Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown

. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion
. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
It seems like Cruz, who watched his efforts to defund and delay ObamaCare fail miserably, would be the day's biggest loser. He was blasted by fellow Republicans. His hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, even revoked its endorsement of him from last year.

So why isn't Cruz worried about his Senate seat? Probably because his anti-ObamaCare theatrics resulted in a huge payday. His fundraising campaign pulled in nearly $800,000 over the last quarter, almost double what he raised the quarter before. While the rest of America might not love Cruz, his base and his donors still support him. Hello, 2016.

Come on Ted
Come clean....wasn't that the real reason you demanded a Government shutdown?
I honestly think the Democratic Senate dropped the delay on the medical device tax just for pure smite to the GOP.

Kinda like salt on an open wound.
All this crap, all this arguing, all the filibusters, all the threats...and what did the GOP and Tea Party accomplish?


well, they did bring down the Tea Party's and GOP's poll numbers.

and they did make financial markets worry that the US Congress just isn't reliable.

But as for killing, slowing down, or amending ObamaCare? they failed miserable!!!

Thanks for nothing, Republicans. Thanks for wasting our time.

May you suffer in November 2014 for your dishonest nonesense.
. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
It seems like Cruz, who watched his efforts to defund and delay ObamaCare fail miserably, would be the day's biggest loser. He was blasted by fellow Republicans. His hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, even revoked its endorsement of him from last year.

So why isn't Cruz worried about his Senate seat? Probably because his anti-ObamaCare theatrics resulted in a huge payday. His fundraising campaign pulled in nearly $800,000 over the last quarter, almost double what he raised the quarter before. While the rest of America might not love Cruz, his base and his donors still support him. Hello, 2016.

Come on Ted
Come clean....wasn't that the real reason you demanded a Government shutdown?

yep, just as i & others said, it was a fundraising ploy to fleece their supporters . He can't run for Prez anyway being a Canadian.
Winners and losers in the government shutdown battle - The Week


President Obama
Democratic Party


Tea Party
US Economy


Ted Cruz
John Boehner

I don't see how obamcare wins, unless you think that all of a sudden with the debt ceiling fight postponed and the shutdown over, the site and the issues will just magically disappear?

the us economy, exactly?

and time will tell, tis may have been a Pyhrric victory for either party depending upon how this shakes out going forward.

And obama as a winner? well in some tangential way, maybe, but once again he wasn't involved in the process at all, aside from just saying no no no...people on both sides of the aisle are tired of it.....Reid said no to biden/wh getting involved and he did it on his own....again.
. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion

Democrats worried about government waste...too funny..:lol:

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