Will we ever be one country again?

Let's get to the point. A White America is forming. The nation balkanizes to a Nation. One God , One Race One White Nation. Look around , blacks and browns are doing the same. Live and Live ; invade our space ; you'll get war.

not even close. there are many minorities within the so-called "white nation". Its not a white nation, its a free constitutional nation vs a socialist dictatorship favored by the dems and libs.
Nobody thinks this way. You want the 1950s back, it is not going to happen. This type of thinking is why the country will never come together again, you are too opposed to change and anything that you do not agree with, but blame all of the problems on those who think differently than you. wake up, have a look around.

the basic principles of right and wrong never change. Perversion is always wrong, murder is always wrong, allowing terrorists to enter our country is always wrong.

It has nothing to do with going back to the 1950s. It has to do with standing up for what is right and not condoning ever perversion that humans can dream up.
What is perversion is a matter of opinion. The country will never come together with people like you who do not understand that they are not always right. Right now the MAJORITY are protesting the Trump Presidency, and you Trump supporters do not get it. You think that the MAJORITY should stay silent.

Wrong again. Right and wrong are universal. Never changing.

The majority is not protesting Trump, its a very small PAID minority who are too stupid to even understand what they are protesting. The majority want secure borders, sane international relations, a strong military, jobs, lower taxes-------------all the thing Trump is doing and will do.

You, my little friend, are part of a vocal but very small minority. The elections of 2016 proved that.
You should check the results of the election. The majority are against the Trump Presidency.

wrong again. There were more votes against HRC than for her. The people who voted for Johnson and Stein would never have voted for the hildebeast. Then when you remove the illegals and dead people who voted, Trump very likely won the PV as well as the EC.

and since only about 1/3 of americans actually voted, it is impossible to know what the "majority" would have done.
You cannot know who they would have voted for, so your argument, like most of them, is invalid.
What have you been wrong about?
In my life i have been wrong about many things and have been a big ebough person to admit it.

Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

nope, wrong again. those of us on the right use facts and logic to make our points, whereas you lefties use emooooooooooootion, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and talking points.

Right now NoNukes is using hiding and evasion

NoNukes: Republicans like Redfish can't admit he/the Republicans are ever wrong

NoNukes: Republicans accuse Democrats of doing what they do

Kaz: So where have you/Democrats been wrong?

NoNukes: {crickets}
What have you been wrong about?
In my life i have been wrong about many things and have been a big ebough person to admit it.

Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.
the basic principles of right and wrong never change. Perversion is always wrong, murder is always wrong, allowing terrorists to enter our country is always wrong.

It has nothing to do with going back to the 1950s. It has to do with standing up for what is right and not condoning ever perversion that humans can dream up.
What is perversion is a matter of opinion. The country will never come together with people like you who do not understand that they are not always right. Right now the MAJORITY are protesting the Trump Presidency, and you Trump supporters do not get it. You think that the MAJORITY should stay silent.

Wrong again. Right and wrong are universal. Never changing.

The majority is not protesting Trump, its a very small PAID minority who are too stupid to even understand what they are protesting. The majority want secure borders, sane international relations, a strong military, jobs, lower taxes-------------all the thing Trump is doing and will do.

You, my little friend, are part of a vocal but very small minority. The elections of 2016 proved that.
You should check the results of the election. The majority are against the Trump Presidency.

wrong again. There were more votes against HRC than for her. The people who voted for Johnson and Stein would never have voted for the hildebeast. Then when you remove the illegals and dead people who voted, Trump very likely won the PV as well as the EC.

and since only about 1/3 of americans actually voted, it is impossible to know what the "majority" would have done.
You cannot know who they would have voted for, so your argument, like most of them, is invalid.

LOL, it's your argument, not mine, and yes, it is invalid.
In my life i have been wrong about many things and have been a big ebough person to admit it.

Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

nope, wrong again. those of us on the right use facts and logic to make our points, whereas you lefties use emooooooooooootion, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and talking points.

Right now NoNukes is using hiding and evasion

NoNukes: Republicans like Redfish can't admit he/the Republicans are ever wrong

NoNukes: Republicans accuse Democrats of doing what they do

Kaz: So where have you/Democrats been wrong?

NoNukes: {crickets}
Crickets? Get a life.
In my life i have been wrong about many things and have been a big ebough person to admit it.

Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

Right, like the liberal tolerance displayed at Berkley last week?
the basic principles of right and wrong never change. Perversion is always wrong, murder is always wrong, allowing terrorists to enter our country is always wrong.

It has nothing to do with going back to the 1950s. It has to do with standing up for what is right and not condoning ever perversion that humans can dream up.
What is perversion is a matter of opinion. The country will never come together with people like you who do not understand that they are not always right. Right now the MAJORITY are protesting the Trump Presidency, and you Trump supporters do not get it. You think that the MAJORITY should stay silent.

Wrong again. Right and wrong are universal. Never changing.

The majority is not protesting Trump, its a very small PAID minority who are too stupid to even understand what they are protesting. The majority want secure borders, sane international relations, a strong military, jobs, lower taxes-------------all the thing Trump is doing and will do.

You, my little friend, are part of a vocal but very small minority. The elections of 2016 proved that.
You should check the results of the election. The majority are against the Trump Presidency.

wrong again. There were more votes against HRC than for her. The people who voted for Johnson and Stein would never have voted for the hildebeast. Then when you remove the illegals and dead people who voted, Trump very likely won the PV as well as the EC.

and since only about 1/3 of americans actually voted, it is impossible to know what the "majority" would have done.
You cannot know who they would have voted for, so your argument, like most of them, is invalid.

Most voters voted against Hillary

And stop being a sniveling coward and answer the question. Where have you learned that you/the Democrats were wrong.

You said many Republicans can't admit they are ever wrong, you are not admitting you are ever wrong

You said Republicans accuse you of doing what they do, which is exactly what you are doing to them right now

So admit where you/the Democrats have been wrong. What did you learn you were wrong about?
Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

nope, wrong again. those of us on the right use facts and logic to make our points, whereas you lefties use emooooooooooootion, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and talking points.

Right now NoNukes is using hiding and evasion

NoNukes: Republicans like Redfish can't admit he/the Republicans are ever wrong

NoNukes: Republicans accuse Democrats of doing what they do

Kaz: So where have you/Democrats been wrong?

NoNukes: {crickets}
Crickets? Get a life.

Answer the question. You made two accusations. Back it up.

You're just admitting through cowardice that you are a liar
What is perversion is a matter of opinion. The country will never come together with people like you who do not understand that they are not always right. Right now the MAJORITY are protesting the Trump Presidency, and you Trump supporters do not get it. You think that the MAJORITY should stay silent.

Wrong again. Right and wrong are universal. Never changing.

The majority is not protesting Trump, its a very small PAID minority who are too stupid to even understand what they are protesting. The majority want secure borders, sane international relations, a strong military, jobs, lower taxes-------------all the thing Trump is doing and will do.

You, my little friend, are part of a vocal but very small minority. The elections of 2016 proved that.
You should check the results of the election. The majority are against the Trump Presidency.

wrong again. There were more votes against HRC than for her. The people who voted for Johnson and Stein would never have voted for the hildebeast. Then when you remove the illegals and dead people who voted, Trump very likely won the PV as well as the EC.

and since only about 1/3 of americans actually voted, it is impossible to know what the "majority" would have done.
You cannot know who they would have voted for, so your argument, like most of them, is invalid.

LOL, it's your argument, not mine, and yes, it is invalid.
You really are as stupid as I thought. It was something that I thought that I might have been wrong about.
In my life i have been wrong about many things and have been a big ebough person to admit it.

Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Wrong again. Right and wrong are universal. Never changing.

The majority is not protesting Trump, its a very small PAID minority who are too stupid to even understand what they are protesting. The majority want secure borders, sane international relations, a strong military, jobs, lower taxes-------------all the thing Trump is doing and will do.

You, my little friend, are part of a vocal but very small minority. The elections of 2016 proved that.
You should check the results of the election. The majority are against the Trump Presidency.

wrong again. There were more votes against HRC than for her. The people who voted for Johnson and Stein would never have voted for the hildebeast. Then when you remove the illegals and dead people who voted, Trump very likely won the PV as well as the EC.

and since only about 1/3 of americans actually voted, it is impossible to know what the "majority" would have done.
You cannot know who they would have voted for, so your argument, like most of them, is invalid.

LOL, it's your argument, not mine, and yes, it is invalid.
You really are as stupid as I thought. It was something that I thought that I might have been wrong about.

Ok, I misread your post. My error. You are correct that the lack of tolerance hurts the liberal cause. Maxine Waters is a case in point. Stupid and intolerant.
Your statement I asked you about was a political one, or were you saying Redfish won't admit mistakes in his personal life?

What were you and Democrats wrong about? You said Redfish has a huge problem because he won't admit Republicans were wrong about anything. So, what were Democrats wrong about?

you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.
you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

a mistake admitted. good for you.
you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.
No, you're not....
you are wasting your time with him/her/it. Like all dems and libs, all they can post are talking points that have been drummed into them by their handlers.
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
And those of you on the right accuse us of what YOU are guilty of. It does not work.

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.
You should check the results of the election. The majority are against the Trump Presidency.

wrong again. There were more votes against HRC than for her. The people who voted for Johnson and Stein would never have voted for the hildebeast. Then when you remove the illegals and dead people who voted, Trump very likely won the PV as well as the EC.

and since only about 1/3 of americans actually voted, it is impossible to know what the "majority" would have done.
You cannot know who they would have voted for, so your argument, like most of them, is invalid.

LOL, it's your argument, not mine, and yes, it is invalid.
You really are as stupid as I thought. It was something that I thought that I might have been wrong about.

Ok, I misread your post. My error. You are correct that the lack of tolerance hurts the liberal cause. Maxine Waters is a case in point. Stupid and intolerant.
Sorry about the typo. I am actually quite busy and should not be posting.
So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.

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