Will you participate in contact tracking?

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Mask free. Summer time. Its time to hit the road to maine. Plan on touring the whole state.
You'll have to sleep in your car. No hotels open to out of staters and EVERYONE who has been out of state has to quarantine for two weeks.

They'll be open in a couple of weeks. I won't be there until july.
Out of staters are not allowed in July. You're saying you're coming to Maine just to yank my chain. You can come; just bring some warm blankets. It gets cold sleeping in your car at night, even in summer.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Well, since the government already knows my NAME and my phone # is in the phone book, and Medicare has my email address, I guess I don't draw the line there.


Ah man.

That's one of your best, Oddball. lol.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.
So you want the government to track you? Lol
Abso-fucking-lutely not.

Will give fake names and addresses if push comes to shove.
The goal, of course, is to chip us all so that they will instantly know EVERYTHING we buy or sell.

This sort of prophetic marking is not a question of if, but when

You could go to church to learn about this sort of thing but unfortunately the state has shut all of their doors.
I knew about this crap over 25 years ago without church...Not that there's anything wrong with learning it from faith.
Yea, well Saint John told this to us around 50 AD.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.
It's names, phone numbers and email addresses. The law says the restaurant must take the information. As the provider of that information I shall merely lie.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Well, since the government already knows my NAME and my phone # is in the phone book, and Medicare has my email address, I guess I don't draw the line there.
None of that information is used to track you.
My doctor demanded that I provide information on someone to call in case of emergency. I said no but when he demanded it, I made it up on the spot. He didn't care that it was a lie. The form was all filled out.

There is no way I'm giving any information to a business like that.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Yeah... Cuz an innocent phone number isn’t good enough to get the rest of your info from... Lol! Stuff it you old bag. Not everyone is as dumb as you.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Yeah... Cuz an innocent phone number isn’t good enough to get the rest of your info from... Lol! Stuff it you old bag. Not everyone is as dumb as you.
Did you see the article on this. Otherwise they search your bank records using your credit card payment. And you'd rather they do that than give them your name and phone # JUST IN CASE? What are you so afraid of? Christ, it sounds like you're a Guzman or something.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Well, since the government already knows my NAME and my phone # is in the phone book, and Medicare has my email address, I guess I don't draw the line there.
None of that information is used to track you.
"Track" you. Contact you if you've been exposed to a deadly virus.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Yeah... Cuz an innocent phone number isn’t good enough to get the rest of your info from... Lol! Stuff it you old bag. Not everyone is as dumb as you.
Did you see the article on this. Otherwise they search your bank records using your credit card payment. And you'd rather they do that than give them your name and phone # JUST IN CASE? What are you so afraid of? Christ, it sounds like you're a Guzman or something.
We have a constitution,, they will get sued.. stop siding with communist
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Well, since the government already knows my NAME and my phone # is in the phone book, and Medicare has my email address, I guess I don't draw the line there.
You have all of that, but you complain about showing ID for voting.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Well, since the government already knows my NAME and my phone # is in the phone book, and Medicare has my email address, I guess I don't draw the line there.
You have all of that, but you complain about showing ID for voting.
No, actually I think we should all have to show proof of citizenship to register to vote and show photo ID to the Registrar ladies on voting day.
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

There is no such thing as contact tracking.

Stop lying.

There is such a thing as contact tracing. It's a scientific procedure designed to trace contacts of people who have been exposed to diseases. So that those people can get proper medical help and can not spread the disease to others.

It's also used in police work. When looking for a suspected criminal people trace all the contacts the criminal has had to gather evidence and possibly apprehend the criminal.

You russians really need to learn terms in the English language so you can at least minimally pass as an American. At least to the stupid trump followers.

Those are the only ones you're fooling. The rest of us are laughing at you and the trump followers.

Finally I know you want to kill as many Americans as possible with this virus. All you're doing is killing trump supporters now. The rest of us aren't as stupid as they are and are taking steps to prevent contracting and dying from the disease.

trump supporters are stupid but that's not a reason to want to kill them. They are human beings and don't deserve to be killed by the virus.
Last edited:
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

I already post it numerous times I threw it all away two years ago, I am a drifter
Fine. Then don't eat in a restaurant in Washington. If you live there, drift to another state. Problem solved.

I am not going to Washington, I have a friend in Hawaii

Did you know there's 2,746 miles between Hawaii and Washington?

All of it is water.

What does Hawaii have to do wtih Washington and what is happening there?
I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Yeah... Cuz an innocent phone number isn’t good enough to get the rest of your info from... Lol! Stuff it you old bag. Not everyone is as dumb as you.
Did you see the article on this. Otherwise they search your bank records using your credit card payment. And you'd rather they do that than give them your name and phone # JUST IN CASE? What are you so afraid of? Christ, it sounds like you're a Guzman or something.
Ahh... The generic shaming tactics of femenism... "Capitulate to my demands, or you're a scardey cat coward." Lol!!! Has that ever worked for you?
Imagine if some guy came up to you..
And said "suck my dick, or you're afraid of penises..." Yeah. You sound that stupid. Think about it...
The purpose of simply a first name only, and cell phone,

Is so that the tracers do not need to track the sick through credit card numbers with first and last names, from what I've read... it's to protect your privacy, while trying to contain the contagion moving through the mist....

Are you all so seriously paranoid, that you are not willing to save the lives of some others?

It's weird how all of you are such self centered, selfish pricks....

Our economy is never coming back....with ridiculous, paranoid, delusional, crazy, waxed cold, asses like you....

You've chosen to destroy lives, and destroy your own country..... Yeah, you have.....

Shut up and hide. We don't see the Gov as mommy and daddy, you do.
The problem Conservatives have with people like you is that you think you can make us do whatever YOU think we should. That dog doesn't hunt sweet cheeks.
You live your life, we'll live ours and you can continue to cower in your corner.
You are a cult member.....They are always the last to know....You need rescuing!

Tracing, and isolating the sick, is what will save the lives of some of your family and neighbors, and help get all non sick people, out working and shopping and spending again....until herd immunity, is achieved, through a vaccine rapidly, or years done naturally.

Why do you choose to kill others?
The funny part is the people who are the cult of dementia claiming others are in a cult. Just too funny.
I'm sorry...these are harsh words and distressing for me to even have to say, but you all meet all definitions of a cult....look it up! I follow but one, and He isn't standing on two feet, on Earth. Do good, in all that you do.... love God, above all else...And love thy neighbor, as thyself.
Oh ya. So you aren't planing on voting for your chosen Alzheimer's patient? Really?
The CDC wrote the protocols.
And I can pretty much guarantee that if Trump had been the one to write that protocol you would be flipping out. But since it is big daddy government there is no problem.

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