Will we ever be one country again?

So answer the question then. You said the problem with Redfish is he can't admit that Republicans aren't always right. So show where you realized you and the Democrats were wrong. You seem to be saying that you are doing what you just said, accusing Redfish of what you do. So, show that's not so. How were you/Democrats wrong, that's what you accused him of
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.
I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.

We can move on from the US discussion now since you admitted that you are what you accused Redfish of being. You believe the Democrats are never wrong. Other than they care too much and try too hard, darn it, they just love people. OK, you admit they are a bit intolerant in their being right all the time ...

So what freedoms are there in Ireland we don't have here?
I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.
How many guns you own?
One thing that I think is wrong with liberals (or progressives) is intolerance. We were was tolerant of other people's views, although we did not agree with them.

I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
Where do you shoot your AR-15?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.

We can move on from the US discussion now since you admitted that you are what you accused Redfish of being. You believe the Democrats are never wrong. Other than they care too much and try too hard, darn it, they just love people. OK, you admit they are a bit intolerant in their being right all the time ...

So what freedoms are there in Ireland we don't have here?
People can have civilized political discussions and disagree in a civil way. in the United States you have to be careful who you are talking to or in front of because of the intolerance. This goes for both sides f the fence. people here are much more civil.
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
Where do you shoot your AR-15?
First I stick it up your ass, then.....
You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.

We can move on from the US discussion now since you admitted that you are what you accused Redfish of being. You believe the Democrats are never wrong. Other than they care too much and try too hard, darn it, they just love people. OK, you admit they are a bit intolerant in their being right all the time ...

So what freedoms are there in Ireland we don't have here?
People can have civilized political discussions and disagree in a civil way. in the United States you have to be careful who you are talking to or in front of because of the intolerance. This goes for both sides f the fence. people here are much more civil.
What weapon do you CCW?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.
How many guns you own?
I live in a civilized country, no need for guns unless you are a hunter.
I don't attack people for typos, but this typo prevented me from understanding what you said. Are you saying the problem with liberals is they are or they are not tolerant?
Sorry, NOT tolerant.

You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.

I see zero tolerance you have over Redfish. You're certainly someone I recognize as never deviating from the Democrat party line and personally insulting Republicans, as you do with Redfish. I still see no evidence you are in any way what you claim to advocate.

On Ireland though, I worked 9 months in the Netherlands last year. One thing that I have said many times I see as a difference is there is a lot less anger over there than here. This is just a very angry country now. You only seem to see the anger in "them" though. It's in you and Republicans.

As for freedom, you keep repeating it's freer over there and still zero examples. Getting examples from you on anything you claim remains elusive
Last edited:
You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.

We can move on from the US discussion now since you admitted that you are what you accused Redfish of being. You believe the Democrats are never wrong. Other than they care too much and try too hard, darn it, they just love people. OK, you admit they are a bit intolerant in their being right all the time ...

So what freedoms are there in Ireland we don't have here?
People can have civilized political discussions and disagree in a civil way. in the United States you have to be careful who you are talking to or in front of because of the intolerance. This goes for both sides f the fence. people here are much more civil.

I agree, I made a similar comment in a prior post. It's a lot safer though to disagree with a Republican than a Democrat. I can tell you that as someone who regularly disagrees with them both. That's not really "freer" though, how are you freer in Ireland
You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
Where do you shoot your AR-15?
First I stick it up your ass, then.....

You're the one who sounds angry, guy, not Owebo
You are saying one problem with liberals you are not tolerant? Agreed and OK that is one thing. Liberals are not tolerant. What about positions? That is more what you implied with Redfish when you said he can't admit he and the Republicans are not always right. The thing that you seem to have implied was he can't recognize when a position doesn't work. If that's not what you meant you can correct that, but Democrat policies don't work all the time, do you see that?

I'll give you some examples. I used to be a Republican, I left the party in roughly 1990. Some things I learned I/the Republicans were wrong about.

1) I supported Gulf War I and our Middle East policy. Sure, it was for good intentions, I thought we could make a difference over there for the good. I was forced to realize that it wasn't working. Nothing we did over there was leading to a better result, just more war, more guns, more terror. So by Gulf War II I opposed our entire presence in the Middle East

2) I used to be pro-life. I haven't changed my values, but I was forced to recognize that forcing a woman to carry a baby in her body against her will is a terrible idea and doesn't work. You want to end abortions? Give women choices and support and convince her to carry it, government guns only make it worse

3) I used to be for the war on drugs. I was forced to recognize that everything that happens is bad. Shootings, destabilizing governments, and ... we still have the drugs ...

Those are three cases I realized I/the Republicans were wrong because of policies that I supported the objective but came to realize didn't work by the results.

So, when have you realized Democrats were wrong?
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.
How many guns you own?
I live in a civilized country, no need for guns unless you are a hunter.

The US isn't civilized, gotcha. What a stupid comment
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
Where do you shoot your AR-15?
First I stick it up your ass, then.....

You're the one who sounds angry, guy, not Owebo
You mistake a joke with anger.
I agree wit most of the Democrats policies, especially the ones you mentioned.

I cannot honestly say that I agree with many Republican policies that oppose Democratic policies.

I think many of the Democrat leaders are timid and do not stand strong enough for their beliefs.

As I said before, I do not believe there is the liberal tolerance that there once was.

The DNC certainly should not have run Hillary. Bernie Saunders was the man of the people who should be President. Saying that he was unelectable was bullshit, in my opinion. And even if he was, he was the right person for the job and should have been the candidate.

so you want to live in a socialist state? try north korea.
I am very happy here in the Republic of Ireland. Much more freedom here than where you are.
How many guns you own?
I live in a civilized country, no need for guns unless you are a hunter.

The US isn't civilized, gotcha. What a stupid comment
It is a dangerous place, too many guns, too many angry people. I prefer to live in a country where the police do not carry firearms than a place where they carry a glock and the most firepower that they can. Yes, I am the stupid one.
You said though that the nation will never unite as long as people like Redfish will never admit they are wrong. Are these the sort of things you were looking for from him? I don't think so. All he has to say is Republicans should be more tolerant and maybe run a different candidate and you'd say OK, thanks, you aren't preventing the country from uniting anymore!

Oh, and you want Redfish to admit Republicans "do not stand strong enough for their beliefs?" That actually seems to be what you accused him of, standing too strongly for his beliefs
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
Where do you shoot your AR-15?
First I stick it up your ass, then.....

You're the one who sounds angry, guy, not Owebo
You mistake a joke with anger.

"Stick it up your ass?" How was it a joke?

You clearly have flagrant double standards with Republicans and Democrats
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?

I appreciate your thinking about these things. We can start by making sure that everyone's rights are protected. That does not mean that any group gets to decide that they don't like certain people so can refuse to serve them, hire them or violate their rights in other ways.

Probably not voting for someone who spews hate would help, too. I'm afraid installing Donald as president along with his white supremacist advisor is not particularly helpful.
Being less tolerant of anything he does not agree with. Freedom is for everyone, every race, every gender, every sexual preference, every religion (or lack of). here in Ireland i feel much freer than I did in the United States. And we are certainly freer than the U.S. is now.
Where do you shoot your AR-15?
First I stick it up your ass, then.....

You're the one who sounds angry, guy, not Owebo
You mistake a joke with anger.

"Stick it up your ass?" How was it a joke?

You clearly have flagrant double standards with Republicans and Democrats
He asked me where I shoot my AR-15, which is a really stupid question.
I am very concerned about the divisions within this country. The rioting, the looting, the destruction of public and private property, the corruption of our media, the indoctrination of our young people, the Nazi like tactics against those who disagree with you, the suppression of free speech.

Over the last 20 or so years, we have become divided by race, sex, age, income, ethnicity, religion, location, political party, et. al.

Does anyone see a way to unite this country? Would we be better off to split the country into two or three nations? Why is it more important for your party to win than your nation?

Watching this is very depressing and I am sure the founders are turning over in their graves over what has become of the USA.

Why must we hate those who worship differently, think differently, live differently? Why do those on the left believe that we must all believe what they believe? (same question for those on the right).

We are at a crossroads, what happens next?
Were you born after 1975? That's when I graduated from high school. I remember a time we were far more divided than today. History is a marvelous thing. It provides perspective.

You may be remembering the Vietnam era which was when violent rioting first became a popular form of protest. But I am older than you, Nosmo, and I don't recall the nation being anywhere near as divided then. With some exceptions, people were much more able to put things into proper perspective in the 60's and 70's. They could appreciate a President not of their party who did something good, were not so quick to automatically condemn or extrapolate into something bad everything somebody on the other side says. We were allowed to disagree peacefully.
Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Black and living in Mississippi. Folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were students at Kent State University. And folks were not allowed to peacefully disagree if they were Gay and at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan.
The tide has turned. Now if you disagree with any of the above you are shutdown by either violence or a good smear job on CNN

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