Will you accept the outcome of this election?

You tell me. You devoted how many posts to Trumpsters?
I realize that, on both ends of the spectrum, disagreement is equated with "hate". Like so many other words, "hate" has been so over-used that it means pretty much anything now. Or nothing.

So, you and I clearly have different definitions of the term. You're welcome to yours.
I realize that, on both ends of the spectrum, disagreement is equated with "hate". Like so many other words, "hate" has been so over-used that it means pretty much anything now. Or nothing.

So, you and I clearly have different definitions of the term. You're welcome to yours.

Do you want a litany of all the hateful whiny things you've said about Trumpsters here?
Do you want a litany of all the hateful whiny things you've said about Trumpsters here?
You're also free to characterize my comments in any way that suits you. I do know how my comments effect Trumpsters here, so we'll have to disagree with your characterization.

I wonder if you're like this in real life, where virtually every comment is filled with anger, aggression and personal attacks.

I'm not asking, of course, because I can't really believe anything you say.

But I do wonder. One of the many fascinating things about this site.
You're also free to characterize my comments in any way that suits you. I do know how my comments effect Trumpsters here, so we'll have to disagree with your characterization.

I wonder if you're like this in real life, where virtually every comment is filled with anger, aggression and personal attacks.

I'm not asking, of course, because I can't really believe anything you say.

But I do wonder. One of the many fascinating things about this site.

gaslight fail
This is why I detest the notion of Trump running this nation again. In 2017 with all the fake accusations of Russian election tampering, he had a golden opportunity to secure the elections and he didn't.

I expect dems cheat 100% of the time you let them, the DNC is ON RECORD that even an accurate voter database is an "existential threat"

We need voter ID, blockchain security maybe even Baghdad purple fingers too, but then democrats would be reduced to maybe 4 Senators
This is why I detest the notion of Trump running this nation again. In 2017 with all the fake accusations of Russian election tampering, he had a golden opportunity to secure the elections and he didn't.

I expect dems cheat 100% of the time you let them, the DNC is ON RECORD that even an accurate voter database is an "existential threat"

We need voter ID, blockchain security maybe even Baghdad purple fingers too, but then democrats would be reduced to maybe 4 Senators

I don't want Trump to run again. I'll always be grateful for his presidency but it's time for someone new.
only if ALL of the following win:

Democrat: Beto, Michael Bennet, Fetterman

Republican: Abe Hamadeh, Bolduc, Masters, Lake, Rubio, DeSantis, Zeldin, Tudor Dixon

i like both candidates in Ohio JD Vance, and Ryan, so i'll accept the result there either way
I don't want Trump to run again. I'll always be grateful for his presidency but it's time for someone new.

He completely "fucked up" on most of the major things he needed to do: secure elections, dial back the Security State, reform education. He kept us out of more wars, and brought peace and dialogue to the Middle East, so good for that
He completely "fucked up" on most of the major things he needed to do: secure elections, dial back the Security State, reform education. He kept us out of more wars, and brought peace and dialogue to the Middle East, so good for that

I don't disagree but he spent too much of his presidency fending off ridiculous attacks from Democrats--being impeached, etc. And some ineptness on his part, for example, choosing bad picks for cabinet. All in all he was a good president, maybe a great one IMO. But again his time has passed.
I don't disagree but he spent too much of his presidency fending off ridiculous attacks from Democrats--being impeached, etc. And some ineptness on his part, for example, choosing bad picks for cabinet.

He only picks the best. He said so himself.
And it was great. Biden's win was YOUR perfect Pyrrhic victory. It's ushering in a red wave even I don't think even I can fathom. It is not only your electoral, but your cultural undoing.

Your man you're bragging about here--the long knives come out for him Tuesday night. Who's going to stand up for him then? Two years of his lame duck status and he's HARDLY capable of the job now.

So yeah, keep bragging about Biden, your undoing. Well done corny
He's still your daddy for 2 more years (at least). Enjoy.
Most voters are motivated by incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

Blind partisan voters are motivated by being blind partisans.

For example, blind partisan Republicans know Democrats aren’t to ‘blame’ for inflation; they know that there was nothing Democrats could do to ‘fix’ inflation.

But blind partisan Republicans will propagate the lie that Democrats are to ‘blame’ for inflation to win votes, exploiting the incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters, gambling that inflation will ease in the coming year knowing that there’s nothing Republicans can do to ‘fix’ inflation.

In the United States, elections are won and lost based on incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters – the voters alone are responsible for the good or bad government they get; and come 2023, that government will mostly be bad.

Incorrect perceptions:
All Republicans are racist

Fear: Our democracy is on the ballot!

Trump told Americans to drink bleach!

We can run the country on wind and solar.

There is no cheating!
Ok, there’s a little cheating!
Ok there’s not enough cheating to make a difference!
Ok there’s lots of cheating, any convictions!

There is no evidence of "lots of cheating" dumbass, certainly nowhere near enough to show election illegitimate the way you fools keep claiming.

There IS solid evidence Trump and his people lied lied and lied some more because damaged Trump CAN'T ever admit losing. And yes there are court records, disbarments, huge lawsuits and an impeachment to show for it. This is who you fools listen to.
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Republicans have actually forgotten how to govern; they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted tax cuts and deregulation isn’t sound, responsible governance.

A Federal abortion ‘ban’ isn’t sound, responsible governance.

Increasing military spending at the expense of access to affordable healthcare and education is not sound, responsible governance.

Pandering to the fossil fuel industry while refusing to develop other sources of energy isn’t sound, responsible governance.

And as usual Republicans will use Congress to advance partisan politics contrary to the will of the people, which isn’t sound, responsible governance.
Plenty of partisanship on the left.

However the left is actually for improving the life of average Americans--all average Americans-- and reflects it in their legislation.

How often do you hear the phrase "Real Americans" from the right wing? As if you can't be a "Real American" if you think differently.

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