Winners and Losers in the Government shutdown

Winners and losers in the government shutdown battle - The Week


President Obama
Democratic Party


Tea Party
US Economy


Ted Cruz
John Boehner

how is Obama a winner? by contradicting what he said about raising the debt ceiling in 2006?

Durr durr durr

Yeah, because both situations were totally the same. Naturally, Captain Intellectual Dishonesty thanks the post.

Thank you for not learning from this.
. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
It seems like Cruz, who watched his efforts to defund and delay ObamaCare fail miserably, would be the day's biggest loser. He was blasted by fellow Republicans. His hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, even revoked its endorsement of him from last year.

So why isn't Cruz worried about his Senate seat? Probably because his anti-ObamaCare theatrics resulted in a huge payday. His fundraising campaign pulled in nearly $800,000 over the last quarter, almost double what he raised the quarter before. While the rest of America might not love Cruz, his base and his donors still support him. Hello, 2016.

Come on Ted
Come clean....wasn't that the real reason you demanded a Government shutdown?

October 16, 2013

Cruz: 'The Dream of Keeping Poor People from Seeing a Doctor Must Never Die' : The New Yorker
Winners and losers in the government shutdown battle - The Week


President Obama
Democratic Party


Tea Party
US Economy


Ted Cruz
John Boehner

how is Obama a winner? by contradicting what he said about raising the debt ceiling in 2006?

Durr durr durr

Yeah, because both situations were totally the same. Naturally, Captain Intellectual Dishonesty thanks the post.

Thank you for not learning from this.

so you think it is ok to raise the debt ceiling now? would you mind stepping up on your hypocritical platform and explaining why?
. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
It seems like Cruz, who watched his efforts to defund and delay ObamaCare fail miserably, would be the day's biggest loser. He was blasted by fellow Republicans. His hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, even revoked its endorsement of him from last year.

So why isn't Cruz worried about his Senate seat? Probably because his anti-ObamaCare theatrics resulted in a huge payday. His fundraising campaign pulled in nearly $800,000 over the last quarter, almost double what he raised the quarter before. While the rest of America might not love Cruz, his base and his donors still support him. Hello, 2016.

Come on Ted
Come clean....wasn't that the real reason you demanded a Government shutdown?

October 16, 2013

Cruz: 'The Dream of Keeping Poor People from Seeing a Doctor Must Never Die' : The New Yorker

so i'm assuming all of a sudden these poor have the funds to cover the $5000 deductible?
Look, a clean CR passed the Senate.


now its time for the House to pass it.

which is what I've been saying for weeks.

They wasted a lot of time and around $24 billion.

$19Bn in earmarks after Obama said he'd never sign a bill with earmarks.....

and we just RAISED the DEBT ceiling....24bn is bupkas...any worries on that front?

next? :rolleyes:

"A proposal to end the government shutdown and avoid default orchestrated by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic Leader Harry Reid includes a $2 billion earmark for a Kentucky project."

So what was 'spent' in 16 days is wiped out in 30 minutes.

There is no 'waste of time.'

They are salaried public servants and as such should work 24/7/365...
. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
It seems like Cruz, who watched his efforts to defund and delay ObamaCare fail miserably, would be the day's biggest loser. He was blasted by fellow Republicans. His hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, even revoked its endorsement of him from last year.

So why isn't Cruz worried about his Senate seat? Probably because his anti-ObamaCare theatrics resulted in a huge payday. His fundraising campaign pulled in nearly $800,000 over the last quarter, almost double what he raised the quarter before. While the rest of America might not love Cruz, his base and his donors still support him. Hello, 2016.

Come on Ted
Come clean....wasn't that the real reason you demanded a Government shutdown?

October 16, 2013

Cruz: 'The Dream of Keeping Poor People from Seeing a Doctor Must Never Die' : The New Yorker

how is Obama a winner? by contradicting what he said about raising the debt ceiling in 2006?

Durr durr durr

Yeah, because both situations were totally the same. Naturally, Captain Intellectual Dishonesty thanks the post.

Thank you for not learning from this.

so you think it is ok to raise the debt ceiling now? would you mind stepping up on your hypocritical platform and explaining why?

I think it was fine to raise it then just like I am fine with it being being raised now.

The difference between you and I is that I acknowlege the stark differences between a symbolic protest vote in 2006, pre-economic meltdown and the GOP actually holding the debt ceiling hostage today.

In other words, I live in an honest reality. You have to pretend reality doesn't exist.

But, please, continue to hold on to your beliefs and don't change. Many of us are counting on people like you to continue to put forward the same tripe over and over again and never learn from your mistakes.
Durr durr durr

Yeah, because both situations were totally the same. Naturally, Captain Intellectual Dishonesty thanks the post.

Thank you for not learning from this.

so you think it is ok to raise the debt ceiling now? would you mind stepping up on your hypocritical platform and explaining why?

I think it was fine to raise it then just like I am fine with it being being raised now.

The difference between you and I is that I acknowlege the stark differences between a symbolic protest vote in 2006, pre-economic meltdown and the GOP actually holding the debt ceiling hostage today.

In other words, I live in an honest reality. You have to pretend reality doesn't exist.

But, please, continue to hold on to your beliefs and don't change. Many of us are counting on people like you to continue to put forward the same tripe over and over again and never learn from your mistakes.

yes, going deeper and deeper into debt is great policy. it worked out so well for banks, homeowners and corporations in 2008 when they had overextended themselves. your children and grand children will thank you too for your beliefs.
So Teapublicans

As the dust shot down the Government for 16 days and threatened default on our national debt.

What do you have to show for your temper tantrum?

Obama and the democrats suck, it's all plain and simple to see and feel that. bad leadership, won't or don't know how to get along with anyone!!!!!!!-

Actually, it's the minority of TP Republicans in Congress who are showing that unfortunate trait. That's why they lost.
When the polls come out it will show that more Americans think the Democrats & Obama won this round.
so you think it is ok to raise the debt ceiling now? would you mind stepping up on your hypocritical platform and explaining why?

I think it was fine to raise it then just like I am fine with it being being raised now.

The difference between you and I is that I acknowlege the stark differences between a symbolic protest vote in 2006, pre-economic meltdown and the GOP actually holding the debt ceiling hostage today.

In other words, I live in an honest reality. You have to pretend reality doesn't exist.

But, please, continue to hold on to your beliefs and don't change. Many of us are counting on people like you to continue to put forward the same tripe over and over again and never learn from your mistakes.

yes, going deeper and deeper into debt is great policy. it worked out so well for banks, homeowners and corporations in 2008 when they had overextended themselves. your children and grand children will thank you too for your beliefs.

America needs to pay it's bills. A default could have meant I never have grandchildren.

But thank you for announcing your ignorance and that you would let the world burn in a vain effort implement stupid as a budgetary policy.
. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
It seems like Cruz, who watched his efforts to defund and delay ObamaCare fail miserably, would be the day's biggest loser. He was blasted by fellow Republicans. His hometown newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, even revoked its endorsement of him from last year.

So why isn't Cruz worried about his Senate seat? Probably because his anti-ObamaCare theatrics resulted in a huge payday. His fundraising campaign pulled in nearly $800,000 over the last quarter, almost double what he raised the quarter before. While the rest of America might not love Cruz, his base and his donors still support him. Hello, 2016.

Come on Ted
Come clean....wasn't that the real reason you demanded a Government shutdown?

October 16, 2013

Cruz: 'The Dream of Keeping Poor People from Seeing a Doctor Must Never Die' : The New Yorker
—Acknowledging that the government shutdown was coming to an end, an emotional Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took to the Senate floor today to make an impassioned speech, telling his colleagues, “The dream of keeping poor people from seeing a doctor must never die.”

That dream didn't die. Illegal immigrants will continue to receive their primary care @ ER's. Anyone here who is blind to the facts that illegals drive up health care costs obviously are not in the health care business. What I type is NOT racist, it is truth.

People who have posted here, with me, for the past few years know dam well I haven't a racist bone in my body.

Frankly, I'm fkn sick and tired of being labeled racist, homophone, terrorist, "tea partier", wtf ever, bombs that dems and libs choose to throw at those who disagree wit them.

But the last word belonged to Sen. Cruz, who ended his emotional speech with a quiet benediction: “Goodnight stars. Goodnight air. Goodnight noises everywhere.”

Goodnight Moon
Check out the kind of stupid that you guys are allowing to have a prominent seat at the table, you few remaining sane and living in reality Republicans.

Have fun with all that.
. Overall, the shutdown cost the government some $24 billion. All to end up right where we started

Way to go TeaTards
Your temper tantrums cost us $24 billion

Mild tantrum compared to the spoiled child Demodrips who got their way almost always.
America needs to pay it's bills. A default could have meant I never have grandchildren.

Hey Artie, LTNS!

America sure does need to pay it's bills.

Including this one:

The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law

Yes, yes... It's the law of the land...

Just like this one:

It was never funded, was it?

That is the correct answer.

Senate rejects border fence - Washington Times

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That means...

It's the law of the land!!
Check out the kind of stupid that you guys are allowing to have a prominent seat at the table, you few remaining sane and living in reality Democrats.

Have fun with all that.

Fixed that for you!!

Works both ways, doesn't it???
Republicans played a bad hand and lost big time

They punished the country in their obsession to kill Obamacare. Have they learned their lesson?

I doubt if they have even started fucking with us

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