Will you accept the outcome of this election?

A schizoid, lazy, willfully ignorant, capricious electorate who vote based on emotion and incorrect perception rather than facts and the truth – that goes when both Democrats and Republicans prevail.
The voters turning control of the House over to the Democrats in 2018 because they hated Trump is the reason why those same voters are giving control of the House to Republicans this year.
Not so sure about that... "the same voters"? No--I don't think so. But the ebb and flow is there from one party to the next for the same reason. I think the "me" generation is as much to blame as any other single source. Nobody wants to sacrifice. It's a foreign concept in 2022 America. And they listen to politicians of different ideologies that tell them they don't have to. Whats worse, they are so busy demonizing each other, only a glancing interest is paid to the "big" issues that face our nation.

We don't have a strategy as an electorate and therefore, we don't have a strategy as a nation. One would hope that we could all agree that healthcare that is available to everyone (the ACA) is a good thing; more healthy Americans is better than more sick Americans. We can't. One would hope that we could all agree that having more educated persons is a good thing (Biden and the DNC plan to offer community college to everyone); more educated Americans is better than fewer educated Americans. We can't. One would think that of all of the alternative energy sources out there as of this writing, nuclear remains the most viable option for delivering the power we need and being most environmentally friendly--while having been proven to be safe (or as safe as humankind can make it) over 60+ years use in the US Navy. We can't. One would hope that even the country bumpkin who works in a potato farm would understand that if his employer can sell his potatoes in more places, it would mean he would have more job security and get higher wages. Yet they are told that globalization is a bad thing designed to __________ (fill it in with whatever the latest myth is).
Yeah, the nearly guaranteed quadrennial shift from one vision for the nation to the other in the midterms is as puzzling as it is dangerous
She got 3 million more votes than tramp.

And? The bitch was looking for love in all the wrong places. But if you bothered to watch the video it isn't just the bitch, and they weren't all talking about the 2016 election. So shove your 3 million votes, they were meaningless.

I will accept a flawed system produced a flawed result.

Most of the gains the GOP will make will have nothing to do with changing minds, but more with the fact they gerrymandered their way to more seats.

The good news is, they will let their freak flag fly, and people will be glad we have President Biden to act as a check on them.

Just like they were with Clinton in the Nineties and Obama in the teens.
I think the dems have a better than 50/50 chance of holding onto the Senate. So you'll have more of a Harry Reid/John Boehner thing happening to where Biden doesn't have to do anything because the Senate Majority Leader is essentially vetoing bills without the paperwork or authority. My example of a flawed system that produces a flawed result.
I think the dems have a better than 50/50 chance of holding onto the Senate. So you'll have more of a Harry Reid/John Boehner thing happening to where Biden doesn't have to do anything because the Senate Majority Leader is essentially vetoing bills without the paperwork or authority. My example of a flawed system that produces a flawed result.

I don't think they are going to hold the Senate... Even though Oz and Walker are completely unfit to be in the Senate, voters are going to send them there anyway.
And? The bitch was looking for love in all the wrong places. But if you bothered to watch the video it isn't just the bitch, and they weren't all talking about the 2016 election. So shove your 3 million votes, they were meaningless.

She got 3 million votes more than tramp. The bitch, so like you calling her a bitch.

and Bush Jr got less than 600 votes when the SC got his elected.
She got 3 million votes more than tramp. The bitch, so like you calling her a bitch.

and Bush Jr got less than 600 votes when the SC got his elected.

I think you need better translation software. But when are you commies going to realize that the popular vote is irrelevant to the EC? I'm not the one that tagged her with that moniker BTW, it came from people that know her best.

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Listen to this stupid shit.

The elitist leftard pricks think the rest of us have "incorrect perception".

What a bunch of complete fucktards
Most voters are motivated by incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

Blind partisan voters are motivated by being blind partisans.

For example, blind partisan Republicans know Democrats aren’t to ‘blame’ for inflation; they know that there was nothing Democrats could do to ‘fix’ inflation.

But blind partisan Republicans will propagate the lie that Democrats are to ‘blame’ for inflation to win votes, exploiting the incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters, gambling that inflation will ease in the coming year knowing that there’s nothing Republicans can do to ‘fix’ inflation.

In the United States, elections are won and lost based on incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters – the voters alone are responsible for the good or bad government they get; and come 2023, that government will mostly be bad.

Not so sure about that... "the same voters"? No--I don't think so. But the ebb and flow is there from one party to the next for the same reason. I think the "me" generation is as much to blame as any other single source. Nobody wants to sacrifice. It's a foreign concept in 2022 America. And they listen to politicians of different ideologies that tell them they don't have to. Whats worse, they are so busy demonizing each other, only a glancing interest is paid to the "big" issues that face our nation.

We don't have a strategy as an electorate and therefore, we don't have a strategy as a nation. One would hope that we could all agree that healthcare that is available to everyone (the ACA) is a good thing; more healthy Americans is better than more sick Americans. We can't. One would hope that we could all agree that having more educated persons is a good thing (Biden and the DNC plan to offer community college to everyone); more educated Americans is better than fewer educated Americans. We can't. One would think that of all of the alternative energy sources out there as of this writing, nuclear remains the most viable option for delivering the power we need and being most environmentally friendly--while having been proven to be safe (or as safe as humankind can make it) over 60+ years use in the US Navy. We can't. One would hope that even the country bumpkin who works in a potato farm would understand that if his employer can sell his potatoes in more places, it would mean he would have more job security and get higher wages. Yet they are told that globalization is a bad thing designed to __________ (fill it in with whatever the latest myth is).
Yeah, the nearly guaranteed quadrennial shift from one vision for the nation to the other in the midterms is as puzzling as it is dangerous

This is why you're losing, and your loss is beyond just the normal pendulum swings. Because of Covid and other happenings, people got a look under the hood at the fetid, rotten core of the Democrats--your horrid elitism.

Keep it. You have a razor thin demographic now. You have lost the white working class, you have lost white suburban women, you have lost Hispanics. Keep talking like that above, and you will go the way of the Whigs.

I would love it. Keep talking.
Most voters are motivated by incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

Blind partisan voters are motivated by being blind partisans.

For example, blind partisan Republicans know Democrats aren’t to ‘blame’ for inflation; they know that there was nothing Democrats could do to ‘fix’ inflation.

But blind partisan Republicans will propagate the lie that Democrats are to ‘blame’ for inflation to win votes, exploiting the incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters, gambling that inflation will ease in the coming year knowing that there’s nothing Republicans can do to ‘fix’ inflation.

In the United States, elections are won and lost based on incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters – the voters alone are responsible for the good or bad government they get; and come 2023, that government will mostly be bad.

Please do this.

After you get destroyed on Tuesday, please tell American voters how ignorant and stupid we are.

Any convictions?
Can't be convictions when the cheaters control the system. Their problem is how to get away with it without the potential of severe violent retribution. The politics is too divergent from the past. Even though Repubs are closer to Dems from several decades ago while Dems are nor closer to Socialists and communists.
Most voters are motivated by incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

Blind partisan voters are motivated by being blind partisans.

For example, blind partisan Republicans know Democrats aren’t to ‘blame’ for inflation; they know that there was nothing Democrats could do to ‘fix’ inflation.

But blind partisan Republicans will propagate the lie that Democrats are to ‘blame’ for inflation to win votes, exploiting the incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters, gambling that inflation will ease in the coming year knowing that there’s nothing Republicans can do to ‘fix’ inflation.

In the United States, elections are won and lost based on incorrect perceptions, fear, ignorance, and stupidity of the voters – the voters alone are responsible for the good or bad government they get; and come 2023, that government will mostly be bad.

Of course the 4 trillion xiden printed didn't have anything to do with inflation, right? You're a damn fool.


Not so sure about that... "the same voters"? No--I don't think so. But the ebb and flow is there from one party to the next for the same reason. I think the "me" generation is as much to blame as any other single source. Nobody wants to sacrifice. It's a foreign concept in 2022 America. And they listen to politicians of different ideologies that tell them they don't have to. Whats worse, they are so busy demonizing each other, only a glancing interest is paid to the "big" issues that face our nation.

We don't have a strategy as an electorate and therefore, we don't have a strategy as a nation. One would hope that we could all agree that healthcare that is available to everyone (the ACA) is a good thing; more healthy Americans is better than more sick Americans. We can't. One would hope that we could all agree that having more educated persons is a good thing (Biden and the DNC plan to offer community college to everyone); more educated Americans is better than fewer educated Americans. We can't. One would think that of all of the alternative energy sources out there as of this writing, nuclear remains the most viable option for delivering the power we need and being most environmentally friendly--while having been proven to be safe (or as safe as humankind can make it) over 60+ years use in the US Navy. We can't. One would hope that even the country bumpkin who works in a potato farm would understand that if his employer can sell his potatoes in more places, it would mean he would have more job security and get higher wages. Yet they are told that globalization is a bad thing designed to __________ (fill it in with whatever the latest myth is).
Yeah, the nearly guaranteed quadrennial shift from one vision for the nation to the other in the midterms is as puzzling as it is dangerous
The ‘same voters’ in that voting Republicans out of Congress in 2018 because of a disdain for Trump is as ridiculous and capricious as voting Democrats out of Congress in 2022 because Democrats didn’t ‘fix’ inflation, or ‘blaming’ Democrats for inflation.

We don’t vote based on facts and the truth; we vote based on incorrect perceptions, willful ignorance, fear, and stupidity.

Otherwise, correct – things such as access to affordable healthcare, education, and viable alternative energy sources should be a priority and not subject to partisan conflict or political dogma.

You’re spot-on about Americans lacking the will and resolve to take on the hard issues – hence the willfully ignorant, lazy, stupid voter.

And then there’s the right’s unwarranted opposition to access to affordable healthcare, education, and viable alternative energy sources due to wrongheaded conservative dogma advancing lies about such policies being ‘too expense,’ lies about such policies being ‘socialism,’ and lies about such policies ‘hurting the economy’ and ‘costing jobs.’

The Republican/conservative way is the easy way, the lazy way – Republican governance is either to do nothing about a problem or oppose any effort to resolve the problem.

Republicans are successfully politically because they pander to the most fundamental aspects of human nature – do what’s easy, be lazy, uninvolved, and self-absorbed.
Nope. Had a lot more to do with the fact that world-wide commodities have become more expensive, combined with a national labor shortage.

Thanks, I forgot about xiden telling the energy sector he was going to destroy them, and folks wonder why they aren't investing billions to produce more. So now everything costs more, it costs more to produce a product, costs more for raw materials, costs more to produce food, costs more to transport to market. All contributors to inflation. Thanks xiden.

I think the dems have a better than 50/50 chance of holding onto the Senate. So you'll have more of a Harry Reid/John Boehner thing happening to where Biden doesn't have to do anything because the Senate Majority Leader is essentially vetoing bills without the paperwork or authority. My example of a flawed system that produces a flawed result.
There is a school of political thought that the voters have a penchant for divided government and gridlock the consequence of their disdain for both parties.

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