Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown

I followed the last 3 elections like a hawk. Looked at the numbers and who can win what....What did I find? People Like Romney/McCain won the primaries even within the republican party. The tea party can only win within fly over :eek: States like Florida, Va, North Carolina, Co, Nv, Az...

Romney destroyed the conservatives in florida
Romney destroyed conservatives in Nv
Romney destroyed conservatives in AZ

Santorum win 6 states within the Midwest and southeast....Within my Opinion there's no way in hell they can win with a strong moderate running. Christy runs = chirsty winning the nom...This goes for 2000, 2004, 2008 too as Bush was also the moderate. No one wants to give up our first world country for the shit these idiots are whining for.

Here's the map = green/yellow/purple is hard core conservative,_2012.png

Mexicans vote 66% against republicans
Blacks 90%

Considering between 2012-2016 the top group will add maybe another percent. I really feel that we don't have to worry about the tea party getting the white house. Thank god.

Hell, if they keep this shit up they may start losing some serious seats within the senate. The house maybe jerryscrewed to much for to many losing but one day even that will start bleeding seats.
Mexicans vote 66% against republicans

dont for a minute think they vote for Democrats because they love them people....the Democrats are considered the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....but that dont matter to the Democrats as long as they get their vote.....

The Democratic party has the hearts and minds of minorities plus the president is now hitched to the immigration reform wagon. Nobody wants to touch welfare, global warming, immigration, jobs except for the Democrats.

If Republicans had even one issue besides stopping president Obama, minorities might have more of a choice.
sure they do Sarah....if you think the American born Mexicans and no doubt many of the Illegal ones, buy the condescending bullshit that the Democrats feed them then you are just buying the shit yourself....a good many American born Mexicans are more against Illegals then a lot of white people....they pay taxes too,they see the expense,they see whats going on.. .....but because of the racial shit being tossed around by the Right,many are pissed off and are not saying anything to support the anti-illegal people....their attitude is fuck you people.....but at the same time they can see the condescending, you are to stupid and need our help, attitude by the Left....and they dont appreciate that kind of shit either....most Mexicans would back the Democrats but....they dont have much respect for your Party.....they know the wealthier Democrats dont want them moving next door....they get that.....
You guys need to fix your own party if it's fairness you're after. You need to tell them what you need them to be. This is politics, not a popularity contest.

lots of people get screwed in Politics......and most of the time....its not fair at all....
. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion

Only Democrats could believe in a system where the government being "shut down" for two weeks ends up costing us MORE money...
Winners and losers in the government shutdown battle - The Week


President Obama
Democratic Party


Tea Party
US Economy


Ted Cruz
John Boehner

Bozo and the Dem Party didn't win. Haven't you heard? The shutdown caused Americans to be pissed at EVERYONE. Sure the GOP took the brunt, but the Dums and oBozo took some shots to the jaw as well.

BoondoggleCare won. But if anybody won, it'd be Third Party supporters.

:thanks: :smoke:
. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion

$17 trillion in debt....

I don't see much outrage about that from those who are going nuts over $24 billion.

And republicans are the crazy ones.... :confused:
. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion

$17 trillion in debt....

I don't see much outrage about that from those who are going nuts over $24 billion.

And republicans are the crazy ones.... :confused:

We just added $24 billion to that debt for a TeaTard temper tantrum
[Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown


1- The Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis of evil

2- Parasitic Faction

2- The manufacturers of KY Jelly


1- US Constitution , Individual Liberty

2- American Producers and Taxpayers


Debt and Destruction

The president and all congressional Democrats and most Senate Republicans and about half of the House Republicans want to continue this descent into an economic maelstrom, and they have demonized those brave House and Senate Republicans who have had enough of it. Many courageous congressional Republicans understand the harm the feds have done to the dollar, believe the government must stay within the confines of the Constitution and recognize that borrowing money in order to pay the interest on money already borrowed will lead to perdition — and they are resisting it.


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