Will we ever be one country again?

I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Compromise, a dirty word by both sides is the only way to bring the nation together short of totalitarian rule which of course only suppresses the division.

There is no simple answer but there are a lot of small steps that would eventually have an effect. Just like a third grade teacher, leaders in congress should seat members alphabetically and breakup the clicks. The president should substitute "We" for "I" in all speeches and comments and stop attacking those that attack him because it only escalates the division. Both congress and the administration has to abandon the goal of packing the judiciary with political idealists but rather pick judges to achieve ideological balance and fairness.

The leadership in this country acts like a bunch kids screaming, "he started it". That has to stop. What the previous party in power or president did or did not do is rarely any justification for current actions. Whatever the issue, actions need to stand on their own merit.
There is no point on which compromise is possible.
As long as the two sides share the most basic common golds compromise is possible. Healthy disagreement, and debate leading to compromise is the American way. Without compromise, chaos is the only alternative in a democratic form of government.

How does one compromise with people who are smashing windows, lighting cars on fire, stopping traffic and attacking other people because of their politics? Where is the compromise, only assault half the people you wanted??????
You know quite well, I'm writing about political compromise among political leaders in Washington not rioters in the streets. That diversion won't work.

That may be, but remember that political leaders cater to their voters. Those are the people Democrats have to pander to.
We have never been as divided, as fractured as we are today. We despise one another.

We have always had depressed old crackpots moaning about such nonsense. They have always been revealing something about themselves, not the Republic.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.
You are disqualified from political talk for being a genuine idiot.
The USA is one country with a government of checks and balances.

You and Correll and bear and murica can whine all you want, but your kind of country is not going to happen.

"our kind of country" ? One that follows the constitution, treats everyone equally, rewards hard work, is strong, is honest? that kind of country?

Instead you want a country that thinks transgender is normal, abortion is wonderful, hating the rich is the thing to do, and catering to radicals that want to kill us is what we must do.
Nobody thinks this way. You want the 1950s back, it is not going to happen. This type of thinking is why the country will never come together again, you are too opposed to change and anything that you do not agree with, but blame all of the problems on those who think differently than you. wake up, have a look around.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

As long as two things exist, this division will continue, especially as it is being stoked by the fuck-awful national democraptic party:

1-the democrats (their identity politics and their aims for an impoverished, government-dependent mass public)
2-the 2 party system, which is designed to split the country in half

Here’s Why Democrats Must Not Abandon Identity Politics
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

A healthy, unified country would be one that has constructive debates, exchange of ideas, compromise. The reality is that there are those whose personal well-being depends on perpetual division; namely, racial and class warfare. Violent protests serve to do nothing but further divide US.Those that assaulted Trump Supporters during that campaign and smashed and trashed DC on Inauguration Day have no interest in a unified country unless everyone is unified in doing what the protesters want.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

We don't be one country again until the pro-Islam, globalist progressives are expunged.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

We don't be one country again until the pro-Islam, globalist progressives are expunged.
In other words, never.

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