Will you accept Biden as your president if the final tally goes that way?

Will you accept Biden as your President if certified?

  • YES

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 34 65.4%

  • Total voters
Never. I was told under Obama I had to respect the office even if I didn't like the person. I did.
Then came Trump and the left pissed on him at even opportunity.
Never will a democrat ever be my president.

Everything that happened to Trump was a direct result of..Trump. And based on a still unseen tape that's probably still in someone's safe, he likes it when people do that to him. Gives him a reason to be angry.
I believe that Repubs need to up their ante and stop kissing Progs butts. It would be interesting to see the rights version of Progs running for office. Even if they need machine guns to defend themselves. There are people out there. And you wonder if patience has worn thin enough yet. Either way, you Progs have a rude awakening when your party ever gains full power. They will shoehorn the population into the economy that exists while consolidating it for the top tier of despots in charge.
If he's seated as the president, then as an American he's my president.
I won't cooperate with him, I'll fight him every step of the way, and I'll work hard to keep Kamala from being reelected in 2024, but until then he's the president.
If he's seated as the president, then as an American he's my president.
I won't cooperate with him, I'll fight him every step of the way, and I'll work hard to keep Kamala from being reelected in 2024, but until then he's the president.

So you 'ACCEPT" him as your President then?

That was actually the question.

Huge difference between a tyrant stealing an election and you accepting that tyrant as legitimate.
How was Hitler illegitimate? Do you know anything about him except what jews have told you?

And there you have it folks......

This post represents the Left very well today
I'm not a leftist lol. I'm a third positionist. Strong social programs for whites in a white country with a white government and an independent national bank free of jewry.
If he's seated as the president, then as an American he's my president.
I won't cooperate with him, I'll fight him every step of the way, and I'll work hard to keep Kamala from being reelected in 2024, but until then he's the president.

So you 'ACCEPT" him as your President then?

That was actually the question.

Huge difference between a tyrant stealing an election and you accepting that tyrant as legitimate.

If it can be proven he stole the election, then no one should accept him.
If he's seated as the president, then as an American he's my president.
I won't cooperate with him, I'll fight him every step of the way, and I'll work hard to keep Kamala from being reelected in 2024, but until then he's the president.

So you 'ACCEPT" him as your President then?

That was actually the question.

Huge difference between a tyrant stealing an election and you accepting that tyrant as legitimate.

If it can be proven he stole the election, then no one should accept him.

Sometimes crimes are committed and there's only the victims.
No evidence other than the path of destruction and clues.

We may not be able to prove it, because the perpetrators were very well planned and the Establishment will cover for them.
Personally, I'm certain that the Dominion voting processes were the key to Biden's outcome.
Why did they shut down suddenly as Trump was winning clearly? Why were poll watchers removed?

But there are certainly enough indicators that back it.
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs.

You live in a country now where:
  • The government doesn't even follow it own laws.
  • 90% of what the fed does conflicts with its own Constitution.
  • The higher up the ladder in the legal system, the bigger the crimes they get away with themselves while punishing little people over travails.
  • Nothing the government-run media tells you can be believed.
  • Our Congress spends 95% of its energy fighting with itself over power and control while enriching itself with your money. The other 5% on improving YOUR life.
  • And now there is so much money at stake that they have invalidated an election to install a puppet regime to be sure it isn't ever interfered with further.
Will you accept Biden as your president if the final tally goes that way?

Will any of us have a choice?
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs.

You live in a country now where:
  • The government doesn't even follow it own laws.
  • 90% of what the fed does conflicts with its own Constitution.
  • The higher up the ladder in the legal system, the bigger the crimes they get away with themselves while punishing little people over travails.
  • Nothing the government-run media tells you can be believed.
  • Our Congress spends 95% of its energy fighting with itself over power and control while enriching itself with your money. The other 5% on improving YOUR life.
  • And now there is so much money at stake that they have invalidated an election to install a puppet regime to be sure it isn't ever interfered with further.

For a long time, you can go back and search my posts where many times I have said......

"Only True American Patriots can save America"

But they have chosen a do nothing approach, and therefore evil will prevail. here we are.
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can ever represent my values and beliefs. in fact, they represent the antithesis.
They have advocated for taxpayer funded abortion, drastic reductions in gun rights, China favoritism, increased welfare programs, virtually open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, rejoining the Paris accord which specifically harms Americans energy position, expansive and expensive Green Energy Projects that have never resulted in a significant contribution to society and generally most anything that is proven to harm Americans and their Liberties.

Biden is an indisputable lifetime career politician, long since corrupted by Washington and the power of power at the expense of the governed.
Harris is a Socialist and reminds me of AOC.

There is no way I can ever accept them as my President or Vice President.
Clearly, China has announced they are quite pleased with Bidens' potential term. A Hard core, radical, murderous regime happy over a US president elect?
If you see no problem with that, you are either a fool, blind, ignorant, a communist yourself or a combination of all.

The Left should clearly understand this as that is exactly the position they took on Trump for 4 years.

What about you?

If by some deceit Biden should be certified President, will you accept him as your President?
Will you be able to accept the Harris/Biden Administration as "legitimate" ?
doesnt matter if they represent your values they would still be your president and VP,,,
Was Trump ever " your president ? "

Don't even try to tell me that the answer is yes.

If Biden gets sworn in as president by the chief justice of the supreme court, he will have all the constitutional powers that are afforded to that position. Whether I accept it or not will be a moot point.

That he will. He would never be my choice but if he does get elected no one has a choice.

I will say if he does what he says he will do the mid terms won't be his friend. I think the Dems will lose the House and the Reps will keep the Senate. Maybe between them than can curtail the bullshit he wants to do.

I sure see the economy in the toilet and UE through the roof. Hope I'm wrong but don't think I am.
The notion of who is President is not, in reality, a notion, just as a bad neighbor is a reality and not a notion.
I fully expected that even after Trump's second term that the US would go back to an establishment, Big Money, owned professional politician and that the US will fall well within a decade regardless.
Will you accept Biden as your president if the final tally goes that way?

Will any of us have a choice?

He may have been chosen by the Establishment, but We The People do not have to accept his regime as legitimate.
There will be MANY unconstitutional Executive Orders

Their effectiveness will be entirely dependent on how many ACCEPT Biden as President and follow his EO's
1000 ways to resist. But you have to be will willing to not accept.
Will you accept Biden as your president if the final tally goes that way?

Will any of us have a choice?

He may have been chosen by the Establishment, but We The People do not have to accept his regime as legitimate.
There will be MANY unconstitutional Executive Orders

Their effectiveness will be entirely dependent on how many ACCEPT Biden as President and follow his EO's
1000 ways to resist. But you have to be will willing to not accept.
Legitimacy is a different question entirely.

Biden or (insert puppet here) will be your President, at gunpoint.
My mind is made, Biden nor Harris can never represent my values and beliefs. in fact, they represent the antithesis.
They have advocated for taxpayer funded abortion, drastic reductions in gun rights, China favoritism, increased welfare programs, virtually open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, rejoining the Paris accord which specifically harms Americans energy position, expansive and expensive Green Energy Projects that have never resulted in a significant contribution to society and generally most anything that is proven to harm Americans and their Liberties.

Biden is an indisputable lifetime career politician, long since corrupted by Washington and the power of power at the expense of the governed.
Harris is a Socialist and reminds me of AOC.

There is no way I can ever accept them as my President or Vice President.
Clearly, China has announced they are quite pleased with Bidens' potential term. A Hard core, radical, murderous regime happy over a US president elect?
If you see no problem with that, you are either a fool, blind, ignorant, a communist yourself or a combination of all.

The Left should clearly understand this as that is exactly the position they took on Trump for 4 years.

What about you?

If by any means Biden should be certified President, will you accept him as your President?
Will you be able to accept the Harris/Biden Administration as "legitimate" ?
Looks like the no side is winning here. Do you want me to find a bunch more yes votes?

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