Willard: The Wimp Factor

I would say that if you need to beat people up, usually people who are weaker and smaller than you are, you are probably dealing with some serious insecurities. You know, kind of like Mitt leading a gang of kids to pin down and cut that gay kid's hair.

That last thing we need is a guy in the White House whose mouth writes checks his ass can't cash.

You would probably have a point but look at Iraq..... One could argue that we left with our tails under our assholes...

You act as if we just went in and turned a country into glass and were out a few days later...

We've only been at war for the past decade.

You may as well call FDR a pussy - no you wont - you adore him.

FDR was responding to countries that had openly attacked us.

Iraq didn't attack us.

They also didn't welcome us with flowers like people said they would.

Now, you could make a good argument that Saddam was odious enough that taking him out was the right thing to do, but Bush didn't make that case. He made the case that Saddam had WMD's he was getting ready to hand over to Osama Bin Laden to take out NYC.

As for FDR, at least he had skin in the game. His sons served in the military during the war. His cousin, BG Theodore Roosevelt Jr. died during the course of the NOrmandy campaign. So, yeah, I would give him a lot more credit than Mitt Romney, who never served, and who says that his sons working on his campaign was just as valid service to the country as being in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Saddam committed crimes against humanity... We found a bunch of yellow cake to boot.

Saddam used WMD's against the Kurds, what makes you think hes all out of WMD's?

Fuck I could hide WMD's in the Texas desert and it would take decades before you found them - what makes you think for a nanosecond he just didn't have a good "hiding spot?"

Given the fact he used them previously means he most likely has more.....

I wouldn't be shocked if some guy on a camel just falls through the sand one day 100 years from now and finds a bunker with a bunch of WMD's.... That type of shit happens all the time in Egypt - they just fall into tombs tho..... Yeah go read about how they buried the tombs underground - tombs that only took 3,000 years to find.
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Saddam committed crimes against humanity... We found a bunch of yellow cake to boot.

Saddam used WMD's against the Kurds, what makes you think hes all out of WMD's?

Fuck I could hide WMD's in the Texas desert and it would take decades before you found them - what makes you think for a nanosecond he just didn't have a good "hiding spot?"

Given the fact he used them previously means he most likely has more.....

I wouldn't be shocked if some guy on a camel just falls through the sand one day 100 years from now and finds a bunker with a bunch of WMD's.... That type of shit happens all the time in Egypt - they just fall into tombs tho..... Yeah go read about how they buried the tombs underground - tombs that only took 3,000 years to find.

Okay, I know you really need to believe that there were really WMD's...

But if there were, someone would have ratted out their location by now.
[Powerlineblog rebuts. Newsweek sold for a dollah, folks. That's all its news and content are worth. For the last several, its been written by and for those preparing to accommodate the Imam's fatwah on how to become a better suicide bomber.]

"You have probably heard about Newsweek magazine’s claim that Mitt Romney is a “wimp.” You remember Newsweek–it was sold for $1 and will stop printing within the next few weeks. Still, somehow, someone apparently cares what some unknown left-wing internet hack, who writes for an almost-nonexistent publication that is worth a tiny fraction of Power Line, thinks of the Republican presidential candidate."

Barack Obama: The “Whipped” Factor | Power Line
Saddam committed crimes against humanity... We found a bunch of yellow cake to boot.

Saddam used WMD's against the Kurds, what makes you think hes all out of WMD's?

Fuck I could hide WMD's in the Texas desert and it would take decades before you found them - what makes you think for a nanosecond he just didn't have a good "hiding spot?"

Given the fact he used them previously means he most likely has more.....

I wouldn't be shocked if some guy on a camel just falls through the sand one day 100 years from now and finds a bunker with a bunch of WMD's.... That type of shit happens all the time in Egypt - they just fall into tombs tho..... Yeah go read about how they buried the tombs underground - tombs that only took 3,000 years to find.

Okay, I know you really need to believe that there were really WMD's...

But if there were, someone would have ratted out their location by now.

so Bill Clinton and all those Democrats were liars too?

What Did The Democrats Say About Iraq's WMD ??
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Saddam committed crimes against humanity... We found a bunch of yellow cake to boot.

Saddam used WMD's against the Kurds, what makes you think hes all out of WMD's?

Fuck I could hide WMD's in the Texas desert and it would take decades before you found them - what makes you think for a nanosecond he just didn't have a good "hiding spot?"

Given the fact he used them previously means he most likely has more.....

I wouldn't be shocked if some guy on a camel just falls through the sand one day 100 years from now and finds a bunker with a bunch of WMD's.... That type of shit happens all the time in Egypt - they just fall into tombs tho..... Yeah go read about how they buried the tombs underground - tombs that only took 3,000 years to find.

Okay, I know you really need to believe that there were really WMD's...

But if there were, someone would have ratted out their location by now.

so Bill Clinton and all those Democrats were liars too?

What Did The Democrats Say About Iraq's WMD ??
What Did The Democrats Say About

There were no WMD's.

It was a lie made up by W and the GOP to sell the false war in Iraq.

Even W admitted there were no WMD's.
There were no WMD's.

It was a lie made up by W and the GOP to sell the false war in Iraq.

Even W admitted there were no WMD's.

No wonder you got your dumb ass booted from the Clean Debate forum... you can't post without lying. It must be pathological. Seek help.

Iraq did have chemical WMD, WikiLeaks documents reveal - NYPOST.com
Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
Iraqi Chemical Stash Uncovered
Hundreds of Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq Since 2003, U.S. Intelligence Report Says | Global Security Newswire | NTI
Saddam committed crimes against humanity... We found a bunch of yellow cake to boot.

Saddam used WMD's against the Kurds, what makes you think hes all out of WMD's?

Fuck I could hide WMD's in the Texas desert and it would take decades before you found them - what makes you think for a nanosecond he just didn't have a good "hiding spot?"

Given the fact he used them previously means he most likely has more.....

I wouldn't be shocked if some guy on a camel just falls through the sand one day 100 years from now and finds a bunker with a bunch of WMD's.... That type of shit happens all the time in Egypt - they just fall into tombs tho..... Yeah go read about how they buried the tombs underground - tombs that only took 3,000 years to find.

Okay, I know you really need to believe that there were really WMD's...

But if there were, someone would have ratted out their location by now.

I don't need to believe there are WMD's, given what I know reading history books I know it is easy to hide shit under sand...

I know Saddam used WMD's that is a fact, I know you can hide shit that is a fact, I know Saddam wasn't a stupid man - that is a fact...

If I was Saddam I would have hid that shit in "no-mans land"

What did you expect? Saddam kept WMD's in his basement?
Saddam committed crimes against humanity... We found a bunch of yellow cake to boot.

Saddam used WMD's against the Kurds, what makes you think hes all out of WMD's?

Fuck I could hide WMD's in the Texas desert and it would take decades before you found them - what makes you think for a nanosecond he just didn't have a good "hiding spot?"

Given the fact he used them previously means he most likely has more.....

I wouldn't be shocked if some guy on a camel just falls through the sand one day 100 years from now and finds a bunker with a bunch of WMD's.... That type of shit happens all the time in Egypt - they just fall into tombs tho..... Yeah go read about how they buried the tombs underground - tombs that only took 3,000 years to find.

Okay, I know you really need to believe that there were really WMD's...

But if there were, someone would have ratted out their location by now.


There were no WMD's.

It was a lie made up by W and the GOP to sell the false war in Iraq.

Even W admitted there were no WMD's.

No wonder you got your dumb ass booted from the Clean Debate forum... you can't post without lying. It must be pathological. Seek help.

Iraq did have chemical WMD, WikiLeaks documents reveal - NYPOST.com
Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
Iraqi Chemical Stash Uncovered
Hundreds of Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq Since 2003, U.S. Intelligence Report Says | Global Security Newswire | NTI

Shut up you stupid bitch, all you do is lie. What's it like living in a delusional fantasy land?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soohikNdbWs]Bush says Iraq had no WMDs - YouTube[/ame]

W - "We thought he (Saddam) had weapons of mass destruction, turns out he didn't"[/QUOTE]
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Crack_Fable has more sand in his inflamed vagina than the American midwest had dust in the days of the Dust Bowl.

Inability to achieve an erection goes through a box of tampons a day he has shoved up his ass from all the butthurt.
Crack_Fable has more sand in his inflamed vagina than the American midwest had dust in the days of the Dust Bowl.

Not to mention his sphincter that has been stretched beyond human limits.

He must enjoy it.

Yes, we all know when you rightwing shitheads get put in your place, all you can do is troll, though what you and Inability do in your private times with your buttholes is your business, and that's fine to experiment with varies sex toys like your blow up Reagan doll, but let's get back to the topic.
There were no WMD's.

It was a lie made up by W and the GOP to sell the false war in Iraq.

Even W admitted there were no WMD's.

No wonder you got your dumb ass booted from the Clean Debate forum... you can't post without lying. It must be pathological. Seek help.

Iraq did have chemical WMD, WikiLeaks documents reveal - NYPOST.com
Defense.gov News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
Iraqi Chemical Stash Uncovered
Hundreds of Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq Since 2003, U.S. Intelligence Report Says | Global Security Newswire | NTI

Shut up you stupid bitch, all you do is lie. What's it like living in a delusional fantasy land?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soohikNdbWs"]Bush says Iraq had no WMDs - YouTube[/ame]

W - "We thought he (Saddam) had weapons of mass destruction, turns out he didn't"

I thought W was a liar

Absolutely Hilarious to see the supporters of the Lead From Behind, Thin Skinned whiner President we have now, calling someone else a Wimp.

To rich, there is no end to the level of stupidity you spew.
....meanwhile those shitheads at that dying magazine never looked into Obaminations lies about his past, his racist friends, his terrorist friends, his lack of real jobs experience, his college transcripts, etc.

"Is Mitt Romney a wimp? That’s our cover this week, which asks if the former Massachusetts governor—who’s dodging the press, hiding his tax returns, and fearing the base—is too insecure to be president."

I wouldn't have put wimp, rather a coward and scum for hiding his tax returns and refusing to present transparency like Obama and his own father have done, but none the less a great cover for the new newsweek :up:


Newsweek (Is Mitt Romney a wimp?*That
Newsweek is a sick and disgusting disposal site for all the paranoid conspiracy theories and self-fulfilling prophecy hopes of hard-core leftists in the US. They're the DNC's brainwashing mechanism now.
....meanwhile those shitheads at that dying magazine never looked into Obaminations lies about his past, his racist friends, his terrorist friends, his lack of real jobs experience, his college transcripts, etc.

"Is Mitt Romney a wimp? That’s our cover this week, which asks if the former Massachusetts governor—who’s dodging the press, hiding his tax returns, and fearing the base—is too insecure to be president."

I wouldn't have put wimp, rather a coward and scum for hiding his tax returns and refusing to present transparency like Obama and his own father have done, but none the less a great cover for the new newsweek :up:


Newsweek (Is Mitt Romney a wimp?*That
They're frauds living off the good name they earned in the 60s for posting journalistic views of Americans. Now, they're just a commie mouthpiece saying bad things about good Americans. They're a disgrace.

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