Will we ever be one country again?

A lot of money has been spent and efforts exerted to assist in the breakdown so it may be fifty plus years before this ends.

From what I see a big problem will be the cities and metro areas that have planned poorly
, were short sighted or/and those that have been led by corrupt political associates.
The problem there is the negative consequences of such planning.

Were central planning all that, then these urban centers -nearly all of which being singularly run by democrats- would be borderline paradises. But reality shows the exact opposite.
Metro areas of any size depend so much on outside sources to survive and thrive but planners rarely have the experience or forethought to consider that as they plan and scheme.

Self sufficiency in emergency situations, personal responsibilities or things that could improve even daily life are not even remotely considered in most of the metro areas. Plus regulations get in the way and much of that has to do with control freaks putting in regulations that prevent people from being self reliant.

so true-----the fantasies of ROBERT MOSES-----still plague the great city of NEW YORK
Never got that far north on the East Coast but really had no desire to enter into congested areas as such either. Southern California when we left was crowded enough for me.
Metro areas of any size depend so much on outside sources to survive and thrive but planners rarely have the experience or forethought to consider that as they plan and scheme.

Self sufficiency in emergency situations, personal responsibilities or things that could improve even daily life are not even remotely considered in most of the metro areas. Plus regulations get in the way and much of that has to do with control freaks putting in regulations that prevent people from being self reliant.
Central planners quash such self-reliance, responsibility, and neighbors coming together. It's what they do.
Most of our country is united, don't let the media spin fool you. If the people received the truth for a week or two it would be 80/20 with the left booted to the curb.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.

You made my point perfectly. You attack me because I disagree with you. I ask you, did conservatives riot in the streets when Obama won? did they destroy public and private property? Did they attack liberals physically and prevent them from speaking? NO. The hate and fear is exclusively on your side. YOU are intolerant of any viewpoint but yours. What's really frustrating is that you don't know it.
Q. Will we ever be one country again

A. Not as long as you and others like you on both ends of the spectrum continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.
Fixed it for you.

Good fix, but if we are to be honest about it, the far right is much smaller than the far left. The far left is 98% of Hollywood, 80% of the media, and 99% of the democrat party.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
The "protesters" and rioters are a very small cross section of the Murican public. Media coverage seems aimed at portraying them as a far larger group than they are.

Agitators, malcontents, and goon squads don't need to be united with, they need to be crushed, politically speaking.

I hope you are correct about the numbers, but I seriously doubt it.
It's a damn shame that people on both sides of the isle forget what a great Country we live in and how lucky they are to live in a Country where liberties are spelled out in the Bill of Rights. Even our closest neighbor to the north, Canada, doesn't have the freedom we take for granted. There will always be differences of political opinion and unfortunately there will always be ignorance and anger that spills over to violence but we are not a divided Country. With very few exceptions we all respect the rule of law and the Constitution.
A. Not as long as you and others like you continue to hate and fear everyone whose ideas challenge your/their own.

It's not hate and fear, the left has forced their agenda down everyone's throats, you think everyone is going to roll over for your perverted lifestyle. Do what you want to in the privacy of your own home, no one cares, otherwise you open yourself up...
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Speaking for the Right, we have no problem with people who don't believe as we do.

We are not the ones rioting to prevent lefties from speaking.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
I think it's always been this way to an extent. It's just that the internet allows us to see all the nuts and fruitcakes more than when we had just radior or 3 television stations.

FWIW, remember the lynchings and mob rule in America? No, not of black guys, I mean white guys.

NSFW, white male nudity involved as the bodies were stripped before lynching:
ODD NEWS AND STORIES: Thurmond and Holmes Execution

Brooke Hart - Wikipedia

The fact is, all through history there are a lot of examples of people hating on their fellow human beings for one reason or another.
Absolute nonsense!

I can drive from NY to CA without showing my passport, stay at the same chain hotels, eat at the same chain restaurants, buy gas from the same gas stations and not give a shit about the politics of the people I meet along the way so long as nobody brings them up.

You get out there on the interstate and everything looks exactly the same.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

Those on the right and those on the left are approaching things very differently these days. Once each side passionately argued its point of view, then everybody voted, one or the other side won, and then everybody went to have a cup of coffee or a beer together.

But these days, allowing for a few exceptions, those on the right are mostly a live and let live group. They object and complain if they believe something is wrong and they still passionately argue their point of view. But as long as other stay out of their faces and are not physically harming others, they mostly allow others to hold a different point of view in peace and without retaliation.

Not so with way too many on the left who demand that everybody believe as they believe, think as they think, promote what they promote. Those who do not are subject to having their businesses or jobs viciously attacked, their advertisers, suppliers, etc. attacked, or anybody who supports them in any way attacked. They take to the streets and block traffic and access to businesses in the area, burn, destroy, vandalize, loot, commit assault and battery, and deny people ability to speak and deny other the ability to hear the speaker.

Until that kind of behavior becomes socially unacceptable again, there will continue to be more hate than love, more violence than reasonableness, more intolerance than tolerance.
I hope you are correct about the numbers, but I seriously doubt it.
Look at the election returns, then do a little adjusting.

Total vote: 137 million, out of 242 million total adults (let's say for argument's sake 10% ineligible to vote) = 62% turnout. 38% (at least) didn't vote.

Hillary got 48% of the total vote. 65 million.

No fewer than half of those votes came from people who vote democrat by habit or impulse. Let's be charitable and call it 1/2.

That leaves roughly (liberally) 35 million out of a total of 218 million that could have voted.

Now, how many out of that already small percentage are taking to the streets and making asses of themselves?

Yes, these rabble rousing malcontents are a very distinctly small minority.
Democrats will get another 'sign' in '18. We'll then see if they've learned anything.
The USA is one country with a government of checks and balances.

You and Correll and bear and murica can whine all you want, but your kind of country is not going to happen.
The USA is one country with a government of checks and balances.

You and Correll and bear and murica can whine all you want, but your kind of country is not going to happen.

"our kind of country" ? One that follows the constitution, treats everyone equally, rewards hard work, is strong, is honest? that kind of country?

Instead you want a country that thinks transgender is normal, abortion is wonderful, hating the rich is the thing to do, and catering to radicals that want to kill us is what we must do.

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