WINNING! Federal Judge Dismisses 14th Amendment Lawsuit Attempting to Keep Trump off Ballot

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
It's not going to work, liberals. Precedent has now been set and Trump will get be every state ballot. Any attempt to keep him off the ballot will be futile.

At first I asked myself what country is this that was trying to keep a candidate off the ballot? Then I realized it was the US and they were trying to ban Trump. No big deal they know what they're doing I guess.
Oh look! The Democrats are twisting the 14th amendment again into what it was never intended to cover.

Actually, Section 3 is pretty clearly defined. If you engage in insurrection, you can't run for office.

Also, the judge ruled that the plaintiffs (Two private citizens) didn't have standing.

It's going to be a totally different game when state attorney generals file such lawsuits.
It's not going to work, liberals. Precedent has now been set and Trump will get be every state ballot. Any attempt to keep him off the ballot will be futile.

He ruled that the plaintiffs didn't have standing.

I love MAGA wins as much as the next guy, but how about staying reality based...
Actually, Section 3 is pretty clearly defined. If you engage in insurrection, you can't run for office.

Also, the judge ruled that the plaintiffs (Two private citizens) didn't have standing.

It's going to be a totally different game when state attorney generals file such lawsuits.

Yes, it is going to be a long slog.

I keep reading people screaming and yelling about how guilty Trump is, but in the end, their hollering falls on deaf ears.

A trial will take place and we'll see what happens from there.

Beyond that, it's not worth the oxygen to talk about it.
Actually, Section 3 is pretty clearly defined. If you engage in insurrection, you can't run for office.

Also, the judge ruled that the plaintiffs (Two private citizens) didn't have standing.

It's going to be a totally different game when state attorney generals file such lawsuits.

What's up with all you Leftist queers and the Indiana cosplay?

Must be a weird kink thing goin' on in Woke World...
At first I asked myself what country is this that was trying to keep a candidate off the ballot? Then I realized it was the US and they were trying to ban Trump. No big deal they know what they're doing I guess.
Yep. Trump gave a speech......then some of his supporters went to the Capital and Nancy Pelosi set them up.

First they invited them into the Capital, then they ambushed them.

They were just trying to set the whole thing up so they could get Trump off the ballot.
It's not going to work, liberals. Precedent has now been set and Trump will get be every state ballot. Any attempt to keep him off the ballot will be futile.

Good. I'm no lawyer and anything but a fan of Trump, but I agree here. To me, the 14th amendment should apply in actual attempts to overthrow the government and install their own minions in place. The angry violent mob, as despicable as their behaviour was, only tried to interfere with the certification of electoral votes. The media called it an insurrection, but I don't.
It's going to be a totally different game when state attorney generals file such lawsuits.
Agreed. This is a case that needs to be decided in a local/Blue jurisdiction and then ruled against at the SCOTUS. The 14th Amendment was a post-civil war action to stop actual rebel soldiers and leaders from holding national office.

Even if a judge erroneously ruled that it applied to a presidential candidate, it still would not disqualify Trump because Trump has never been charged with, let alone convicted of, insurrection, rebellion, or treason. Those who get all of their dopamine bumps in life from cheering on hate for the man are so blinded by that hate that they think their desires are the equivalent of law.

It's pathetic and I can predict how this goes once they've finally been told by the media they trust that Trump cannot be stopped from running. They will raise hell against a "corrupt" Supreme Court and then they'll be in the streets if he wins, engaged in REAL REBELLION to stop him from being able to execute his agenda. IOW, if he wins, we'll be at civil war, all thanks to the Left trying to repeat their actions from 2017-
The difference this time is that they'll not be alone in those streets.
Good. I'm no lawyer and anything but a fan of Trump, but I agree here. To me, the 14th amendment should apply in actual attempts to overthrow the government and install their own minions in place. The angry violent mob, as despicable as their behaviour was, only tried to interfere with the certification of electoral votes. The media called it an insurrection, but I don't.
It was a riot and the violence was disgraceful but, so was the Left in DC using it to try to polarize the nation even more. Most of those 1000 Americans who were charged, plead out on trespassing and some on "parading without a permit". It was no more an insurrection than were the actions in January of 2017 when the outsider was inaugurated. Those protesters caused far more damage and injuries and nearly all of them walked away clean, without consequences.

If the same kind of situation occurs in next year's election, we may get to see what a REAL insurrection looks like :(
Yep. Trump gave a speech......then some of his supporters went to the Capital and Nancy Pelosi set them up.

First they invited them into the Capital, then they ambushed them.

They were just trying to set the whole thing up so they could get Trump off the ballot.
Yeah, we set you retards up and good, didn't we? And like the retards you were, you fell for it.

And... Bwaaaah.... ... you idiots even took selfies!!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

It's not going to work, liberals. Precedent has now been set and Trump will get be every state ballot. Any attempt to keep him off the ballot will be futile.

I reckon this is the Democrats' newest plan as to how to cheat because their policies suck?
Personally I don't think anything's going to help them for a long, long time.
Seriously, you just can't be a political party of a country and then be out to fuck it all up and be hurting all the people therein and expect
to be popular or get votes or anything like that. Why would they not just go be a political party of an enemy country, whoever that might be? Since you want to be enemies of America and Americans, just go fuck off, Democrats, seriously.
Don't mess with us, or you'll soon find out why you should not have.
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