Will you condemn this murder?

Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
Really Phoe,even the Israeli Government know it was RABID JEWISH SETTLERS,YOU'LL TELL ME NEXT THAT IT WASN'T A JEWISH ULTRA THAT KNIFED A 16 YEAR OLD JEWISH GIRL TO DEATH (May she R.I.P.) TODAY...The same man who knifed 5 Jewish Girls ten years ago,who just got out of Prison two days ago.Phoe you need to let me help you with the realities in Israel Today.....all is not well with unstable Jewish Israelis.steve
If guilty then of course. Seems like the Israeli forces are actively looking for whomever did this. Betcha the perps will be caught and tried for their crimes.
Betcha they won't.

I think they will. This is like the murder and burning alive of the Palestinian boy by Jewish extremists. They can't allow it to go unsolved - it threatens the very heart of who they are as a nation.

Oh, I've no doubt they'll round up the "usual suspects" stage a huge show trial, find them guilty, and when the world's media moves on to the next big story, quietly release them to carry on where they left off.
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
Really Phoe,even the Israeli Government know it was RABID JEWISH SETTLERS,YOU'LL TELL ME NEXT THAT IT WASN'T A JEWISH ULTRA THAT KNIFED A 16 YEAR OLD JEWISH GIRL TO DEATH (May she R.I.P.) TODAY...The same man who knifed 5 Jewish Girls ten years ago,who just got out of Prison two days ago.Phoe you need to let me help you with the realities in Israel Today.....all is not well with unstable Jewish Israelis.steve

Well EVEN THE GOVERNMENT is silent until they have evidence.
Your logic is flawed- anyone can spray "תג מחיר" after a crime and everybody knows what the sheeple will think.

You then mix the two incidents to make some ecological fallacy.
Isn't it too obvious that this way You're lead by SOMEONE?
Some are susceptible to the most blatant manipulation and have no
thoughts of themselves- just a bunch of suggestive messages repeated to keep 'em away from critical thinking, as much unconscious as possible.
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
Really Phoe,even the Israeli Government know it was RABID JEWISH SETTLERS,YOU'LL TELL ME NEXT THAT IT WASN'T A JEWISH ULTRA THAT KNIFED A 16 YEAR OLD JEWISH GIRL TO DEATH (May she R.I.P.) TODAY...The same man who knifed 5 Jewish Girls ten years ago,who just got out of Prison two days ago.Phoe you need to let me help you with the realities in Israel Today.....all is not well with unstable Jewish Israelis.steve

Then produce a link that says this, not as all the links to date that say SUSPECTED.

I will tell you the truth and leave it up to you what you believe, but when you are wrong I will tell you long and loud.
If guilty then of course. Seems like the Israeli forces are actively looking for whomever did this. Betcha the perps will be caught and tried for their crimes.
Betcha they won't.

I think they will. This is like the murder and burning alive of the Palestinian boy by Jewish extremists. They can't allow it to go unsolved - it threatens the very heart of who they are as a nation.

Oh, I've no doubt they'll round up the "usual suspects" stage a huge show trial, find them guilty, and when the world's media moves on to the next big story, quietly release them to carry on where they left off.

Like the neo Marxists did with the muslim terrorists that they paid £50,000 to, even though they had child porn in their possession ?
Interesting Opinion Piece, a bit strongly worded - but he makes some good points in regards to the settler movement's stranglehold on politics.

All Israelis are guilty of setting a Palestinian family on fire.

Israelis stab gay people and burn children. There isn’t a shred of slander, the slightest degree of exaggeration, in this dry description. True, these are the actions of a few. True, too, that their numbers are increasing. It’s true that all of them – all the murderers, everyone who torches, who stabs, who uproots trees – are from the same political camp. But the opposing camp also shares the blame.

All those who thought that it would possible to sustain islands of liberalism in the sea of Israeli fascism were shown up this weekend, once and for all. It’s simply not possible to cheer for the brigade commander who shoots a teenager, and then be shocked by the settlers who set a family on fire; to support gay rights, and hold a founding conference in Ariel; to be enlightened, and then pander to the right and seek to partner with it. Evil knows no bounds; it begins in one place and quickly spreads in every direction.

...No less to blame, of course, are the governments and politicians who vie with each other over who can suck up the most to the settlers. Whoever gives them 300 new homes in exchange for their violence at the flagship settlement of Beit El is telling them not only that violence is permissible, but also that it pays. It is already hard to draw the line between throwing bags of urine at police officers and fire bombs into people’s homes.

Also to blame, of course, are the law enforcement authorities, starting with the Judea and Samaria District Police – the most ridiculous and scandalous of all police districts, and not by chance. Nine Palestinian homes were torched in the past three years, according to B’Tselem. How many people have been prosecuted? None. So what happened in Duma on Friday? The fire was simply better, in the eyes of the arsonists and their minions.

Sorry, but no. Haaretz is wrong about this, like it's wrong about 90% of the things they say. They did the same trick after Rabin's murder. This is getting old.
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
Really Phoe,even the Israeli Government know it was RABID JEWISH SETTLERS,YOU'LL TELL ME NEXT THAT IT WASN'T A JEWISH ULTRA THAT KNIFED A 16 YEAR OLD JEWISH GIRL TO DEATH (May she R.I.P.) TODAY...The same man who knifed 5 Jewish Girls ten years ago,who just got out of Prison two days ago.Phoe you need to let me help you with the realities in Israel Today.....all is not well with unstable Jewish Israelis.steve

"Rabid Jewish settlers"?

You're no better than the poeple you condemn, that is something only a racist pig will say
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Of course. The Jews who burned that church in Tiberias are already behind bars. This murder was probably done by other savage Arabs, though. Maybe it was an honor killing.
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Of course. The Jews who burned that church in Tiberias are already behind bars. This murder was probably done by other savage Arabs, though. Maybe it was an honor killing.
Whoever did this should be given the ultimate punishment. Actually, Hamas is holding Abbas responsible. This is a new twist.

Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri has accused Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas with bearing responsibility for the death of an Arab infant in the village of Duma in Samaria on Friday, which came during an arson attack the IDF suspects may have been committed by Jewish extremists.

"I call on Abbas to stop pursuing Hamas in the (West) Bank, and place on him personal responsibility for the burning of the infant Ali Dawabsha, due to his harassment of resistance fighters," said the terrorist spokesperson.

"If Hamas had a free hand to act in the (West) Bank, the settlers wouldn't be able to commit crimes like this and burn our children," claimed Abu Zuhri.

Hamas Blames Abbas for Arson Attack - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Maybe he has a point, the Fatah dominated PA seem to be doing sod all; Abbas has a "Presidential guard" that comprises almost a third of the total PA security apparatus (58,000 out of a total of 176,000); most of whom seem to be used as IDF auxilliaries. Speaks volumes as to his popularity with his people.
Hamas might hold Abbas responsible for the attack but they're also calling for Suicide Bombers against Israelis. What a mess!

In the wake of a tragic terrorist attack that resulted in the death of an Arab infant in the West Bank, the Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group has called for suicide attacks against IDF soldiers, Israeli Jewish citizens, and Palestinian “traitors and collaborators.”
Israeli officials are suspicious that religiously motivated Jewish extremists may have been responsible for the casualties, given that Hebrew graffiti was found at the site of the attack, but a suspect has not been charged in relation to the incident. The terror attack was unanimously condemned by the entirety of Israel’s leadership and Parliament, drawing a sharp distinction from Palestinian leadership, which, following jihadi attacks, sometimes glorifies Arab terrorists as martyrs.

A senior Hamas official has even called on Palestinians to attack security forces employed by the Palestinian Authority–which governs the Palestinian areas of the West Bank–if they feel that the police officers are “traitors and collaborators,” Israel National News reported. Tensions continue to rise between the Gaza-ruling Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. On Friday, a Hamas leader’s car was firebombed in a Palestinian Authority-governed area of the West Bank.

Hamas leader Hamad al-Rakav, in calling for suicide attacks against Israelis and Palestinians, said, “The Zionists’ burning of the helpless infant that didn’t commit any crime is proof that they are thirsty to spill our blood and to commit crimes against our people.”

Hamas Calls for Suicide Attacks Against Israeli Jews
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Of course. The Jews who burned that church in Tiberias are already behind bars. This murder was probably done by other savage Arabs, though. Maybe it was an honor killing.
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Of course. The Jews who burned that church in Tiberias are already behind bars. This murder was probably done by other savage Arabs, though. Maybe it was an honor killing.
Whoever did this should be given the ultimate punishment. Actually, Hamas is holding Abbas responsible. This is a new twist.

Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri has accused Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas with bearing responsibility for the death of an Arab infant in the village of Duma in Samaria on Friday, which came during an arson attack the IDF suspects may have been committed by Jewish extremists.

"I call on Abbas to stop pursuing Hamas in the (West) Bank, and place on him personal responsibility for the burning of the infant Ali Dawabsha, due to his harassment of resistance fighters," said the terrorist spokesperson.

"If Hamas had a free hand to act in the (West) Bank, the settlers wouldn't be able to commit crimes like this and burn our children," claimed Abu Zuhri.

Hamas Blames Abbas for Arson Attack - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

Maybe he has a point, the Fatah dominated PA seem to be doing sod all; Abbas has a "Presidential guard" that comprises almost a third of the total PA security apparatus (58,000 out of a total of 176,000); most of whom seem to be used as IDF auxilliaries. Speaks volumes as to his popularity with his people.
Hamas might hold Abbas responsible for the attack but they're also calling for Suicide Bombers against Israelis. What a mess!

In the wake of a tragic terrorist attack that resulted in the death of an Arab infant in the West Bank, the Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group has called for suicide attacks against IDF soldiers, Israeli Jewish citizens, and Palestinian “traitors and collaborators.”
Israeli officials are suspicious that religiously motivated Jewish extremists may have been responsible for the casualties, given that Hebrew graffiti was found at the site of the attack, but a suspect has not been charged in relation to the incident. The terror attack was unanimously condemned by the entirety of Israel’s leadership and Parliament, drawing a sharp distinction from Palestinian leadership, which, following jihadi attacks, sometimes glorifies Arab terrorists as martyrs.

A senior Hamas official has even called on Palestinians to attack security forces employed by the Palestinian Authority–which governs the Palestinian areas of the West Bank–if they feel that the police officers are “traitors and collaborators,” Israel National News reported. Tensions continue to rise between the Gaza-ruling Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. On Friday, a Hamas leader’s car was firebombed in a Palestinian Authority-governed area of the West Bank.

Hamas leader Hamad al-Rakav, in calling for suicide attacks against Israelis and Palestinians, said, “The Zionists’ burning of the helpless infant that didn’t commit any crime is proof that they are thirsty to spill our blood and to commit crimes against our people.”

Hamas Calls for Suicide Attacks Against Israeli Jews

Proving yet again that hamas are the cause of all the problems and need to be taken out to the last man
Who is Hamad al-Rakav, never heard of him?
He's the most junior Hamas'istan spokesbeard. The more senior and the more cowardly of the Hamas'istan terrorists have packed up their infidel welfare dollars and left town before ISIS arrives and starts 'asplodin them.
Who is Hamad al-Rakav, never heard of him?
He's the most junior Hamas'istan spokesbeard. The more senior and the more cowardly of the Hamas'istan terrorists have packed up their infidel welfare dollars and left town before ISIS arrives and starts 'asplodin them.

So a nobody then? Can't find anything about him on the web. Not even on HAMAS' own website.
Last edited:
Who is Hamad al-Rakav, never heard of him?
He's the most junior Hamas'istan spokesbeard. The more senior and the more cowardly of the Hamas'istan terrorists have packed up their infidel welfare dollars and left town before ISIS arrives and starts 'asplodin them.

So a nobody then? Can't find anything about him on the web. Not even on HAMAS' own website.
You may wish to log on to the Israeli counterintelligence website for info on Hamad "splatter on the pavement" al-Rakav.
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
OK, but if it were an Israeli child Israel would have rounded up 800 Palestinians by now.
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
OK, but if it were an Israeli child Israel would have rounded up 800 Palestinians by now.
Where did your number of 800 come from?
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
OK, but if it were an Israeli child Israel would have rounded up 800 Palestinians by now.

Because they would be the most likely suspects that would have a history of such acts. Many would be released prisoners in exchanges for Israeli soldiers remains. That still ranks as the biggest insult to the Palestinians 1,000 terrorists are worth 1 dead Jew.
Family members of toddler in critical condition after West Bank arson attack
The three family members of a toddler burned alive in a West Bank arson attack on Friday are still in a critical condition with life-threatening injuries in a hospital near Tel Aviv.

The fatal arson attack that left 18-month-old Dawabsheh dead, believed to be carried out by Jewish settler extremists on Friday morning, has been called “terror” by both Israeli and Palestinian officials.

The boy’s mother Reham, 27, is in a critical condition after sustaining third-degree burns over up to 90% of her body in the fire that ravaged the family’s four-bedroom home in Duma south-east of Nablus on the West Bank.

Her husband Saad, 30, is also on life support at Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva after suffering third degree burns on up to 80% of his body.

Lee Gat, a spokeswoman for Sheba medical centre, the intensive care unit of Tel Hashomer Hospital, told the Guardian the three Dawabsheh family members were still alive but remained in a critical condition facing life-threatening wounds. Reham is facing the most serious wounds and is on life support.

The least injured of the three family members is their four-year-old son Ahmad who suffered second-degree burns of his body and is at the same hospital as his mother.

And still no concrete evidence of it being a Jewish settler attack ?
OK, but if it were an Israeli child Israel would have rounded up 800 Palestinians by now.
Where did your number of 800 come from?

Thin air

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