Will you accept the outcome of this election?

After careful review.....

Nobody should accept another election that turns out to be even half as crooked as 20'. Democrats are trying to preserve many of the corrupt voting policies they exploited in 20', like favoring motor voter laws, not updating eligible voter rolls, not allowing voting witnesses, allowing same day voter registration, not requiring voter IDs and most of all, pushing for unlimited mail in voting. Democrats are trying to preserve these crooked policies as strongly as Republicans are trying to change them.
The election-denying has gotten out of hand. We’ve turned into a nation of sore losers who will throw a temper tantrum and make up ridiculous conspiracy theories if our side doesn’t win.

I swear that, regardless of who wins the election, I will accept the results. Can you say the same?

I’m not optimistic about our chances of winning. But it is what it is. You win some and you lose some. It’s that simple.

No, I won’t accept them

I intend to show Republicans what election denial is like


And it was great. Biden's win was YOUR perfect Pyrrhic victory. It's ushering in a red wave even I don't think even I can fathom. It is not only your electoral, but your cultural undoing.

Your man you're bragging about here--the long knives come out for him Tuesday night. Who's going to stand up for him then? Two years of his lame duck status and he's HARDLY capable of the job now.

So yeah, keep bragging about Biden, your undoing. Well done corny
Why does traitor Joe already know there will be big delays in getting the vote counted?

"I have assembled the greatest election FRAUD team in history"

That team

Chris Wray
Zionist 911 W Fox News "Biden republicans"

Is still there...
And all the while, portray yourself as the "responsible party" even though every GOP President adds to the national debt but swears they are conservative.
Republicans have actually forgotten how to govern; they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted tax cuts and deregulation isn’t sound, responsible governance.

A Federal abortion ‘ban’ isn’t sound, responsible governance.

Increasing military spending at the expense of access to affordable healthcare and education is not sound, responsible governance.

Pandering to the fossil fuel industry while refusing to develop other sources of energy isn’t sound, responsible governance.

And as usual Republicans will use Congress to advance partisan politics contrary to the will of the people, which isn’t sound, responsible governance.
Republicans have actually forgotten how to govern; they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted tax cuts and deregulation isn’t sound, responsible governance.

A Federal abortion ‘ban’ isn’t sound, responsible governance.

Increasing military spending at the expense of access to affordable healthcare and education is not sound, responsible governance.

Pandering to the fossil fuel industry while refusing to develop other sources of energy isn’t sound, responsible governance.

And as usual Republicans will use Congress to advance partisan politics contrary to the will of the people, which isn’t sound, responsible governance.

NO, If the Deep State wanted legit elections, they would enact security measures.

Example : National Voter Database that I can log into JUST TO CHECK THAT MY VOTE WAS NOT FLIPPED.

When you registered, they would take your thumbprint which would be stored in the above database. When you insert your ballot into the machine to vote,,,,you would press your thumb on the scanner, if you are legit, a Green light illuminates indicating you successfully voted. Democrats would scream bloody hell as they say it would keep people with warrants away from voting.

There is no way the Deep State is going to let another Nationalist like Trump to win because Agenda 2030 will be hindered.
No, I won’t accept them

I intend to show Republicans what election denial is like
If Repubs win there will be less concern for the violence as long it remains in the same areas. Defending oneself will be enhanced also. We should be living in utopia now by your spouts.
I have a very hard time accepting that those we are gave to choose from is the best this country can do. If so, pack it up.
NO, If the Deep State wanted legit elections, they would enact security measures.

Example : National Voter Database that I can log into JUST TO CHECK THAT MY VOTE WAS NOT FLIPPED.

When you registered, they would take your thumbprint which would be stored in the above database. When you insert your ballot into the machine to vote,,,,you would press your thumb on the scanner, if you are legit, a Green light illuminates indicating you successfully voted. Democrats would scream bloody hell as they say it would keep people with warrants away from voting.

There is no way the Deep State is going to let another Nationalist like Trump to win because Agenda 2030 will be hindered.
Did tramp give you that "Deep State'
Republicans have actually forgotten how to govern; they’re incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Reckless, irresponsible, unwarranted tax cuts and deregulation isn’t sound, responsible governance.

A Federal abortion ‘ban’ isn’t sound, responsible governance.

Increasing military spending at the expense of access to affordable healthcare and education is not sound, responsible governance.

Pandering to the fossil fuel industry while refusing to develop other sources of energy isn’t sound, responsible governance.

And as usual Republicans will use Congress to advance partisan politics contrary to the will of the people, which isn’t sound, responsible governance.
The fact that dumb Joe Biden wins the D nomination and potus certainly seems to indicate something is amiss.

Joe is one of the worst most corrupt politicians to ever occupy national office.

Had O not corruptly effected the D nomination, Joe would be shitting himself in a Delaware nursing home right now.

Of course the Trump Effect plays a part. Dumb Don really fucked things up.
WHAT is it with the left and this question. Always looks like a set up to me.
Another conspiracy theory. Their natural impulse.

The question keeps being asked because Republicans are so loathe to play an honest role in the democratic process. It's clear that you people are so consumed by paranoia and conspiracy theories that you will not accept the result when you lose. That's as anti-democratic as it gets, and the world knows that you know it.

So we're wondering if a democracy is really what you want, or if you want an authoritarian, dictatorial strongman and his willing enablers. We also know how you folks feel about people like Trump, Putin, Orban and Bolsonaro.

So yeah, we're a little curious.
Another conspiracy theory. Their natural impulse.

The question keeps being asked because Republicans are so loathe to play an honest role in the democratic process.

It's clear that you people will not accept the result when you lose. That's as anti-democratic as it gets, and the world knows that you know it.

Which people? Hillary Clinton? The Democrats who impeached Trump over and over?

Hey don't cry when it's our turn to impeach Biden over and over.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Your vote is anonymous

As it should be

... So rightwinger's Zionist fascist allies can flip it with voting machines AZ democrats admit can be programmed to cheat.

Is Lula a Jew?


Cheating all over the world the CHOSEN are...
If I see five states all close their vote counting at the same time again, OF COURSE I will question the results.

Doubly so if one party's candidate is leading in all those states before the vote counting is closed and is behind in all those states after voting resumes.

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