin that is now all over the media.

He praised him in the way it was done, and he was hardly the only one to do so.

Just stop. He even praised Putin on Hannity's show after those comments I'm referencing, and Hannity gave him every opportunity to backtrack on them and "clarify" his comments, and Trump declined.

You're just another water carrier for Trump.
Yes. But what was really important to make their master strokes possible - it was American (and English) wishful-thinkung.

No, it was their attempting such an audacious operation, and not understanding either country.

Like in China, they expected that all other countries would simply bow down to their "right to rule", and once captured nobody would dare to try and fight them. They controlled like 2/3 of China, but remember that the Chinese never stopped fighting them.

And ultimately, that attempt to conquer so much land so fast is what doomed them. Because they only held it for about 6 months, then their new Empire started to collapse around them.

History is full of events like that. From Germany invading the Soviet Union, to the Hunt Brothers trying to corner the Silver market. Things that had been thought of and even attempted, but most had learned it was no longer possible (or was never possible).

It has not a damned thing to do with "wishful thinking".
You're just another water carrier for Trump.

And you are a typical knee-jerk that attacks anybody that dares to refuse to agree with you.

I have never made it a secret I detest him. However, detesting the man and trying to accuse him of everything under the sun are two very different things.

One is just a reaction, the other is almost a mental illness.

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