Winston Churchill & The Deep State: Fighting Nazis & The British Government!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This is a great article, and I recommend even the delusional Left to read it. Perhaps it will awaken their sense of right and wrong, and help them to realize that The Government serves at The Pleasure of We The People, not The Wealthy Liberal Elite that loves to back "Establishment" politicians who can be easily influenced.

The little man, the grocery store owner, the machinist, the truck driver, the carpenter and electrician are WE THE PEOPLE, and are still the backbone of this country despite the efforts of The Left to pull the rug out from under them and the rest of Middle America.

Mr. Trump, here are four big things you can do to deal a real blow to the Deep State and their shenanigans

What struck me was that from the very minute Churchill became Prime Minister he had to fight against elite forces within the media, the British Government and yes even his own party.

As Nazi fascism was on the march throughout Europe and on the United Kingdom’s doorstep, the “British Bulldog” had to fight on two fronts – against Hitler and against elite elements within his own government. Lord Halifax, a member of Churchill’s own party and a member of the war cabinet was even trying to force Churchill to cut a deal with Hitler through Mussolini.

Amazingly, his fellow elites in the government supported such a move and thought Churchill to be delusional and really lacking the proper understanding and temperament to deal with such complex foreign policy matters.

Fortunately, Churchill was different than previous prime ministers. He escaped his security detail and went on London’s underground train to talk with everyday working Brits who reinforced his instincts to never give up and fight on all fronts. Well, we all know how the story ends.

After the movie though, I realized that Winston Churchill had a “Deep State” of his own to deal with. They were against him succeeding from the very beginning. They would do whatever it took to try and bring him down, because after all they knew better and were smarter than Churchill and the ordinary people.

But just who are members of the “Deep State?” They tend to be elitists and establishment types who believe they know better than the people.

In fact, it is that arrogance – that their thoughts and beliefs should govern over the will of the people and duly elected officials – that makes them a real threat to democracy.

Some leak classified information and commit other crimes. And yes, some are traitors.

In fact, the first member of the “Deep State” in America was Benedict Arnold. Arnold, an arrogant elitist, knew better than General George Washington and the American people, and in the end sold his country out.

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Prepare for the educationally deficient, and historically inept to soon chime in calling this funny or otherwise.

I guess their ignorance is their bliss. All they know is they were TOLD to vote for Hillary and Guns are evil.
It's about ALL they absorbed.
This is a great article, and I recommend even the delusional Left to read it. Perhaps it will awaken their sense of right and wrong, and help them to realize that The Government serves at The Pleasure of We The People, not The Wealthy Liberal Elite that loves to back "Establishment" politicians who can be easily influenced.

The little man, the grocery store owner, the machinist, the truck driver, the carpenter and electrician are WE THE PEOPLE, and are still the backbone of this country despite the efforts of The Left to pull the rug out from under them and the rest of Middle America.

Mr. Trump, here are four big things you can do to deal a real blow to the Deep State and their shenanigans

What struck me was that from the very minute Churchill became Prime Minister he had to fight against elite forces within the media, the British Government and yes even his own party.

As Nazi fascism was on the march throughout Europe and on the United Kingdom’s doorstep, the “British Bulldog” had to fight on two fronts – against Hitler and against elite elements within his own government. Lord Halifax, a member of Churchill’s own party and a member of the war cabinet was even trying to force Churchill to cut a deal with Hitler through Mussolini.

Amazingly, his fellow elites in the government supported such a move and thought Churchill to be delusional and really lacking the proper understanding and temperament to deal with such complex foreign policy matters.

Fortunately, Churchill was different than previous prime ministers. He escaped his security detail and went on London’s underground train to talk with everyday working Brits who reinforced his instincts to never give up and fight on all fronts. Well, we all know how the story ends.

After the movie though, I realized that Winston Churchill had a “Deep State” of his own to deal with. They were against him succeeding from the very beginning. They would do whatever it took to try and bring him down, because after all they knew better and were smarter than Churchill and the ordinary people.

But just who are members of the “Deep State?” They tend to be elitists and establishment types who believe they know better than the people.

In fact, it is that arrogance – that their thoughts and beliefs should govern over the will of the people and duly elected officials – that makes them a real threat to democracy.

Some leak classified information and commit other crimes. And yes, some are traitors.

In fact, the first member of the “Deep State” in America was Benedict Arnold. Arnold, an arrogant elitist, knew better than General George Washington and the American people, and in the end sold his country out.
Prior to the war Churchill went thru what is known as the Wilderness years. Even his own party abandoned him, and everyone disowned him. His crime? Stating over and over Germany was a looming threat and Britain needed to prepare for it.
Well, Winston saw the threat that was Germany long before WW2, he saw it even before Hitler was elected!

He is also someone who was Conservative and "Labour Party" went back and forth and back again. He was not the first choice to replace Chamberlain, that was was Lord Halifax. He had to give a stirring speech, and even then Halifax did not step out of the running easily. Throughout the entire War, Churchill was never completely sure of himself, he always hid it though, knowing he had to remain strong and resiliant and never give up.

What Trump saw long ago was the economic threat. He saw a nation being exploited and all the sob's smiling. I don't know about the entire Deep State angle, as Britain like Canada is ALL Deep State. The product of a Monarchy. America didn't even spy before the WW2 if I recall correctly.

Anyways, there are certainly some similarities in regards to the challenges they face and the dislike from both sides of the aisle, they are also grudgingly viewed by all involved, but both admired by their followers within the population.
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Well, Winston saw the threat that was Germany long before WW2, he saw it even before Hitler was elected!

He is also someone who was Conservative and "Labour Party" went back and forth and back again. He was not the first choice to replace Chamberlain, that was was Lord Halifax. He had to give a stirring speech, and even then Halifax did not step out of the running easily. Throughout the entire War, Churchill was never completed sure of himself, he always hid it though, knowing he had to remain strong and resiliant and never give up.

What Trump saw long ago was the economic threat. He saw a nation being exploited and all the sob's smiling. I don't know about the entire Deep State angle, as Britain like Canada is ALL Deep State. The product of a Monarchy. America didn't even spy before the WW2 if I recall correctly.

Anyways, there are certainly some similarities in regards to the challenges they face and the dislike from both sides of the aisle, they are also grudgingly viewed by all involved, but both admired by their followers within the population.
Thank you for your reply. I always like when someone puts forth the effort to really discuss the material.

One thing not known about Churchill, was that he was a man who has had some dismal failures in his life, but he learned from them, adjusted his frame of reference, and rebounded marvelously. People can change and improve. Many people thought it was all over for Churchill after the disaster at Gallipoli in WWI, but he never gave up on himself, and continued to change and grow and work to overcome his earlier failures. The biggest lesson he ever learned was Perseverance in The Face of Adversity.

Winston Churchill: The Journey to Success through Failures and Comebacks

Gallipoli was Churchill's folly - but not only his
This is a great article, and I recommend even the delusional Left to read it. Perhaps it will awaken their sense of right and wrong, and help them to realize that The Government serves at The Pleasure of We The People, not The Wealthy Liberal Elite that loves to back "Establishment" politicians who can be easily influenced.

The little man, the grocery store owner, the machinist, the truck driver, the carpenter and electrician are WE THE PEOPLE, and are still the backbone of this country despite the efforts of The Left to pull the rug out from under them and the rest of Middle America.

Mr. Trump, here are four big things you can do to deal a real blow to the Deep State and their shenanigans

What struck me was that from the very minute Churchill became Prime Minister he had to fight against elite forces within the media, the British Government and yes even his own party.

As Nazi fascism was on the march throughout Europe and on the United Kingdom’s doorstep, the “British Bulldog” had to fight on two fronts – against Hitler and against elite elements within his own government. Lord Halifax, a member of Churchill’s own party and a member of the war cabinet was even trying to force Churchill to cut a deal with Hitler through Mussolini.

Amazingly, his fellow elites in the government supported such a move and thought Churchill to be delusional and really lacking the proper understanding and temperament to deal with such complex foreign policy matters.

Fortunately, Churchill was different than previous prime ministers. He escaped his security detail and went on London’s underground train to talk with everyday working Brits who reinforced his instincts to never give up and fight on all fronts. Well, we all know how the story ends.

After the movie though, I realized that Winston Churchill had a “Deep State” of his own to deal with. They were against him succeeding from the very beginning. They would do whatever it took to try and bring him down, because after all they knew better and were smarter than Churchill and the ordinary people.

But just who are members of the “Deep State?” They tend to be elitists and establishment types who believe they know better than the people.

In fact, it is that arrogance – that their thoughts and beliefs should govern over the will of the people and duly elected officials – that makes them a real threat to democracy.

Some leak classified information and commit other crimes. And yes, some are traitors.

In fact, the first member of the “Deep State” in America was Benedict Arnold. Arnold, an arrogant elitist, knew better than General George Washington and the American people, and in the end sold his country out.
Prior to the war Churchill went thru what is known as the Wilderness years. Even his own party abandoned him, and everyone disowned him. His crime? Stating over and over Germany was a looming threat and Britain needed to prepare for it.

Every time I hear things like that, I am reminded about how Dreadfully Wrong The Arrogant Obama Bin Spying was about Everything.
Well, Winston saw the threat that was Germany long before WW2, he saw it even before Hitler was elected!

He is also someone who was Conservative and "Labour Party" went back and forth and back again. He was not the first choice to replace Chamberlain, that was was Lord Halifax. He had to give a stirring speech, and even then Halifax did not step out of the running easily. Throughout the entire War, Churchill was never completed sure of himself, he always hid it though, knowing he had to remain strong and resiliant and never give up.

What Trump saw long ago was the economic threat. He saw a nation being exploited and all the sob's smiling. I don't know about the entire Deep State angle, as Britain like Canada is ALL Deep State. The product of a Monarchy. America didn't even spy before the WW2 if I recall correctly.

Anyways, there are certainly some similarities in regards to the challenges they face and the dislike from both sides of the aisle, they are also grudgingly viewed by all involved, but both admired by their followers within the population.
Thank you for your reply. I always like when someone puts forth the effort to really discuss the material.

One thing not known about Churchill, was that he was a man who has had some dismal failures in his life, but he learned from them, adjusted his frame of reference, and rebounded marvelously. People can change and improve. Many people thought it was all over for Churchill after the disaster at Gallipoli in WWI, but he never gave up on himself, and continued to change and grow and work to overcome his earlier failures. The biggest lesson he ever learned was Perseverance in The Face of Adversity.

Winston Churchill: The Journey to Success through Failures and Comebacks

Gallipoli was Churchill's folly - but not only his

Churchill is the man I most admire in history (outside of Jesus). I think he absolutely changed the course of history, and as it were, he is also half American, a fact which his elitist Brits looked down upon him for (yes, there was always extreme prejudice in history).

He was a poor student, not very good even in English, but he loved reading. That was his salvation. He was a curious person. Furthermore, he respected duty. If not for some essentially questioning a number of reasons for the failures at Gallipoli (he bore the brunt of the blame in most quarters, but far from all), he would never have had another chance as success.

The Second World War opened up his opportunity to shine, just as the misery befallen to many Americans opened up the desire for Trump. Churchill was determined to redeem himself, and he carried his failure of leadership in WW1 extremely close.

As it were, he also was a bit of a hero in WW1, he escaped after being captured. He also didn't avoid the tough battles. His endearing quality though to my mind, outside of his oratory skills, was definitely his desire to never quit. Even as his "black dog" was always around (his deep deep depression). Reminds me of Lincoln in that respect, I think it was him or Washington who failed often but never quit.

I always recall him really feeling ill and uncomfortable about D Day, I think the Brits called it by another name, it escapes me. Anyways, D Day for him literally made him ill because he knew he was sending to many to their graves. Unlike Patton in my opinion, who was a fearless warrior but often viewing casualties as part of the greater good and cost of war (for his own personal valor), Churchill really struggled with the concept, he took their lives seriously and personally.
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