Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown

How the hell can anyone think there were any winners?

How do you figure Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats didn't win?

The results of Dem-care will tell the's starting off as a failure, an economic disaster and it's only going to get worse...congratulations...:party:

It's not starting off as a failure, that's another R talking point. 15,000,000 people have visited the exchanges.

People are excited about Obamacare... I would invite you all to go see what it can do for you.
In a low information environment republicans will always be the perceived losers. That's the way the liberal media system works. They blamed Gingrich for the government shutdown when it was the pervert-in-chief who called the shots and later caved. Today the left wing is even better armed than they were in the 90's with the tax exempt left wing political propaganda networks like Media Matters. The thing the democrat party fears most is a smart enlightened constituency and that's why they promote the union based education system. In spite of the almost constant defense of the Hussein administration it seems that Americans are better informed than they ever were. Maybe that's why the democrat party is at war with the 1st Amendment.
When you start a game of brinksmanship and not only don't get what you want but also manage to blow off all of your toes in the process and then wake up hungover in bed with Ted Cruz - You lost. Big Time.

When you keep your backone up and give no quarter while your oppenents destroy themselves - you win. Big time.

It's hilarious to see punch drunk retards try to spin it any other way.

And frankly, I think it's good that many apparently haven't seen the giant blinking neon sign in front of them. They are being counted on to try something of this nature again but closer to the elections. Americans and their six second attention span will have to be reminded that they are total fuckwads.
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First, the terms of the deal are quite favorable to Democrats. The one concession Republicans won in the deal? The implementation of an income verification system in ObamaCare for people seeking federal subsidies.

Except it's hardly a concession. The health care law originally had similar verification requirements, though the Obama administration in July delayed them to 2015. In short, the GOP will get a minor tweak to the law that was in there in the first place.

At the same time, the deal will force the House and Senate to convene a budget committee to hammer out a new spending agreement. Democrats have been repeatedly asking for just such a committee since at least April.

The GOP's failure to win any concessions is all the more painful when you consider that a different strategy — to be blunt, a sane strategy — could have put real pressure on Democrats.

Before the shutdown, Republicans had a chance to vote for a clean continuing resolution to fund the government through November 15 at the reduced levels mandated by the 2011 debt-limit deal. Instead, the House balked, repeatedly sending the Senate untenable bills attacking ObamaCare.

Had Republicans approved the original "clean" offer, they would have had a second crack at addressing spending within two months, and an untarnished image as they tried to wield the debt ceiling as leverage. By putting all their chips in an utterly futile plan to defund ObamaCare, they squandered both.

While Republicans gained virtually nothing, they will be bleeding from this battle for a long time to come.
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How do you figure Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats didn't win?

The results of Dem-care will tell the's starting off as a failure, an economic disaster and it's only going to get worse...congratulations...:party:

It's not starting off as a failure, that's another R talking point. 15,000,000 people have visited the exchanges.

People are excited about Obamacare... I would invite you all to go see what it can do for you.

I appreciate your optimism but your grasp of reality is wanting...:eusa_angel:

check out this link....
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Mayhap we'll now see the birth of a replacement party - hey, it happened in other countries. Thing is there may be a lot of buyer's remorse about 3 years into it.

Hard cheese, that.
if you are going to shutdown the govt. and threaten to let the govt. default, you BETTER get something out of it.

what did the Tea Party win? nothing.
The republicans lost, but how badly has obama been wounded by the fight? With any luck, the democrats will be bleeding for years to come.

Obama hasn't been wounded, nor have the Democrats. America loves winners. His approval ratings will go up. The Dem's are where they never expected to be, within reach of taking back the House. The Republican Party is all messed up fighting each other. They can not govern and that is obvious. Most of the anger and blame is going towards the Republicans and the TP is being rejected by rank and file Repub's.
Look, a clean CR passed the Senate.


now its time for the House to pass it.

which is what I've been saying for weeks.
The republicans lost, but how badly has obama been wounded by the fight? With any luck, the democrats will be bleeding for years to come.

Obama hasn't been wounded, nor have the Democrats. America loves winners. His approval ratings will go up. The Dem's are where they never expected to be, within reach of taking back the House. The Republican Party is all messed up fighting each other. They can not govern and that is obvious. Most of the anger and blame is going towards the Republicans and the TP is being rejected by rank and file Repub's.

I hope the democrats can repeal the anti-science sequester. If So I'll vote for them. ;)
The republicans lost, but how badly has obama been wounded by the fight? With any luck, the democrats will be bleeding for years to come.

Obama hasn't been wounded, nor have the Democrats. America loves winners. His approval ratings will go up. The Dem's are where they never expected to be, within reach of taking back the House. The Republican Party is all messed up fighting each other. They can not govern and that is obvious. Most of the anger and blame is going towards the Republicans and the TP is being rejected by rank and file Repub's.

I hope the democrats can repeal the anti-science sequester. If So I'll vote for them. ;)

I hope you learn to read...there is no anti science sequester, they lost part approx. 2% of a baseline INCREASE........:lol:

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