Will we ever be one country again?

The USA is one country with a government of checks and balances.

You and Correll and bear and murica can whine all you want, but your kind of country is not going to happen.
It already did and the people will take it back.
No, it did not, as we see the courts putting the ban on hold and the congressional leaders saying NO to any attempt to legislate a ban.

When Pence and Mattis remove Trump, life will become more normal.

Is it allowed on this board to suggest violence re the President? Even assassination?

Per the OP, THAT is what is wrong with America these days.
The OP didn't say that. Are you escalating the problem here?

Just responding to a member's post if you'll notice. That member certainly appeared to be escalating the problem.
I believe Jake was referring to the somewhat ridiculous idea that the establishment Republicans are going to institute a polite "coup" and get him out legally via impeachment. No basis for that, but I believe that's what he meant.
We will never be a united country again. The left believes that if they can just strong arm everyone else we can be browbeaten into being one country. It isn't going to happen. The right is as capable of sabotage and obstruction as the left is. Until we give up and recognize that unity is dead, the country will continually suffer treason and espionage against whatever party is in power.

This is far removed from the simple political differences of the revolution or even civil war. The people of this country despise one another on a very personal visceral level. There is nothing that we share. There is not a value or tradition that we share. End the agony. Break up the country.
LOL Tipsy, you're just projecting.
We don't hate each other on a deeply personal visceral level!
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Were you born after 1975? That's when I graduated from high school. I remember a time we were far more divided than today. History is a marvelous thing. It provides perspective.

You may be remembering the Vietnam era which was when violent rioting first became a popular form of protest. But I am older than you, Nosmo, and I don't recall the nation being anywhere near as divided then. With some exceptions, people were much more able to put things into proper perspective in the 60's and 70's. They could appreciate a President not of their party who did something good, were not so quick to automatically condemn or extrapolate into something bad everything somebody on the other side says. We were allowed to disagree peacefully.
Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Black and living in Mississippi. Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were students at Kent State University. And folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Gay and at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan.

Sure you can find anecdotal exceptions in the midst of any argument. But anecdotal circumstances are not illustrative of the way things generally are.

For instance, the President was not allowed to speak ANYWHERE without angry, hostile and too often violent crowd harassing and sometimes assaulting those who wanted to attend the speech as well as law enforcement attempting to keep the peace. A conservative and his would be audience is not allowed to speak on most university campuses anymore without encountering the same treatment.

That kind of militant intolerance would never have been tolerated by anybody not that long ago.
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It already did and the people will take it back.
No, it did not, as we see the courts putting the ban on hold and the congressional leaders saying NO to any attempt to legislate a ban.

When Pence and Mattis remove Trump, life will become more normal.

Is it allowed on this board to suggest violence re the President? Even assassination?

Per the OP, THAT is what is wrong with America these days.
The OP didn't say that. Are you escalating the problem here?

Just responding to a member's post if you'll notice. That member certainly appeared to be escalating the problem.
I believe Jake was referring to the somewhat ridiculous idea that the establishment Republicans are going to institute a polite "coup" and get him out legally via impeachment. No basis for that, but I believe that's what he meant.

Then that is what he should have said.
We will never be a united country again. The left believes that if they can just strong arm everyone else we can be browbeaten into being one country. It isn't going to happen. The right is as capable of sabotage and obstruction as the left is. Until we give up and recognize that unity is dead, the country will continually suffer treason and espionage against whatever party is in power.

This is far removed from the simple political differences of the revolution or even civil war. The people of this country despise one another on a very personal visceral level. There is nothing that we share. There is not a value or tradition that we share. End the agony. Break up the country.
LOL Tipsy, you're just projecting.
We don't hate each other on a deeply personal visceral level!
You aren't paying attention.
We're not at a crossroads, we're not divided more than usual, and we're not coming unglued.

We've always been contentious, and there have always been some nuts marching around wearing sandwich boards proclaiming the end of the world.

Any hysterical idiots running around screeching about "breaking up the country" are not Americans and understand nothing of this great nation.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Were you born after 1975? That's when I graduated from high school. I remember a time we were far more divided than today. History is a marvelous thing. It provides perspective.

You may be remembering the Vietnam era which was when violent rioting first became a popular form of protest. But I am older than you, Nosmo, and I don't recall the nation being anywhere near as divided then. With some exceptions, people were much more able to put things into proper perspective in the 60's and 70's. They could appreciate a President not of their party who did something good, were not so quick to automatically condemn or extrapolate into something bad everything somebody on the other side says. We were allowed to disagree peacefully.
Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Black and living in Mississippi. Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were students at Kent State University. And folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Gay and at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan.

Sure you can find anecdotal exceptions in the midst of any argument. But anecdotal circumstances are not illustrative of the way things generally are.

For instance, the President was not allowed to speak ANYWHERE without angry, hostile and too often violent crowed harassing and sometimes assaulting those who wanted to attend the speech as well as law enforcement attempting to keep the peace. A conservative and his would be audience is not allowed to speak on most university campuses anymore without encountering the same treatment.

That would never have been tolerated by anybody not that long ago.
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was slated to deliver the commencement address to my class at The Ohio State University in 1979. He faced violent protests because he endorsed a UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. I did not hear Senator Moynihan that day. To tell you the truth, I can't recall who delivers the address.
Many in the tech world imagined that the internet would connect people in unprecedented ways, allow for divisions to be bridged and wounds to heal – a Kumbaya dream of sorts. Today, those same dreamers find it quite unsettling to watch as the tools that were designed to bring people together are used by people to magnify divisions and undermine social solidarity. Self-segregation: how a personalized world is dividing Americans
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Were you born after 1975? That's when I graduated from high school. I remember a time we were far more divided than today. History is a marvelous thing. It provides perspective.

You may be remembering the Vietnam era which was when violent rioting first became a popular form of protest. But I am older than you, Nosmo, and I don't recall the nation being anywhere near as divided then. With some exceptions, people were much more able to put things into proper perspective in the 60's and 70's. They could appreciate a President not of their party who did something good, were not so quick to automatically condemn or extrapolate into something bad everything somebody on the other side says. We were allowed to disagree peacefully.
Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Black and living in Mississippi. Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were students at Kent State University. And folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Gay and at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan.

Sure you can find anecdotal exceptions in the midst of any argument. But anecdotal circumstances are not illustrative of the way things generally are.

For instance, the President was not allowed to speak ANYWHERE without angry, hostile and too often violent crowed harassing and sometimes assaulting those who wanted to attend the speech as well as law enforcement attempting to keep the peace. A conservative and his would be audience is not allowed to speak on most university campuses anymore without encountering the same treatment.

That would never have been tolerated by anybody not that long ago.
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was slated to deliver the commencement address to my class at The Ohio State University in 1979. He faced violent protests because he endorsed a UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. I did not hear Senator Moynihan that day. To tell you the truth, I can't recall who delivers the address.

Point well taken and I strongly doubt I would have approved of that either. There is no excuse for violence just because we disagree.

But protesting a specific action that we believe to be harmful to people is a very different thing than protesting somebody's opinion about something. I will participate in non violent protests of specific actions that I believe to be harmful. But to protest somebody, peaceful or otherwise, just because he/she expressed an opinion that I disagree with? That would be hateful, intolerant, bigoted, malicious, and wrong.
There are still millions of friends and family of differing political views who love and respect each other - as there have always been.

My father and I argue about politics all the time. He used to be conservative, but now at the age of 85, he became liberal because of all the lies Democrats told him about what Republicans want to take away from him.

No matter how heated the discussions get, we always walk away with a hug. Same goes for my cousins and uncles.
No, it did not, as we see the courts putting the ban on hold and the congressional leaders saying NO to any attempt to legislate a ban.

When Pence and Mattis remove Trump, life will become more normal.

Is it allowed on this board to suggest violence re the President? Even assassination?

Per the OP, THAT is what is wrong with America these days.
The OP didn't say that. Are you escalating the problem here?

Just responding to a member's post if you'll notice. That member certainly appeared to be escalating the problem.
Only a confused libertarian supporting a Big Government Trump could possible think there was any escalation.

Foxfyre, you have been told over the years, that violence is not the answer. It is still not.

Glad to hear it Jake. But when you suggest that the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense REMOVE the President, that sounds pretty violent to me.
25th Amendment Section 4 is not violent. It requires the VP and a majority of the cabinet, which I would think in our environment today would require Mattis to agree, notify the House that the President is incapable of performing the duties of President. Congress would then take, I imagine, a sense of the Congress, on the notice. GOP Congress would love a President Pence.
No, it did not, as we see the courts putting the ban on hold and the congressional leaders saying NO to any attempt to legislate a ban.

When Pence and Mattis remove Trump, life will become more normal.

Is it allowed on this board to suggest violence re the President? Even assassination?

Per the OP, THAT is what is wrong with America these days.
The OP didn't say that. Are you escalating the problem here?

Just responding to a member's post if you'll notice. That member certainly appeared to be escalating the problem.
I believe Jake was referring to the somewhat ridiculous idea that the establishment Republicans are going to institute a polite "coup" and get him out legally via impeachment. No basis for that, but I believe that's what he meant.

Then that is what he should have said.
You, my dear, are not the boss. Not even Boss is the boss. :lol:
Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.

Congratulations, you have just summarized liberals in the present.

You mean like not allowing gays to marry or women to have abortions? No, the neocon right is what is wrong with your country. Until you actually live the ideals you claim to believe in, it will always be that way.
There are still millions of friends and family of differing political views who love and respect each other - as there have always been.

I hope you're right. I have been watching recent polls in which just about everybody responds that they have lost at least one friend or have become estranged from a family member over disagreements in this election cycle.

To me, to unfriend somebody or distance yourself from a family member because you disagree with him/her is the height of silliness, making mountains out of molehills, and/or demonstrates a kind of shallowness. It is so much easier to refuse to fight with friends or family over politics or any difference of opinion about anything.
I guess I am older than all of you because I Know the truth about all of the times either by direct conversation with hundreds of veterans, and my grandparents and their peers. Liberalisim was started by the Communist party in this country right after the second world war. Before that it was Blatant communisim, and rejected by the people who fought against tyranny in the world. The basis of the riots we see in this country NOW are the same tactics use by Communist for 100 years to take a country down, and make it a socialist state, Then it is easily Turned into a communist dictatorship by one party rule. If you cannot see the trend and that is the objective of the democratic socialist party now called the democrat party. You have a completely monoplanic mental capacity and will never accept any FACTS that are contrary to the indoctrination you have succumbed to. You are being taught an alternate redesigned history, and given only parts of the complete design of our constitution that support a worldview and ruling class mentality. It is a FACT that the President of the United States has A legal and a Constitutional AUTHORITY to stop immigration from any group or country, or continent,>>>> ETC there are NO restrictions on the reason or description of the group. There is statutory authority for it given by the CONGRESS many years ago. The FACT is the people of this country are being LIED to in a MASSIVE conspiracy by the democratic socialist party with every available asset at their command. This is very different from the stupidity of the Vietnam war era protest, the people were also indoctrinated liberals, but they at least had a measure of honor, and respect for the country, These people have NONE whatsoever, and WANT this country to fall and be absorbed by the NWO so they can disburse the assets of this country as they choose. Different game. It is the same as it has been for all of the countries george soros has done the same thing to, Greece was one of his most effective attacks. his major problem here is the armed citizenry, and the good ole boys and the rest of the real American Patriots he will HAVE to kill to complete his destruction of our government. The rest are already to dumb and indoctrinated to know what is happening to them. It is hard to find out the FACTS, and most don't want to know them.
We are one nation

Under God


With liberty and justice for all

And if you don't believe that then you should go fuck yourself

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