Will we ever be one country again?

I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Compromise, a dirty word by both sides is the only way to bring the nation together short of totalitarian rule which of course only suppresses the division.

There is no simple answer but there are a lot of small steps that would eventually have an effect. Just like a third grade teacher, leaders in congress should seat members alphabetically and breakup the clicks. The president should substitute "We" for "I" in all speeches and comments and stop attacking those that attack him because it only escalates the division. Both congress and the administration has to abandon the goal of packing the judiciary with political idealists but rather pick judges to achieve ideological balance and fairness.

The leadership in this country acts like a bunch kids screaming, "he started it". That has to stop. What the previous party in power or president did or did not do is rarely any justification for current actions. Whatever the issue, actions need to stand on their own merit.
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1. Stop all immigration for 5-10 yrs to allow existing groups to assimilate into our culture.

2. Stop all federal funding of colleges and universities. Allow the free market to govern the regulation of these institutions. Without subsides these little Islands of Marxism will go away.

3. Shut down the Department of Education and make it illegal for teachers to form unions. This will decentralize the functioning/organization of teachers, thereby making any sort of concerted effort to form education agendas minimalized.

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The USA is one country with a government of checks and balances.

You and Correll and bear and murica can whine all you want, but your kind of country is not going to happen.

"our kind of country" ? One that follows the constitution, treats everyone equally, rewards hard work, is strong, is honest? that kind of country?

Instead you want a country that thinks transgender is normal, abortion is wonderful, hating the rich is the thing to do, and catering to radicals that want to kill us is what we must do.
You asked the question, "Will we ever be one country again". You just answered your own question. The country will never come together as long people like you are constantly spewing out hatred and venomous accusation against others. Such remarks just create more of the same.

As long as you can't tolerate those that offend you, those with radical ideas, and those that are abnormal, nothing will change. Maybe that's the way you like it, a country divided.
1. Stop all immigration for 5-10 yrs to allow existing groups to assimilate into our culture.

2. Stop all federal funding of colleges and universities. Allow the free market to govern the regulation of these institutions. Without subsides these little Islands of Marxism will go away.

3. Shut down the Department of Education and make it illegal for teachers to form unions. This will decentralize the functioning/organization of teachers, thereby making any sort of concerted effort to form education agendas minimalized.

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None of that is going to happen.
1. Stop all immigration for 5-10 yrs to allow existing groups to assimilate into our culture.

2. Stop all federal funding of colleges and universities. Allow the free market to govern the regulation of these institutions. Without subsides these little Islands of Marxism will go away.

3. Shut down the Department of Education and make it illegal for teachers to form unions. This will decentralize the functioning/organization of teachers, thereby making any sort of concerted effort to form education agendas minimalized.

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Well, that is certainly and interesting approach to bringing the country together again.
If we all come together the country ceases to exist. It is the incredible division that strengthens this nation. Can you think of a time we have been more united than today? Realistically it is our right to call out our nation that makes us strong. Division is good.
The USA is one country with a government of checks and balances.

You and Correll and bear and murica can whine all you want, but your kind of country is not going to happen.

"our kind of country" ? One that follows the constitution, treats everyone equally, rewards hard work, is strong, is honest? that kind of country?

Instead you want a country that thinks transgender is normal, abortion is wonderful, hating the rich is the thing to do, and catering to radicals that want to kill us is what we must do.
You asked the question, "Will we ever be one country again". You just answered your own question. The country will never come together as long people like you are constantly spewing out hatred and venomous accusation against others. Such remarks just create more of the same.

As long as you can't tolerate those that offend you, those with radical ideas, and those that are abnormal, nothing will change. Maybe that's the way you like it, a country divided.

You are speaking to those on the left, yes?

Because it isn't conservatives who are rioting in the streets, burning the flag and committing arson, vandalism, destruction of property, looting, committing assault and/or battery, blocking traffic and businesses of hard working people, and generally creating a terrorist environment.

It isn't the conservatives who try to destroy somebody for saying something politically correct. And if it is one claiming to be conservative who gets out of line in that regard, it is conservatives who tell them about it; i.e. the Westboro Baptist Church that we want no part of or the American Family Association trying to get J C Penney's to fire Ellen Degeneres because she is gay. Or the KKK or Skinhead groups who promote white supremacy. None of us condone that kind of thing either and you won't find more than one or two who will defend them in any way..

It isn't the conservatives who are rioting on campus to prevent an invited guest from speaking there and denying fellow students the right to hear that speaker.

Yes conservatives have their share of idiots and numbnuts who say hateful things just because they can. But most of us don't. And even those who do aren't forming hateful mobs doing destructive things and destroying what they can and denying others their civil rights.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Compromise, a dirty word by both sides is the only way to bring the nation together short of totalitarian rule which of course only suppresses the division.

There is no simple answer but there are a lot of small steps that would eventually have an effect. Just like a third grade teacher, leaders in congress should seat members alphabetically and breakup the clicks. The president should substitute "We" for "I" in all speeches and comments and stop attacking those that attack him because it only escalates the division. Both congress and the administration has to abandon the goal of packing the judiciary with political idealists but rather pick judges to achieve ideological balance and fairness.

The leadership in this country acts like a bunch kids screaming, "he started it". That has to stop. What the previous party in power or president did or did not do is rarely any justification for current actions. Whatever the issue, actions need to stand on their own merit.
There is no point on which compromise is possible.
The mobs came about because the trumpers, even though told stop or else, kept hitting people at their rallies.

My friend and I were exercising at the gym this AM, he is pro-Trump and I am not, and we went through the sixties.

We agreed that the hard right are bunch of wussies, despite all the talk, and that like during the sixties, the LEO will control the hard left.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

We haven't been one country for a very long time. Things started going down hill when we let the English herd the Irish over here. Things went over a cliff when we started letting Italians in.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
^Sanctimonious pearl clutching bullshit. He complains about division, and becomes depressed, lol.

Relax. Trump will fix it.
If we all come together the country ceases to exist. It is the incredible division that strengthens this nation. Can you think of a time we have been more united than today? Realistically it is our right to call out our nation that makes us strong. Division is good.
Certainly differing opinions is both natural and good. They bring in new ideas and solutions to problems. However, once differing options divide the nation so that progress made by either side is quickly reversed by the opposition when it gains control, the country just oscillates with little progress and growing frustration. When division becomes great enough then the nation divides, literally or figuratively into smaller weaker segments and becomes prey for more powerful enemies abroad.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Compromise, a dirty word by both sides is the only way to bring the nation together short of totalitarian rule which of course only suppresses the division.

There is no simple answer but there are a lot of small steps that would eventually have an effect. Just like a third grade teacher, leaders in congress should seat members alphabetically and breakup the clicks. The president should substitute "We" for "I" in all speeches and comments and stop attacking those that attack him because it only escalates the division. Both congress and the administration has to abandon the goal of packing the judiciary with political idealists but rather pick judges to achieve ideological balance and fairness.

The leadership in this country acts like a bunch kids screaming, "he started it". That has to stop. What the previous party in power or president did or did not do is rarely any justification for current actions. Whatever the issue, actions need to stand on their own merit.
There is no point on which compromise is possible.
As long as the two sides share the most basic common golds compromise is possible. Healthy disagreement, and debate leading to compromise is the American way. Without compromise, chaos is the only alternative in a democratic form of government.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Maybe it's time to stop chugging the Trump koolaid mr.Chiken-little and go get some exercise.
Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.

Congratulations, you have just summarized liberals in the present.

You mean like not allowing gays to marry or women to have abortions? No, the neocon right is what is wrong with your country. Until you actually live the ideals you claim to believe in, it will always be that way.

Trump has done many things in a short time. Notice nothing has changed on either of the two lies you made.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.

Projection. The only way to ever unite this Nation again would be for us to capitulate to everything the Left demands.

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