Will you accept the outcome of this election?

The ‘same voters’ in that voting Republicans out of Congress in 2018 because of a disdain for Trump is as ridiculous and capricious as voting Democrats out of Congress in 2022 because Democrats didn’t ‘fix’ inflation, or ‘blaming’ Democrats for inflation.

We don’t vote based on facts and the truth; we vote based on incorrect perceptions, willful ignorance, fear, and stupidity.

Otherwise, correct – things such as access to affordable healthcare, education, and viable alternative energy sources should be a priority and not subject to partisan conflict or political dogma.

You’re spot-on about Americans lacking the will and resolve to take on the hard issues – hence the willfully ignorant, lazy, stupid voter.

And then there’s the right’s unwarranted opposition to access to affordable healthcare, education, and viable alternative energy sources due to wrongheaded conservative dogma advancing lies about such policies being ‘too expense,’ lies about such policies being ‘socialism,’ and lies about such policies ‘hurting the economy’ and ‘costing jobs.’

The Republican/conservative way is the easy way, the lazy way – Republican governance is either to do nothing about a problem or oppose any effort to resolve the problem.

Republicans are successfully politically because they pander to the most fundamental aspects of human nature – do what’s easy, be lazy, uninvolved, and self-absorbed.

Tuesday is going to be amazing.
Thanks, I forgot about xiden telling the energy sector he was going to destroy them, and folks wonder why they aren't investing billions to produce more. So now everything costs more, it costs more to produce a product, costs more for raw materials, costs more to produce food, costs more to transport to market. All contributors to inflation. Thanks xiden.

So your argument is that Biden said mean things about big oil, and they whimpered off...

you know, instead of the more logical explanation, that big greedy corporations took advantage of world-wide markets to fleece their customers.
Tuesday is going to be amazing.
Conservatives subscribing to this thread – and indeed, throughout USMB – are proof that the Republican/conservative way is the easy way, the lazy way – that Republican governance is either to do nothing about a problem or oppose any effort to resolve the problem.

Proof that Republicans are successful politically because they pander to the most fundamental aspects of human nature – do what’s easy, be lazy, uninvolved, and self-absorbed.
Conservatives subscribing to this thread – and indeed, throughout USMB – are proof that the Republican/conservative way is the easy way, the lazy way – that Republican governance is either to do nothing about a problem or oppose any effort to resolve the problem.

Proof that Republicans are successful politically because they pander to the most fundamental aspects of human nature – do what’s easy, be lazy, uninvolved, and self-absorbed.

Yes, dear, this is the meaning of limited, local gov. The business of the federal gov is to do ONLY their business and stay out of our way. That's not "lazy". It's Constitutional.

Meanwhile, cry harder

This email claims there was “massive voter fraud” in a handful of U.S. states, but nearly all of the examples given are wrong or completely fabricated. (One is mostly true, but lacks context.) The anonymous author of this bogus tirade may want to believe that votes were falsely recorded for President Obama, but the supposed “evidence” cited in the email is simply imaginary.

Voting Conspiracies - FactCheck.org

Have you no shame?
Until you realize how little it means.

By my reckoning, one or both houses of Congress have flipped 11 times since 1980.... for the very little difference it ends up making for either side.

Republican control of Congress next year will have little, if any, legislative effect.

The Republican majority in the Senate will be perhaps two or three seats; far too few to overcome a filibuster and nowhere near the number needed to override a presidential veto.

Indeed, Republican control of Congress might even benefit Biden’s reelection chances.
She got 3 million votes more than tramp. The bitch, so like you calling her a bitch.

and Bush Jr got less than 600 votes when the SC got his elected.
Because of the tens of millions of illegals sent here since the 1960's and the propagandists empowered to vent our voting has become disjointed so the EC worked. With Jr. the cheating was going and the Prog voting woman screwed up with ballots in a SE Prog County in Florida while networks calling the race with the heavily Repub panhandle an hour behind eastern standard time still open. Gore lost his home state. Gore lost his home state. Gore lost his home state. He wins it. He is President! Why did he lose his home state? Why did Al Gore lose Tennesse to become President? Tell me.
Actually, Americans will realize that themselves when Republicans engage in government shutdowns, endangering our credit rating, and trying to impose Shariah law on the whole country.

Which part of the gov't. will shut down? Be specific.
Most voters are motivated by incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

Blind partisan voters are motivated by being blind partisans.

For example, blind partisan Republicans know Democrats aren’t to ‘blame’ for inflation; they know that there was nothing Democrats could do to ‘fix’ inflation.

But blind partisan Republicans will propagate the lie that Democrats are to ‘blame’ for inflation to win votes, exploiting the incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters, gambling that inflation will ease in the coming year knowing that there’s nothing Republicans can do to ‘fix’ inflation.

In the United States, elections are won and lost based on incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters – the voters alone are responsible for the good or bad government they get; and come 2023, that government will mostly be bad.
They do if republicans like EXXON are in cahoots with themselves and OPEC.
Because of the tens of millions of illegals sent here since the 1960's and the propagandists empowered to vent our voting has become disjointed so the EC worked. With Jr. the cheating was going and the Prog voting woman screwed up with ballots in a SE Prog County in Florida while networks calling the race with the heavily Repub panhandle an hour behind eastern standard time still open. Gore lost his home state. Gore lost his home state. Gore lost his home state. He wins it. He is President! Why did he lose his home state? Why did Al Gore lose Tennesse to become President? Tell me.
oh crap, you never going to accept the election are legal. FL cheats the make sure republicans always get in. They sure did with Bush Jr.
In my opinion, it doesn't say much for the electorate or bode well for our republic. Other nations with different systems of commerce, governance and societal input (i.e. less freedom) do not have a schizoid electorate who can't make their mind up between doing what is hard but necessary (the Democrats) or doing what is easy and safe (the GOP).
Dovetails perfectly into my OP of his thd Leftards are blaming voters for their epic failures.

Other oil and gas interests aren’t far behind. The American Petroleum Institute, refining and industrial conglomerate Koch Industries Inc. and pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners LP each contributed $2 million to CLF, as did OTA Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of pipeline company Enterprise Products Partners LP, making them among the biggest donors to the organization. Drilling firm Occidental Petroleum Corp. donated $1 million.

Occidental’s $4 million in donations to SLF made it among the top donors to the super PAC — though the No. 1 was One Nation, a nonprofit tied to SLF that can take in contributions without disclosing donors. Chevron gave $2.75 million to SLF, while Koch gave $1.5 million, and OTA and API each gave $1 million.
Yes, dear, this is the meaning of limited, local gov. The business of the federal gov is to do ONLY their business and stay out of our way. That's not "lazy". It's Constitutional.

Meanwhile, cry harder
By next summer, if not sooner, the voters will come to loathe a partisan, do-nothing Republican Congress and regret turning Congress over to the GOP; a Republican Congress trying to pursue a failed, wrongheaded agenda contrary to the will of the majority of the people.
oh crap, you never going to accept the election are legal. FL cheats the make sure republicans always get in. They sure did with Bush Jr.
Bush Jr. ended up being a globalist stooge. A personable man who was closer to a RINO then a conservative. The question is if he would have any knowledge of 9/11 or the possibility of it. Seeing the Cheney family as of now makes those questions legitimate. You as a Prog have the whole system backing you up in all ways. My questions started a few decades ago when living in the big city. Local elections that when a Repub had a chance in a contested time and miraculously, massive votes came from the last minute from ghettos. No questions asked form deep blue cities.
They are in cahoots with the republicans, meaning gas will go down it the republicans get elected and they are cahoots with opec. If not, it will with go up, there's going to be more pain at the pumps if the democrats get voted in.
By next summer, if not sooner, the voters will come to loathe a partisan, do-nothing Republican Congress and regret turning Congress over to the GOP; a Republican Congress trying to pursue a failed, wrongheaded agenda contrary to the will of the majority of the people.

Go ahead, tell me what is "contrary to the will of the majority of the people".

Right now, as you know, people hate the economy, gas prices, inflation and open border.

Sometimes telling your feckless leaders just to STOP is enough.

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