Will you accept the outcome of this election?

You are presumptive in every aspect of your retorts; meaning, you are in no position to use my line of thinking as “baseless”. Now, you throw the “birther” debate into it. No, I’m not a birther as I always question things that originate with Hillary Clinton.
If you believe that the last election was stolen, then yes your line of reasoning is baseless and you’re a conspiracy theorist.
He didn’t straight up win. It was a blow out.
That usually happens when you spike the ball after an out of bounds play, otherwise thinking it was a legal touch down, and now that play is getting appropriately called back for a penalty that will turn the ball back over to the appropriate team. Why ? Because it was fourth down on the desperate play y'all alledgedly tried to fake. Otherwise it was an illegitimate play worthy of the call back being administered in this mid field election.
How do “Republicans never lose an election again” without cheating. A fix?
Nope, just winning the hearts of Americans through sound rational policies. No cheating needed. The gig is up, Democrat's are out of ideas, and they decided to leave the people behind using harsh pandering and identity politics to plow the way, but that plow has dulled out bad now..... They can't push a tennis ball through a 40" hole.
If you believe that the last election was stolen, then yes your line of reasoning is baseless and you’re a conspiracy theorist.
To say I believe the last election was stolen is presumptive on your part. I have not said that. At this point, I don’t believe the last election was stolen. Again, I QUESTION the last election based on anomalies, heuristics, and inconsistencies - all of which do not necessarily lead to conclusion the Election was stolen.
To say I believe the last election was stolen is presumptive on your part.
Whatever word games you want to play, you said you question the legitimacy of the last election.

That would make you a conspiracy theorist who doesn’t trust our democratic process.

We have a lot of you guys here who will believe in baseless tinfoil hat nonsense whenever their side doesn’t win. You’re no different.
Whatever word games you want to play, you said you question the legitimacy of the last election.

That would make you a conspiracy theorist who doesn’t trust our democratic process.

We have a lot of you guys here who will believe in baseless tinfoil hat nonsense whenever their side doesn’t win. You’re no different.
It is not about ideas anymore. Has not been for many years. It is about totalitarianism and no tolerance for those who think differently and may act it out. Once you destroy Christianity it will be easier. Much of the religion has been coopted anyway of the major churches. But with it guilt has been reduced for heinous ways. Progs won a long time ago. It is the failures while continuing to expand various ways of living charging everyone for it.
Not really, there was too much government interference to say the election was any where close to legitimate. Almost 10% of xiden voters said they wouldn't have voted for him had the Hunter laptop story not been censored. How many more would have passed on him had they known the story in real time? The fact is, we'll never really know, the election could have gone the other way. That's what you get when govt officials, media and social media collude to keep factual information from the electorate, a lot of people have questions, as they should.

Outstanding view points.
Whatever word games you want to play, you said you question the legitimacy of the last election.

That would make you a conspiracy theorist who doesn’t trust our democratic process.

We have a lot of you guys here who will believe in baseless tinfoil hat nonsense whenever their side doesn’t win. You’re no different.
You looking into a mirror ?
The question is simple. Will you accept the outcome of the election? Will you claim that the election was stolen if your side doesn’t win?

If you’re the only one too stupid to understand that, then that sounds like you’re problem, not mine.
The question is ridiculous on it's premiss, because as with anything "if evidence of fraudulent activities exist", and at such level's that it could pose a threat to the democratic process, then I ask you a better question - will you deny that evidence, not pursue it, not acknowledge it, and just close your eyes and ears to it for political reason's or will you do what's right by following the evidence in order to close all thoughts that maybe just maybe your candidate may have been hoisted into power through nefarious unscrupulous means ????????
The question is ridiculous on it's premiss, because as with anything "if evidence of fraudulent activities exist", and at such level's that it could pose a threat to the democratic process, then I ask you a better question - will you deny that evidence, not pursue it, not acknowledge it, and just close your eyes and ears to it for political reason's or will you do what's right by following the evidence in order to close all thoughts that maybe just maybe your candidate may have been hoisted into power through nefarious unscrupulous means ????????
I trust our democratic process to get these things right. I don’t have a reason to question the integrity of our democracy.

If such an example is brought up and shakes this confidence, I’ll say it. But for now, no. It just looks like conspiracy theorist crybabies who only accept the democratic will of the people when their side wins.
Whatever word games you want to play, you said you question the legitimacy of the last election.

That would make you a conspiracy theorist who doesn’t trust our democratic process.

We have a lot of you guys here who will believe in baseless tinfoil hat nonsense whenever their side doesn’t win. You’re no different.
The only word games are being played by you with yourself. You conflate “questioning events and inconsistencies in the last election” with not accepting the election or concluding the election was stolen.
Of course you can question how he got there.

So since you didn’t answer the yes/no question, it looks like your answer is NO. You do not believe that Biden’s win was legitimate.

If your answer is different, maybe you should try answering next time.

Perhaps you should grow the fuck up and stop trying to dictate how people answer a question. Just because you're a simpleton that can only process binary choices, doesn't mean the rest of the world is. You stupid thread is dead, see ya.

How so? I accept the legitimacy of our elections.
By ignoring evidence, then you say that you just accept election's regardless eh ??? Do you realize that history won't be kind to your positions taken by you for your party in which has failed so badly, and that is on record as hiding the Hunter Biden gate fiasco in which if it walks like a duck, it's a duck, but you probably closed your eyes and ears to that evidence also didn't you ?? Your party hasn't a leg left to stand on after all the smoke clears, but here you are talking about accepting the results of an election... ROTFLMBO 🤣

Hmmm, so why would you ask such a question ?? Is it because you fear a desperate hail Mary might be thrown by your side, and someone might attempt to sneak it into the inzone without anyone noticing that he was out of bounds ????
I trust our democratic process to get these things right. I don’t have a reason to question the integrity of our democracy.

If such an example is brought up and shakes this confidence, I’ll say it. But for now, no. It just looks like conspiracy theorist crybabies who only accept the democratic will of the people when their side wins.
You need to check out the 2000, 2004, and 2016 Presidential Elections and see which side buys into your definition and criteria of conspiracy theorist crybabies and not accepting the will of the people.
The election-denying has gotten out of hand. We’ve turned into a nation of sore losers who will throw a temper tantrum and make up ridiculous conspiracy theories if our side doesn’t win.

I swear that, regardless of who wins the election, I will accept the results. Can you say the same?

I’m not optimistic about our chances of winning. But it is what it is. You win some and you lose some. It’s that simple.

Are you asking if I'll pitch a hissy fit if there are suspicions of massive cheating again? If so, no. I never have and I won't this time.

But accepting the official results of an election is a lot difference than believing the results are valid. I am pretty much 99% confident that at least some races in New Mexico over the years were decided unethically, i.e. via cheating. The only way a Republican wins here is by getting a huge percentage of the vote--a margin too large for them to manipulate. Is that situation true in any other state regardless of party? I don't know.

I do know I will support ANY effort to tighten the system enough that all citizens who vote can be reasonably confident his/her vote is counted and is counted in the way he/she voted, and that ONLY legally registered citizens vote and only vote once.
The election-denying has gotten out of hand. We’ve turned into a nation of sore losers who will throw a temper tantrum and make up ridiculous conspiracy theories if our side doesn’t win.

I swear that, regardless of who wins the election, I will accept the results. Can you say the same?

I’m not optimistic about our chances of winning. But it is what it is. You win some and you lose some. It’s that simple.

Just saw the thread, and I will accept the election results...What choice is there?

Now, the thing is can we get on with it?
The only word games are being played by you with yourself. You conflate “questioning events and inconsistencies in the last election” with not accepting the election or concluding the election was stolen.
You already said that. Whatever distinction you want to focus on doesn’t change the fact that you still question the legitimacy of the election due to your conspiracy theory.

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