Will you shed a tear for a doomed republic?

"Will you shed a tear for a doomed republic?"

Hyperbolic nonsense.

The Republic is as secure today as during any point in its history – if not more so.

And the best America is yet to come as more citizens of the Republic realize their comprehensive civil rights, as American society becomes more diverse and inclusive, and as citizens continue to use the principles of liberty enshrined in the Constitution in pursuit of the fundamental right of self-determination.

"in pursuit of the fundamental right of self-determination"

To the people who made this country into the greatest society the planet has known--well, that quote of yours was exactly what notion they were proceeding under. Self-determination. Self-Reliance.

But, now to Loons and Pinheads, "self-determination" means the Federal Government taking care of all needs and every whim.
"Will you shed a tear for a doomed republic?"

Hyperbolic nonsense.

The Republic is as secure today as during any point in its history – if not more so.

And the best America is yet to come as more citizens of the Republic realize their comprehensive civil rights, as American society becomes more diverse and inclusive, and as citizens continue to use the principles of liberty enshrined in the Constitution in pursuit of the fundamental right of self-determination.

"in pursuit of the fundamental right of self-determination"

To the people who made this country into the greatest society the planet has known--well, that quote of yours was exactly what notion they were proceeding under. Self-determination. Self-Reliance.

But, now to Loons and Pinheads, "self-determination" means the Federal Government taking care of all needs and every whim.
Where do I sign up for that?
There must be some kind of 'connect' between racial and doomed.......as it ain't been sorted out in my lifetime, and, truly, I AM disappointed, despite what u think about me........:crybaby:..........
There is a connection. The white race as you know it is disappearing. Your women love us and your genes are recessive. Thats true despite what you think about me. :itsok:
If our genes are recessive why is it your children are never darker than you? And what exactly is it about white women you find so attractive? I think the same way myself. Not a big fan of the black girls they're pretty nasty. So by your own admission you're destroying your own race because you can't stand your own women. And the ones you get are low hanging fruit unless you're an athlete making millions. Not good breeding stock there.
Our children are frequently darker than us. Who told you they werent? I dont find white women as attractive as other women. I said your women love us not the other way around. I love my Black women. They are the best ones on the planet. Being with a white woman isnt destroying our race because as I said before your genes are recessive. A child with a Black parent is going to be Black. You cant get a Black person from a white couple but you can get a white child from a Black couple.
Really? Every child born of mixed race becomes more white. It's genetics and won't change. But race isn't the black communities source of problems anyway and whether you make whiter kids or blacker ones the result will be the same because you don't have any family left to keep shit in order and produce good people for the next generation. The democrats have given you that bowl of cherries.
No they dont become more white. I have a biracial daughter thats darker than one of my daughters with my Black wife.. See Black people can have basically any skin tone as we have the most diverse gene pool on the planet all without mixing with other races. The Black communities source of problems is its reaction to the racism of whites. Yes the results will be the same no matter what the actual skin tone. We are a amazing and resilient people so I can agree with that. Your problem will be that you wont be pure recessive white anymore in a few generations.
Without whites you end up with Africa type countries. Look no further than the fall of South Africa for an example. It's just not in enough of your peoples nature to actually build a functioning society. You just aren't up to the task. At some point that truth needs to sink in. Your racism is out of control and your demand for someone else's earned success will run out of money and then it's up to you to make something of value and that never happens in black run societies. Wish I could soften that blow just a bit but I can't. You have some great people out there but as a race the majority refuse to follow them and their leadership and choose to cling to the sharptons and the bottom feeders while ridiculing the true leaders in the community. You have some good people you just choose to marginalize them in favor of handouts.
There is a connection. The white race as you know it is disappearing. Your women love us and your genes are recessive. Thats true despite what you think about me. :itsok:
If our genes are recessive why is it your children are never darker than you? And what exactly is it about white women you find so attractive? I think the same way myself. Not a big fan of the black girls they're pretty nasty. So by your own admission you're destroying your own race because you can't stand your own women. And the ones you get are low hanging fruit unless you're an athlete making millions. Not good breeding stock there.
Our children are frequently darker than us. Who told you they werent? I dont find white women as attractive as other women. I said your women love us not the other way around. I love my Black women. They are the best ones on the planet. Being with a white woman isnt destroying our race because as I said before your genes are recessive. A child with a Black parent is going to be Black. You cant get a Black person from a white couple but you can get a white child from a Black couple.
Really? Every child born of mixed race becomes more white. It's genetics and won't change. But race isn't the black communities source of problems anyway and whether you make whiter kids or blacker ones the result will be the same because you don't have any family left to keep shit in order and produce good people for the next generation. The democrats have given you that bowl of cherries.
No they dont become more white. I have a biracial daughter thats darker than one of my daughters with my Black wife.. See Black people can have basically any skin tone as we have the most diverse gene pool on the planet all without mixing with other races. The Black communities source of problems is its reaction to the racism of whites. Yes the results will be the same no matter what the actual skin tone. We are a amazing and resilient people so I can agree with that. Your problem will be that you wont be pure recessive white anymore in a few generations.
Without whites you end up with Africa type countries. Look no further than the fall of South Africa for an example. It's just not in enough of your peoples nature to actually build a functioning society. You just aren't up to the task. At some point that truth needs to sink in. Your racism is out of control and your demand for someone else's earned success will run out of money and then it's up to you to make something of value and that never happens in black run societies. Wish I could soften that blow just a bit but I can't. You have some great people out there but as a race the majority refuse to follow them and their leadership and choose to cling to the sharptons and the bottom feeders while ridiculing the true leaders in the community. You have some good people you just choose to marginalize them in favor of handouts.
I dont have a problem with African countries. Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. Once the stink of white racists is scrubbed from the earth we have plenty of time to discard your idiot concepts of what life is supposed to be like. We'll get back to living like humans were intended to live.....Not afraid of nature because your genes are recessive. I dont follow lap dogs that afraid to anger whites and have bought into the myth of white superiority. I see them as weak turncoats content with pretending they are white, seeking acceptance and a pat on the head.
If our genes are recessive why is it your children are never darker than you? And what exactly is it about white women you find so attractive? I think the same way myself. Not a big fan of the black girls they're pretty nasty. So by your own admission you're destroying your own race because you can't stand your own women. And the ones you get are low hanging fruit unless you're an athlete making millions. Not good breeding stock there.
Our children are frequently darker than us. Who told you they werent? I dont find white women as attractive as other women. I said your women love us not the other way around. I love my Black women. They are the best ones on the planet. Being with a white woman isnt destroying our race because as I said before your genes are recessive. A child with a Black parent is going to be Black. You cant get a Black person from a white couple but you can get a white child from a Black couple.
Really? Every child born of mixed race becomes more white. It's genetics and won't change. But race isn't the black communities source of problems anyway and whether you make whiter kids or blacker ones the result will be the same because you don't have any family left to keep shit in order and produce good people for the next generation. The democrats have given you that bowl of cherries.
No they dont become more white. I have a biracial daughter thats darker than one of my daughters with my Black wife.. See Black people can have basically any skin tone as we have the most diverse gene pool on the planet all without mixing with other races. The Black communities source of problems is its reaction to the racism of whites. Yes the results will be the same no matter what the actual skin tone. We are a amazing and resilient people so I can agree with that. Your problem will be that you wont be pure recessive white anymore in a few generations.
Without whites you end up with Africa type countries. Look no further than the fall of South Africa for an example. It's just not in enough of your peoples nature to actually build a functioning society. You just aren't up to the task. At some point that truth needs to sink in. Your racism is out of control and your demand for someone else's earned success will run out of money and then it's up to you to make something of value and that never happens in black run societies. Wish I could soften that blow just a bit but I can't. You have some great people out there but as a race the majority refuse to follow them and their leadership and choose to cling to the sharptons and the bottom feeders while ridiculing the true leaders in the community. You have some good people you just choose to marginalize them in favor of handouts.
I dont have a problem with African countries. Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. Once the stink of white racists is scrubbed from the earth we have plenty of time to discard your idiot concepts of what life is supposed to be like. We'll get back to living like humans were intended to live.....Not afraid of nature because your genes are recessive. I dont follow lap dogs that afraid to anger whites and have bought into the myth of white superiority. I see them as weak turncoats content with pretending they are white, seeking acceptance and a pat on the head.

Guess what........You're still.............

.........and ya' got soul!!!!:2up:
You cannot preserve unity where there is only growing separation and strife. You cannot save that which strives to die. I can only wonder if there will be anything worth salvaging buried in the ashes.

I've always been impressed by Americans ability to persevere in the face of adversity. We've weathered far worse than this.
If our genes are recessive why is it your children are never darker than you? And what exactly is it about white women you find so attractive? I think the same way myself. Not a big fan of the black girls they're pretty nasty. So by your own admission you're destroying your own race because you can't stand your own women. And the ones you get are low hanging fruit unless you're an athlete making millions. Not good breeding stock there.
Our children are frequently darker than us. Who told you they werent? I dont find white women as attractive as other women. I said your women love us not the other way around. I love my Black women. They are the best ones on the planet. Being with a white woman isnt destroying our race because as I said before your genes are recessive. A child with a Black parent is going to be Black. You cant get a Black person from a white couple but you can get a white child from a Black couple.
Really? Every child born of mixed race becomes more white. It's genetics and won't change. But race isn't the black communities source of problems anyway and whether you make whiter kids or blacker ones the result will be the same because you don't have any family left to keep shit in order and produce good people for the next generation. The democrats have given you that bowl of cherries.
No they dont become more white. I have a biracial daughter thats darker than one of my daughters with my Black wife.. See Black people can have basically any skin tone as we have the most diverse gene pool on the planet all without mixing with other races. The Black communities source of problems is its reaction to the racism of whites. Yes the results will be the same no matter what the actual skin tone. We are a amazing and resilient people so I can agree with that. Your problem will be that you wont be pure recessive white anymore in a few generations.
Without whites you end up with Africa type countries. Look no further than the fall of South Africa for an example. It's just not in enough of your peoples nature to actually build a functioning society. You just aren't up to the task. At some point that truth needs to sink in. Your racism is out of control and your demand for someone else's earned success will run out of money and then it's up to you to make something of value and that never happens in black run societies. Wish I could soften that blow just a bit but I can't. You have some great people out there but as a race the majority refuse to follow them and their leadership and choose to cling to the sharptons and the bottom feeders while ridiculing the true leaders in the community. You have some good people you just choose to marginalize them in favor of handouts.
I dont have a problem with African countries. Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. Once the stink of white racists is scrubbed from the earth we have plenty of time to discard your idiot concepts of what life is supposed to be like. We'll get back to living like humans were intended to live.....Not afraid of nature because your genes are recessive. I dont follow lap dogs that afraid to anger whites and have bought into the myth of white superiority. I see them as weak turncoats content with pretending they are white, seeking acceptance and a pat on the head.
Well then you shouldn't have a problem with us dropping all government assistance to black neighborhoods and letting them all just live like they would in Africa. Maybe going backwards should include shipping a bunch of you out of here to live the African dream. There are a lot of blacks that we could use here to help grow what we have. And then there are a few of you we would never miss and are fucking up the whole thing. Go take your supposed superior genes and breed them in poverty without food or a real economy just like you have in the countries you think we need to go back to. We'll take the ones that want to be Americans, the rest of you are free to go.
Our children are frequently darker than us. Who told you they werent? I dont find white women as attractive as other women. I said your women love us not the other way around. I love my Black women. They are the best ones on the planet. Being with a white woman isnt destroying our race because as I said before your genes are recessive. A child with a Black parent is going to be Black. You cant get a Black person from a white couple but you can get a white child from a Black couple.
Really? Every child born of mixed race becomes more white. It's genetics and won't change. But race isn't the black communities source of problems anyway and whether you make whiter kids or blacker ones the result will be the same because you don't have any family left to keep shit in order and produce good people for the next generation. The democrats have given you that bowl of cherries.
No they dont become more white. I have a biracial daughter thats darker than one of my daughters with my Black wife.. See Black people can have basically any skin tone as we have the most diverse gene pool on the planet all without mixing with other races. The Black communities source of problems is its reaction to the racism of whites. Yes the results will be the same no matter what the actual skin tone. We are a amazing and resilient people so I can agree with that. Your problem will be that you wont be pure recessive white anymore in a few generations.
Without whites you end up with Africa type countries. Look no further than the fall of South Africa for an example. It's just not in enough of your peoples nature to actually build a functioning society. You just aren't up to the task. At some point that truth needs to sink in. Your racism is out of control and your demand for someone else's earned success will run out of money and then it's up to you to make something of value and that never happens in black run societies. Wish I could soften that blow just a bit but I can't. You have some great people out there but as a race the majority refuse to follow them and their leadership and choose to cling to the sharptons and the bottom feeders while ridiculing the true leaders in the community. You have some good people you just choose to marginalize them in favor of handouts.
I dont have a problem with African countries. Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. Once the stink of white racists is scrubbed from the earth we have plenty of time to discard your idiot concepts of what life is supposed to be like. We'll get back to living like humans were intended to live.....Not afraid of nature because your genes are recessive. I dont follow lap dogs that afraid to anger whites and have bought into the myth of white superiority. I see them as weak turncoats content with pretending they are white, seeking acceptance and a pat on the head.
Well then you shouldn't have a problem with us dropping all government assistance to black neighborhoods and letting them all just live like they would in Africa. Maybe going backwards should include shipping a bunch of you out of here to live the African dream. There are a lot of blacks that we could use here to help grow what we have. And then there are a few of you we would never miss and are fucking up the whole thing. Go take your supposed superior genes and breed them in poverty without food or a real economy just like you have in the countries you think we need to go back to. We'll take the ones that want to be Americans, the rest of you are free to go.
Do what you have to do. Let me know what day you are going to put this into practice.

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