Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown

[Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown


1- The Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis of evil

2- Parasitic Faction

2- The manufacturers of KY Jelly



1- US Constitution , Individual Liberty

2- American Producers and Taxpayers


Winners: Obama and the Democrats, for not giving in, not even at the last moment.

Losers: The Republicans and Boehner for letting the Tea Party dominate them and bring them on a suicide mission.

BIG Losers: The Tea Party for almost destroying the USA and trying to blackmail the Congress into giving them what they want.
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How the hell can anyone think it was a draw for Cruz and Boehner?

How the hell can anyone think there were any winners?

How do you figure Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats didn't win?

Jesus, really?

Anyone with even the slightest bit of intellectual honesty can see that they come out of this debacle looking only slightly better than the Republicans, and they look like shit.
Jesus, really?

Anyone with even the slightest bit of intellectual honesty can see that they come out of this debacle looking only slightly better than the Republicans, and they look like shit.

The Democrats got what they wanted.

The Republicans didn't get anything they fought for.

Obama and the Democrats clearly won.
its funny, for the past 16 days it been 'the house should do what the are supposed to do' for doing what they were supposed to do, they 'lost'....:rolleyes:
its funny, for the past 16 days it been 'the house should do what the are supposed to do' for doing what they were supposed to do, they 'lost'....:rolleyes:

they brought the nation to the brink of default.

that's why they lost.

the bill that will pass today should have been voted on by the House a month ago.
I like this quote from Putin on Obama, it should be extended to all Democrats at this time..

"Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon.
The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and
then struts around like it won the game."
The republicans lost, but how badly has obama been wounded by the fight? With any luck, the democrats will be bleeding for years to come.
its funny, for the past 16 days it been 'the house should do what the are supposed to do' for doing what they were supposed to do, they 'lost'....:rolleyes:

they brought the nation to the brink of default.

that's why they lost.

the bill that will pass today should have been voted on by the House a month ago.

critical thinking not your forte eh? they had to, they could not stop it and they knew it, this had to happen, we've been told by the media that this was outside the 'rules' taking hostages they did it, now they lost something and 'your side' gained what again? Raising the debt limit? what happened to all that obama rhetoric on it "not being patriotic"? ? Blame your own rhetoric.

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