Will you accept the outcome of this election?

Are you asking if I'll pitch a hissy fit if there are suspicions of massive cheating again? If so, no. I never have and I won't this time.

But accepting the official results of an election is a lot difference than believing the results are valid. I am pretty much 99% confident that at least some races in New Mexico over the years were decided unethically, i.e. via cheating. The only way a Republican wins here is by getting a huge percentage of the vote--a margin too large for them to manipulate. Is that situation true in any other state regardless of party? I don't know.

I do know I will support ANY effort to tighten the system enough that all citizens who vote can be reasonably confident his/her vote is counted and is counted in the way he/she voted, and that ONLY legally registered citizens vote and only vote once.
Will you accept the results as legitimate?
Will you accept the results as legitimate?
I don't know. We don't know yet how many poll watchers and/or voters will report funny business going on. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen in this election. Accepting the outcome is far different than accepting that the outcome is legitimate.
I don't know. We don't know yet how many poll watchers and/or voters will report funny business going on. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen in this election. Accepting the outcome is far different than accepting that the outcome is legitimate.
So the outcome is only legitimate when your side wins.

So B. Gotcha.
You already said that. Whatever distinction you want to focus on doesn’t change the fact that you still question the legitimacy of the election due to your conspiracy theory.
Questioning heuristics surrounding the election does not make fact that it is a conspiracy theory. That’s only your opinion.

'Kill them': Arizona election workers face midterm threats

Nov 6 (Reuters) - Election workers in Arizona’s most fiercely contested county faced more than 100 violent threats and intimidating communications in the run-up to Tuesday’s midterms, most of them based on election conspiracy theories promoted by former President Donald Trump and his allies.
The harassment in Maricopa County included menacing emails and social media posts, threats to circulate personal information online and photographing employees arriving at work, according to nearly 1,600 pages of documents obtained by Reuters through a public records request for security records and correspondence related to threats and harassments against election workers.

Trumper's are intimidating election workers so they won't have to worry about who really wins.

'Kill them': Arizona election workers face midterm threats

Nov 6 (Reuters) - Election workers in Arizona’s most fiercely contested county faced more than 100 violent threats and intimidating communications in the run-up to Tuesday’s midterms, most of them based on election conspiracy theories promoted by former President Donald Trump and his allies.
The harassment in Maricopa County included menacing emails and social media posts, threats to circulate personal information online and photographing employees arriving at work, according to nearly 1,600 pages of documents obtained by Reuters through a public records request for security records and correspondence related to threats and harassments against election workers.

Trumper's are intimidating election workers so they won't have to worry about who really wins.

Yeah, all sent by bots, programmed by asshats, like you.
Now that the cancer has metastasized, 2022 and 2024 could make 2020 look like a walk in the park.

They're already gearing up to deny elections they lose. This could get pretty ugly and anti-democratic.
Oh yeah and the Democrats have never questioned or challenged the results of the election. Here's Joe Biden, not that along ago, explaining how voting machines could be manipulated.

I trust our democratic process to get these things right. I don’t have a reason to question the integrity of our democracy.

If such an example is brought up and shakes this confidence, I’ll say it. But for now, no. It just looks like conspiracy theorist crybabies who only accept the democratic will of the people when their side wins.
Yet you ignore critical evidence that the FBI was instrumental in suppressing evidence and making claims that the Hunter Biden story was just Russian misinformation, and then you blatantly ignore the critical evidence found out showing that the dossier was a creation of the Hillary campaign possibly in conjunction with Obama Biden's enabling of the sham in hopes to keep the agenda's going after Obama's term was history. Admit it that your are a political hack here doing the bidding for the Democrat's, and that you are as full of it as they come ...
So that's all that's been done? "Questioned" and "challenged"? That's it?

Come on.
No. The Supreme Court had to step in and stop the nonsense/excessive delay in 2000. Many other election issues have also gone to the courts including those Stacy Abrams and/or her group have filed. Jan 6 was different in that there was sufficient reason to question the results in several states and that protest was ONLY to convince Congress to delay certification of that election until those investigations could be completed. Congress refused so that's that.

That a relatively few people went nuts and represented the Patriots miserably was a different issue, assuming those involved in the riot WERE Patriots and there is some question about that. The protest itself was not to overthrow or interfere with government, but people exercising their constitutional right to lawfully assemble and petition their government for grievances.
No. The Supreme Court had to step in and stop the nonsense/excessive delay in 2000. Many other election issues have also gone to the courts including those Stacy Abrams and/or her group have filed. Jan 6 was different in that there was sufficient reason to question the results in several states and that protest was ONLY to convince Congress to delay certification of that election until those investigations could be completed. Congress refused so that's that.

That a relatively few people went nuts and represented the Patriots miserably was a different issue, assuming those involved in the riot WERE Patriots and there is some question about that. The protest itself was not to overthrow or interfere with government, but people exercising their constitutional right to lawfully assemble and petition their government for grievances.
Notice how Mac laughed at our two posts. Hahaha he isn’t an honest fker
Oh yeah and the Democrats have never questioned or challenged the results of the election. Here's Joe Biden, not that along ago, explaining how voting machines could be manipulated.

They are the biggest hypocrites in the world/universe.

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