Wind farms are killing Whales?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Say it ain't so Joe.

LOL....The whales don't stand a chance against the wind-power robber barons.

Say it ain't so Joe.


Windmill Cancer
I read on the internet that the whales are dying as an after effect of the COVID shot

Say it ain't so Joe.

Everything about wind farms is awful. They are unsightly and unnatural eyesores in natural settings. Their noise is constant, and that may interfere with whales' communications with each other. They are sensitive and beach themselves in the presence of dangerous human castoffs such as plastic cups, and offshore garbage dumps. They have no other way to communicate with us about a serious evil practice that is ruining their lives. They figure that sooner or later, their death will open our eyes to their family's plight, and they'd rather be dead than see their beloved fellows suffer human ignoramus issues. And that's what I think is at the bottom of these sad suicides.
Everything about wind farms is awful. They are unsightly and unnatural eyesores in natural settings. Their noise is constant, and that may interfere with whales' communications with each other. They are sensitive and beach themselves in the presence of dangerous human castoffs such as plastic cups, and offshore garbage dumps. They have no other way to communicate with us about a serious evil practice that is ruining their lives. They figure that sooner or later, their death will open our eyes to their family's plight, and they'd rather be dead than see their beloved fellows suffer human ignoramus issues. And that's what I think is at the bottom of these sad suicides.

Solar farms are worse.

The entire green shit is a disaster
Everything about wind farms is awful. They are unsightly and unnatural eyesores in natural settings. Their noise is constant, and that may interfere with whales' communications with each other. They are sensitive and beach themselves in the presence of dangerous human castoffs such as plastic cups, and offshore garbage dumps. They have no other way to communicate with us about a serious evil practice that is ruining their lives. They figure that sooner or later, their death will open our eyes to their family's plight, and they'd rather be dead than see their beloved fellows suffer human ignoramus issues. And that's what I think is at the bottom of these sad suicides.
Could the Left cause whales to go extinct?

If they did, the media and scientists would never admit to such a thing.
I remember when Conservatives used to mock “Save the Whales”

Now, when they think windmills are killing them they are outraged
I remember when Conservatives used to mock “Save the Whales”

Now, when they think windmills are killing them they are outraged
Not true. We live in an ALL or NOTHING culture with no middling ground on issues. There was no mandate for this green stuff. This was forced on us with people selling us out to special interests. It is understood that we must move on in a proper way to have renewable energy that is clean. Go to Asia and other parts of the world to spew the green mantra.
I remember when Conservatives used to mock “Save the Whales”

Now, when they think windmills are killing them they are outraged

Yes we did when they were not in danger, but now the envirokooks put them in danger and death. You see unlike you climate change nuts, we only react when we have evidence of something instead of some flawed theories.
Makes you wonder what happened to all those animal rights people; you know, the women that used to show up bare naked to get their points (no pun intended) across. I guess they took refuge with the women's rights people that are in hiding now that weirdos in dresses are invading their locker rooms, showers, and eliminating real females in high school sports.

It was not that long ago the Democrats would tell people Republicans are the relics of the past. They are old and dying off; we will be gone soon.

Oh the irony.

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