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Wingnut Michele backs off on cutting veterans' benefits


Jun 27, 2009
I wait to see how the TPers hold up on cutting farm subsidies since most of their supporters are rural.
Plus some major corporate ones who benefit from the subsidies as well.
and medicare since their main supporters are the over 50 crowd.
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They will likely focus on aid to the poor bacause they do not vote republican anyway. Medicaid, CHIPS, Food Stamps, etc.
Bachmann is totally clueless

Her political instincts are laughable
Bachmann is totally clueless

Her political instincts are laughable

Or, as I've said elsewhere, she's probably wingnutty like a fox. Could be she's drawing attention to herself to take focus off some of the other Republicans who are quietly working to gut everything imaginable...

...except defense, of course.
It wan't a cut, it was a freeze.

but don't let that get in your alls way from spreading your bullshit.
If I was a dem, and was talking with her. This is all I would bring up.Make her into a unpatriotic twat.

Remember Bush cutting VA money and congress restoriing it?


posted May 20, 2004
The U.S. House of Representatives approved billions of dollars in cuts to veterans' programs over the next 10 years—on the same day it unani-mously passed a resolution of “unequivocal support” for the nation's troops overseas. Proposed by President Bush as part of his 2004 budget plan, the reductions—estimated at $28 billion—would erode health-care benefits already stretched by other budget shortfalls, raise costs, and decrease veterans' access to medical care.

pick one

Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to fetch her dog a bone, the cupboard was bare,,, except for some worthless printing press dollars that lose value every passing moment.
Life's tough,,, wise up,,,, can you say Zimbabwe economics?
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If I was a dem, and was talking with her. This is all I would bring up.Make her into a unpatriotic twat.

Remember Bush cutting VA money and congress restoriing it?


Bush Administration underfunded veterans' health care by $2 billion. The Bush Administration's 2004 budget underfunded veterans' health care by nearly $2 billion. ("Vets Health Low on Bush's Priority List," The Hill, September 17, 2003; "Support for Troops Questioned," Washington Post, June 17, 2003; U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs, September 2002)

Bush Administration budget cuts force more than 200,000 veterans to wait for health care. Over 200,000 United States veterans have to wait more than six months for a medical visit because of health care shortages. ("VA Health Care Funding Alert," Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Press Release, January 31, 2003)

What George Bush has done for soldiers and veterans. - Journals - CafeMom
in days of old when times got tough and there was not enough to go around the weakest least productive were left by the roadside to starve and fend for themselves,,, economics have never changed only our concept of economic reality. How can we be broke when we still haves unused checks in our check book? You can only sport with a virgin opportunity so many times.
Ohh I figure most of the cuts will actually be reductions in future projected increases.

hope not, baseline budgeting is a gimmick. The "baseline" grows each year as its built into the bill before they even take the vote that enacts it....lets hope they get to the meat of the issue.
ahh the old they cut da po' vets benes ploy............that one never gets old...anyone know for instance why McCain back I think it was 07 voted no on a vets budget bill?
Too bad she didn't have the back bone to keep it in, by time they make provisions for every whiner there won't be any of saving as usual.

So you're saying veterans are a bunch of whiners?

Not really. I'm all for supporting the Military on everything, but there is extreme economic times right now, we need to cut everything including benefits as a whole.e Military is a job, they are paid for their service like any other job, benefits are freebies and when times are tough we need to have the balls to pull them back. If I get hurt on the job I won't get paid for life or have open medical for life because its a job hazard.

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