Will you condemn this murder?

Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Although I don't agree with live fire being used against rock throwers, the simple truth is that if Palestinians ceased all their attacks, whether it's Hamas launching rockets into Israel or Palestinians launching Molotov cocktails and stones at soldiers in the West Bank, there would be no Palestinian casualties.
It really is that simple, and I know that you know that I am right.
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Condemn this:

Palestinian Authority and Kerry Freed Muslim Terrorists who Burned Jewish Family to Death Frontpage Mag

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Although I don't agree with live fire being used against rock throwers, the simple truth is that if Palestinians ceased all their attacks, whether it's Hamas launching rockets into Israel or Palestinians launching Molotov cocktails and stones at soldiers in the West Bank, there would be no Palestinian casualties.
It really is that simple, and I know that you know that I am right.
There is no excuse to shoot a kid throwing rocks over the fence. They are not under threat. All they have to do is move out of range or get back into their armored Jeep.

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Condemn this:

Palestinian Authority and Kerry Freed Muslim Terrorists who Burned Jewish Family to Death Frontpage Mag
What were they doing in the West Bank? That is Israel's war zone.
Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Condemn this:

Palestinian Authority and Kerry Freed Muslim Terrorists who Burned Jewish Family to Death Frontpage Mag
What were they doing in the West Bank? That is Israel's war zone.

Sorry I bothered.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Condemn this:

Palestinian Authority and Kerry Freed Muslim Terrorists who Burned Jewish Family to Death Frontpage Mag
What were they doing in the West Bank? That is Israel's war zone.

Sorry I bothered.
What would people say if US troops took their families with them to Iraq?
Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Condemn this:

Palestinian Authority and Kerry Freed Muslim Terrorists who Burned Jewish Family to Death Frontpage Mag
What were they doing in the West Bank? That is Israel's war zone.

Sorry I bothered.
What would people say if US troops took their families with them to Iraq?

How should I know, you twit?
Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Although I don't agree with live fire being used against rock throwers, the simple truth is that if Palestinians ceased all their attacks, whether it's Hamas launching rockets into Israel or Palestinians launching Molotov cocktails and stones at soldiers in the West Bank, there would be no Palestinian casualties.
It really is that simple, and I know that you know that I am right.
There is no excuse to shoot a kid throwing rocks over the fence. They are not under threat. All they have to do is move out of range or get back into their armored Jeep.

Not with live fire. But if you expect IDF soldiers to run away from a kid throwing rocks , than you are more deluded than I thought.

Is it so hard to just cease all rock throwing? I mean really!
It's a matter of virtue and morales! we don't see those kind of people as heroes, while the killers of the Fogel family won praises, and the gloated over it for days.! I'm glad I don't belong to that kind of nation.

Goldstein had quite a following.

That too is part of your nation you know.

Yes, true. Sadly, the Jewish community in Israel can grow rotten roots as well. However, did you see anyone in the government praising him, like Hamas officials praised their beasts? I have difficult time recalling

I agree - the Israeli government does a better job in not tolerating this than does the Palestinian government.
6 pages.
I saw one post condeming the murder
I saw a lot excusing it.

You sick bastards.

Exactly how I felt when I saw the Pro Palestinians not only excusing the Fogel family massacre but applauding it . You sick racist hypocritical bastards

Ok. So you justify it by deflecting onto other atrocities. That does seem rather effective. The Fogel massacre was roundly condemned. Yet you can't bring yourself to condemn the burning alive of a toddler?

Indofred makes a valid point here.

He is typical of the double standard of Pro Palestinians. He has made his " point" extremely well .

Again - what exactly are you talking about? Are you saying you approve of the murder of innocent children? If so, please stop dancing around.

I am referring to the double standards of Pro Palestinians . Stop dancing around

I'm seeing double standards amongst some of the Pro-Israeli's...don't you think?
Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

Condemn this:

Palestinian Authority and Kerry Freed Muslim Terrorists who Burned Jewish Family to Death Frontpage Mag
What were they doing in the West Bank? That is Israel's war zone.

Why did she walk down the street alone at night? It's her fault she got raped....
Tinmore, are you trying to play dumb? I leave in southern Israel, it's a war zone too. I guess in case people butcher me like they did the Fogels it'll be my responsibility as well.

You behave like the Palestinians are a bunch of babies with no control over what they're doing and like that should excuse them.

That's racist, btw.
Tinmore, are you trying to play dumb? I leave in southern Israel, it's a war zone too. I guess in case people butcher me like they did the Fogels it'll be my responsibility as well.

You behave like the Palestinians are a bunch of babies with no control over what they're doing and like that should excuse them.

That's racist, btw.
The Zionists brought the war with them when they came down from Europe. It is their war.
Tinmore, are you trying to play dumb? I leave in southern Israel, it's a war zone too. I guess in case people butcher me like they did the Fogels it'll be my responsibility as well.

You behave like the Palestinians are a bunch of babies with no control over what they're doing and like that should excuse them.

That's racist, btw.
The Zionists brought the war with them when they came down from Europe. It is their war.

You're still a twit.
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

When confronted with the depravity of the Palestinians Tinmore wants to talk about the Gaza operation.
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Israel has killed over 1,600 children since 2001.

It either targets children or is the oops capital of the world.

What children are you talking about? 14 to 18 year old brainwashed kids recruited as jihadi terrorists don't qualify.
Palestinian toddler killed in Jewish settler arson attack - BBC News

A Palestinian toddler has been burned to death in an arson attack by suspected Jewish settlers in the West Bank, Israeli police say.
The home where the 18-month-old boy and his family were sleeping was set on fire in the village of Douma near Nablus, local officials say.

The parents and the child's older brother were severely injured.
Will you condemn this murder?

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Palestinian child shot dead in Gaza

Gaza hospital officials identified the teenager as Mohammed al-Masri, 17.

Israeli soldiers shoot dead Palestinian near Gaza border medics - Yahoo News

17 year old terrorist! Wot a surprise.
If guilty then of course. Seems like the Israeli forces are actively looking for whomever did this. Betcha the perps will be caught and tried for their crimes.
Betcha they won't.
Betcha you're an ignorant ass. :thup:

B Tselem A burned infant was only a matter of time in view of policy to not enforce law on violent settlers B Tselem

"...in the past three years since August 2012, Israeli civilians set fire to nine Palestinian homes in the West Bank. Additionally, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Palestinian taxi, severely burning the family on board. No one was charged in any of these cases. The ISA suspects two were related to the perpetrators of June's arson attack on the Church of the Loaves and Fishes, but it is doubtful these cases would have been solved independently of the effort put into the church arson inside Israel.

In recent years, Israeli civilians set fire to dozens of Palestinian homes, mosques, businesses, agricultural land and vehicles in the West Bank. The vast majority of these cases were never solved, and in many of them the Israeli Police did not even bother take elementary investigative actions."

B'Tselem would disagree with you.

The burning of toddler is due to the growing hostility fumed by fanatics in both Israeli and Palestinian side. Before this child was burned, a child of ours was run over or stabbed in its sleep. It's the growing hostility, which by the way, Btselem is only helping to evoke

It's the growing hostility, which by the way, Btselem is only helping to evoke

By putting the killings into perspective? 100 Palestinians die for every Zionist Israeli and you want to stop the hostility by burying the truth? Get out of Occupied Palestine and your "settlers" won't be attacked any more, simple.

Significantly more Nazis died than did Americans, that didn't make the Nazis right. There should be at least a thousand dead Palestinian terrorists each time they kill an innocent Israeli.
Tinmore, are you trying to play dumb? I leave in southern Israel, it's a war zone too. I guess in case people butcher me like they did the Fogels it'll be my responsibility as well.

You behave like the Palestinians are a bunch of babies with no control over what they're doing and like that should excuse them.

That's racist, btw.
The Zionists brought the war with them when they came down from Europe. It is their war.

You're right. We should have all just died in Germany like we were meant to.

I'm sorry. Next time I visit my Grandma's grave I'll tell that to the stone, she should have just being gassed and not try to come here. Now she condemned me to war.

You're an asshole and a wicked person.

Here is the difference between Palestinians and Israelis. While Palestinians make heroes out of animals that kill innocent people, Isrselis and their leaders openly condemn it.

From your article:

Israel's prime minister called the attack "reprehensible and horrific".

"This is an act of terrorism in every respect. The State of Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of the perpetrators," Benjamin Netanyahu said in a tweet.

Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack, telling Mr Abbas Israel's security forces had been ordered "to use all means to find the murderers", his office said.
Mr Netanyahu telephoned Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the attack,​

What did he say about the 500 children that he just killed in Gaza?

Israel doesn't target children. What reason so they have to do so ?
Israel has killed over 1,600 children since 2001.

It either targets children or is the oops capital of the world.

What children are you talking about? 14 to 18 year old brainwashed kids recruited as jihadi terrorists don't qualify.
No it is 14 to 18 year olds trying to keep the scum out of their neighborhoods.

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