Will you participate in contact tracking?

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

I’m hearing Washington state will pull restaurants liquor licenses if they don’t collect peoples information.. it’s anti constitutional, and I will refuse you tracking me! Put me in jail I dare you!

The restaurant just won't let you in.

Don't you want a call if you find out you've been exposed to the Virus?
If I have to give any information to a restaurant other then a name on a reservation then I will not be going there.
If I am exposed so be it. I will not cower in my house afraid of shadows. This country was built by people that actually faced fear. They went across a country filled with hostiles, unknown terrain, sickness and sometimes death. They stepped off boats into terrible fire during DDay. They fought and died with summer clothing during a harsh winter during the battle of the bulge. They faced polio, the Spanish flu and other desease with out cowering.
These are the people that built this country.
I feel that I would demean their courage and sacrifice if I hide from this like some child afraid of the boggy man.
The restaurant just wants your phone number. lol That's what YOU are terrified of. Yeah, big hero you are,
Did you ever give a restaurant any information other then a name before this big bad scare? I never did.
You hide in your house if you want. Hold out your hand for little scraps of checks from the government. Follow orders without question.
I will, thanks, not because I'm scared, but because I was raised to think not only of myself but others.
Stay home then, and no one is getting my where abouts
What are you, a drug runner? An illegal? Don't you pay taxes every year? Have a bank account? Electricity?

Tell us where the line is in "tracking", "surveillance", and data "collecting" is that the Gov shouldn't cross.
What's too much?
The restaurants will keep a list of names and phone numbers and when those people were in the restaurant in case there is an outbreak tied to the restaurant. If an outbreak occurs, then they will give that information to the contact tracers so they can try to keep the Virus from spreading further. It's so simple a first grader could understand it. The paranoia around this is unbelievable.

You didn't answer the question.
I did answer it. The GOVERNMENT is not collecting this information. The contact tracers will use the customers' phone numbers to reach them. THAT IS ALL.

I asked where you draw the line, and yes the the GOV is who would be doing the tracking.
Well, since the government already knows my NAME and my phone # is in the phone book, and Medicare has my email address, I guess I don't draw the line there.

LOL, you're either not too bright or running from question. I'm going with not too bright.
It is not reasonable to ask a business to risk their license for this nonsense. I will simply lie and pay cash.

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