Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown

Jesus, really?

Anyone with even the slightest bit of intellectual honesty can see that they come out of this debacle looking only slightly better than the Republicans, and they look like shit.

The Democrats got what they wanted.

The Republicans didn't get anything they fought for.

Obama and the Democrats clearly won.

"yay my party won" party people are the ills of this Country....
Awesome! :lol:

I asked

Rather than prove your claim you resort to insults! :thup:

Accusing me of lying and not backing up your statements proves what...??

I know what you asked.

I said you are lying to yourself....and you are. It's a critical mistake that you won't learn from.

You can stomp your feet about "proving it" to you all you want. The writing is all over the walls. That you can't see it at this point, and that you can post something as dumb as you did, is proof that you are too far gone. I'm not in the business of helping you through your delusion. At this point I want you to embrace it. So, please, go on telling yourself a lie.

You stated
continue to lie to yourself and don't ever learn from your mistakes

Again I asked
What mistakes did I make?
Please be specific.

You made the claim, it's up to you to prove what mistakes I made.

Your deflection is noted. :lol:

It isn't up to me to do anything and it isn't up to me to cure you of your delusions.

Believe that to be "deflection" all you I said I want you to continue to think that way.

I'm not here to satisfy or placate you. I'm here to rub your nose in the dirt.
. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion

So according to you the shutdown cost more money than you and everyone else you've ever met in your life will ever earn. You call that a win because your President wouldn't delay implementation of a program that currently doesn't work for just a year?

This is the Progressive mindset.

Why delay when we can impose something that doesn't work now? We just need a win!
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Too funny!
How the hell can anyone think there were any winners?

How do you figure Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats didn't win?

no one won....i hope both parties get swept into the cornfield by little Anthony....

Harry has spoken, huh? :lol:

The Democrats won and that includes Obama and Obamacare. They won't be so quick to shut down government now that they've experienced the wrath of public opinion. Republicans are so far down in the polls, they can't see daylight anymore.

The Teaparty doesn't get it still. They continue to believe they've been courageous.
How do you figure Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats didn't win?

no one won....i hope both parties get swept into the cornfield by little Anthony....

Harry has spoken, huh? :lol:

The Democrats won and that includes Obama and Obamacare. They won't be so quick to shut down government now that they've experienced the wrath of public opinion. Republicans are so far down in the polls, they can't see daylight anymore.

The Teaparty doesn't get it still. They continue to believe they've been courageous.

I followed the last 3 elections like a hawk. Looked at the numbers and who can win what....What did I find? People Like Romney/McCain won the primaries even within the republican party. The tea party can only win within fly over :eek: States like Florida, Va, North Carolina, Co, Nv, Az...

Romney destroyed the conservatives in florida
Romney destroyed conservatives in Nv
Romney destroyed conservatives in AZ

Santorum win 6 states within the Midwest and southeast....Within my Opinion there's no way in hell they can win with a strong moderate running. Christy runs = chirsty winning the nom...This goes for 2000, 2004, 2008 too as Bush was also the moderate. No one wants to give up our first world country for the shit these idiots are whining for.

Here's the map = green/yellow/purple is hard core conservative,_2012.png

Mexicans vote 66% against republicans
Blacks 90%

Considering between 2012-2016 the top group will add maybe another percent. I really feel that we don't have to worry about the tea party getting the white house. Thank god.

Hell, if they keep this shit up they may start losing some serious seats within the senate. The house maybe jerryscrewed to much for to many losing but one day even that will start bleeding seats.
How do you figure Obama, Obamacare and the Democrats didn't win?

no one won....i hope both parties get swept into the cornfield by little Anthony....

Harry has spoken, huh? :lol:

The Democrats won and that includes Obama and Obamacare. They won't be so quick to shut down government now that they've experienced the wrath of public opinion. Republicans are so far down in the polls, they can't see daylight anymore.

The Teaparty doesn't get it still. They continue to believe they've been courageous.

doesnt matter Sarah....your Party won....yay.....and its only a matter of time before your party does something stupid,and they will,and then the Pendulum swings the other way and then we can hear the other side do a victory dance ......meanwhile the Country is still divided and not getting any closer together and lots of things are going to hell....but hey,its all about which party looks better.....
no one won....i hope both parties get swept into the cornfield by little Anthony....

Harry has spoken, huh? :lol:

The Democrats won and that includes Obama and Obamacare. They won't be so quick to shut down government now that they've experienced the wrath of public opinion. Republicans are so far down in the polls, they can't see daylight anymore.

The Teaparty doesn't get it still. They continue to believe they've been courageous.

I followed the last 3 elections like a hawk. Looked at the numbers and who can win what....What did I find? People Like Romney/McCain won the primaries even within the republican party. The tea party can only win within fly over :eek: States like Florida, Va, North Carolina, Co, Nv, Az...

Romney destroyed the conservatives in florida
Romney destroyed conservatives in Nv
Romney destroyed conservatives in AZ

Santorum win 6 states within the Midwest and southeast....Within my Opinion there's no way in hell they can win with a strong moderate running. Christy runs = chirsty winning the nom...This goes for 2000, 2004, 2008 too as Bush was also the moderate. No one wants to give up our first world country for the shit these idiots are whining for.

Here's the map = green/yellow/purple is hard core conservative,_2012.png

Mexicans vote 66% against republicans
Blacks 90%

Considering between 2012-2016 the top group will add maybe another percent. I really feel that we don't have to worry about the tea party getting the white house. Thank god.

Hell, if they keep this shit up they may start losing some serious seats within the senate. The house maybe jerryscrewed to much for to many losing but one day even that will start bleeding seats.
Mexicans vote 66% against republicans

dont for a minute think they vote for Democrats because they love them people....the Democrats are considered the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....but that dont matter to the Democrats as long as they get their vote.....
Harry has spoken, huh? :lol:

The Democrats won and that includes Obama and Obamacare. They won't be so quick to shut down government now that they've experienced the wrath of public opinion. Republicans are so far down in the polls, they can't see daylight anymore.

The Teaparty doesn't get it still. They continue to believe they've been courageous.

I followed the last 3 elections like a hawk. Looked at the numbers and who can win what....What did I find? People Like Romney/McCain won the primaries even within the republican party. The tea party can only win within fly over :eek: States like Florida, Va, North Carolina, Co, Nv, Az...

Romney destroyed the conservatives in florida
Romney destroyed conservatives in Nv
Romney destroyed conservatives in AZ

Santorum win 6 states within the Midwest and southeast....Within my Opinion there's no way in hell they can win with a strong moderate running. Christy runs = chirsty winning the nom...This goes for 2000, 2004, 2008 too as Bush was also the moderate. No one wants to give up our first world country for the shit these idiots are whining for.

Here's the map = green/yellow/purple is hard core conservative,_2012.png

Mexicans vote 66% against republicans
Blacks 90%

Considering between 2012-2016 the top group will add maybe another percent. I really feel that we don't have to worry about the tea party getting the white house. Thank god.

Hell, if they keep this shit up they may start losing some serious seats within the senate. The house maybe jerryscrewed to much for to many losing but one day even that will start bleeding seats.
Mexicans vote 66% against republicans

dont for a minute think they vote for Democrats because they love them people....the Democrats are considered the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....but that dont matter to the Democrats as long as they get their vote.....

The Democratic party has the hearts and minds of minorities plus the president is now hitched to the immigration reform wagon. Nobody wants to touch welfare, global warming, immigration, jobs except for the Democrats.

If Republicans had even one issue besides stopping president Obama, minorities might have more of a choice.
You guys need to fix your own party if it's fairness you're after. You need to tell them what you need them to be. This is politics, not a popularity contest.
It remains to be seen whether Cruz and Boehner will survive this.

Cruz will.

Boehner is toast.

I kinda see it the opposite way. If Cruz were on the NYSE his price would be tanking by now. New junior senator with no roots. Boehner by contrast is like a blue chip. I think Cruz takes the hit.

Place yer bets...

Boehner is injured, deeper than a flesh wound but he will give up his speakership if not his seat.

Cruz has shown he is delusional but the Teaparty will still throw their support behind him.

The Gerrymandering will save Republican seats if they get past their primary challenges. It's a crapshoot who ends up with the House in the Fall. I don't know if Dems can do it.
Tha anger from the tea party over this is fascinating. I never post to any individual on these threads using insulting names. yet, the tea party folks have seen fit to call me "libtard" "hippocrite", "deluisional" moronic", and and "Obama ass kisser', all since they lost their bid to close down the government and the world economy yesterday. Nowhere have I seen a single construcrtive suggestion about how to reconcile and solve fiscal problems. If they were doctors, I am sure that thier cure for cancer would be to kill the patient. If the patient's family objected, I am sure that they would be insulted in the most agressive nature possible. If they were engineers, and the building was flawed, their solution would be not to fix it, but to tear it down.

So much negative energy directed so aimlessly with no productive goals....
Tha anger from the tea party over this is fascinating. I never post to any individual on these threads using insulting names. yet, the tea party folks have seen fit to call me "libtard" "hippocrite", "deluisional" moronic", and and "Obama ass kisser', all since they lost their bid to close down the government and the world economy yesterday. Nowhere have I seen a single construcrtive suggestion about how to reconcile and solve fiscal problems. If they were doctors, I am sure that thier cure for cancer would be to kill the patient. If the patient's family objected, I am sure that they would be insulted in the most agressive nature possible. If they were engineers, and the building was flawed, their solution would be not to fix it, but to tear it down.

So much negative energy directed so aimlessly with no productive goals....

Indeed. And it will be very destructive to our nation in the long run. The people opposed to ACA are a minority (that's why we lost) but not an insignificant one. Forcing such a major change on the unwilling, without a broad consensus, is going to cost us dearly.

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