WISCONSIN:'Constitutional crisis'...Senate Orders Arrest Of Missing Democrats

Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

Public unions have been negotiating contracts with government in Wisconsin since 1959. For your premise to be true, then the wages of public employees should blatantly expose your premise of 'graft, corruption, and a conflict of interest'...They DON'T.

Wisconsin’s state and local employees earn 4.8% less per hour in total compensation than their peers in the private sector. That number jumps to 25% for college-educated employees. EPI found that, on average, Wisconsin’s public employees with a bachelor’s degree earn $61,668 in total compensation; their peers working for private employers earn $82,134 in wages and benefits.

that line I added emphasis to, you should post the link it came from, I did, twice. 'Old news', and I spoke to the fallacy of that statement.

There is a link in the original post you failed to read and blurted out your reply to.

I see no links in your replies to me.
he posted the link, numbnuts
he also read it
that line I added emphasis to, you should post the link it came from, I did, twice. 'Old news', and I spoke to the fallacy of that statement.

There is a link in the original post you failed to read and blurted out your reply to.

I see no links in your replies to me.
he posted the link, numbnuts
he also read it

Not in his replies to me. What are you his poop boy...LOL
he posted the link, numbnuts
he also read it

Not in his replies to me. What are you his poop boy...LOL
no, i just like both pissing on you and pissing you off

seems to have worked

Ha, you are showing how sensitive you are to that anger you have because you are in full denial. I surmise you have heard it all your life from people who know you...take their advice.
Not in his replies to me. What are you his poop boy...LOL
no, i just like both pissing on you and pissing you off

seems to have worked

Ha, you are showing how sensitive you are to that anger you have because you are in full denial. I surmise you have heard it all your life from people who know you...take their advice.
nope, only from idiots like you that take this shit WAY too serious
"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." Alexis de Tocqueville

you know trajan, that last line sounds good, until you google who actually negotiates with teachers each year....

EACH SCHOOL DISTrict negotiates with their own teachers, NOT some politician in their Capital....

fyi....i googled it, after you had mentioned such earlier, and i said i didn't know how that worked....;)


ahhhh haaa!!!!!;)
they negotiate with the union I beleive, and who sits on the district board? And, if you check I am sure you will find walker making the point that this will return money to those districts btw. I think it would be helpful to check walkers prior job....he spoke to this.

so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!
you know trajan, that last line sounds good, until you google who actually negotiates with teachers each year....

EACH SCHOOL DISTrict negotiates with their own teachers, NOT some politician in their Capital....

fyi....i googled it, after you had mentioned such earlier, and i said i didn't know how that worked....;)


ahhhh haaa!!!!!;)
they negotiate with the union I beleive, and who sits on the district board? And, if you check I am sure you will find walker making the point that this will return money to those districts btw. I think it would be helpful to check walkers prior job....he spoke to this.

so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!
the state needs to cut back the amount of money it sends to the local governments
the local governments needed these option to absorb the cost
ahhhh haaa!!!!!;)
they negotiate with the union I beleive, and who sits on the district board? And, if you check I am sure you will find walker making the point that this will return money to those districts btw. I think it would be helpful to check walkers prior job....he spoke to this.

so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!
the state needs to cut back the amount of money it sends to the local governments
the local governments needed these option to absorb the cost


the teachers already agreed to cuts...
you know trajan, that last line sounds good, until you google who actually negotiates with teachers each year....

EACH SCHOOL DISTrict negotiates with their own teachers, NOT some politician in their Capital....

fyi....i googled it, after you had mentioned such earlier, and i said i didn't know how that worked....;)


ahhhh haaa!!!!!;)
they negotiate with the union I beleive, and who sits on the district board? And, if you check I am sure you will find walker making the point that this will return money to those districts btw. I think it would be helpful to check walkers prior job....he spoke to this.

so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!

:eusa_eh:I never made teachers out to be anything, I made the unions out to be what they are. Personally I see the teachers as stuck in the middle, I am sure they want what they have but then again so does just about anyone who has been fed on the expectations they have, its not a crime. Its a learned response.

That being said I would not be surprised if some of the individuals once free from having their dues collected automatically beg off sending it voluntarily. *shrugs*.
Last edited:
so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!
the state needs to cut back the amount of money it sends to the local governments
the local governments needed these option to absorb the cost


the teachers already agreed to cuts...
I'd like to post this here as a general statement, please read till the conclusion as he offers also, some hints as to providing bargaining power(s) for individuals absent unions in other collectives......I post this also as sppt. for the questions as to why walker may want to out aside collective bargaining

Labor Unions
by Morgan O. Reynolds
Morgan O. Reynolds is a former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor and a professor emeritus of economics at Texas A&M University.

Although labor unions have been celebrated in folk songs and stories as fearless champions of the downtrodden working man, this is not how economists see them. Economists who study unions—including some who are avowedly prounion—analyze them as cartels that raise wages above competitive levels by restricting the supply of labor to various firms and industries.

Many unions have won higher wages and better working conditions for their members. In doing so, however, they have reduced the number of jobs available in unionized companies. That second effect occurs because of the basic law of demand: if unions successfully raise the price of labor, employers will purchase less of it. Thus, unions are a major anticompetitive force in labor markets. Their gains come at the expense of consumers, nonunion workers, the jobless, taxpayers, and owners of corporations.

According to Harvard economists Richard Freeman and James Medoff, who look favorably on unions, “Most, if not all, unions have monopoly power, which they can use to raise wages above competitive levels” (1984, p. 6). Unions’ power to fix high prices for their members’ labor rests on legal privileges and immunities that they get from government, both by statute and by nonenforcement of other laws. The purpose of these legal privileges is to restrict others from working for lower wages. As antiunion economist Ludwig von Mises wrote in 1922, “The long and short of trade union rights is in fact the right to proceed against the strikebreaker with primitive violence.” Interestingly, those who are expected to enforce the laws evenhandedly, the police, are themselves heavily unionized.

U.S. unions enjoy many legal privileges. Unions are immune from taxation and from antitrust laws. Companies are legally compelled to bargain with unions in “good faith.” This innocent-sounding term is interpreted by the National Labor Relations Board to suppress such practices as Boulwarism, named for a former General Electric personnel director. To shorten the collective bargaining process, Lemuel Boulware communicated the “reasonableness” of GE’s wage offer directly to employees, shareholders, and the public. Unions also can force companies to make their property available for union use.

Once the government ratifies a union’s position as representing a group of workers, it represents them exclusively, whether or not particular employees want collective representation. In 2002, unions represented about 1.7 million waged and salaried employees who were not union members. Also, union officials can force compulsory union dues from employees—members and nonmembers alike—as a condition for keeping their jobs. Unions often use these funds for political purposes—political campaigns and voter registration, for example—unrelated to collective bargaining or to employee grievances, despite the illegality of this under federal law. Unions are relatively immune from payment of tort damages for injuries inflicted in labor disputes, from federal court injunctions, and from many state laws under the “federal preemption” doctrine. Nobel laureate Friedrich A. Hayek summed it up as follows: “We have now reached a state where [unions] have become uniquely privileged institutions to which the general rules of law do not apply” (1960, p. 267).

more at-

Labor Unions: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty
The WI desires to bust the public sector unions.

No doubt the unions will retain collective bargaining powers and the governor will face recall next year.
ahhhh haaa!!!!!;)
they negotiate with the union I beleive, and who sits on the district board? And, if you check I am sure you will find walker making the point that this will return money to those districts btw. I think it would be helpful to check walkers prior job....he spoke to this.

so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!

:eusa_eh:I never made teachers out to be anything, I made the unions out to be what they are. Personally I see the teachers as stuck in the middle, I am sure they want what they have but then again so does just about anyone who has been fed on the expectations they have, its not a crime. Its a learned response.

That being said I would not be surprised if some of the individuals once free from having their dues collected automatically beg off sending it voluntarily. *shrugs*.

If that be the case, they shouldn't get the benefits of union negotiations....let them negotiate for themselves...I understand that management would be quite agreeable to 1 on 1 negotiations.
The Public Sector Unions are TOAST...The FLEEBAGGER Democrats...are TOAST.
so you are NOT for local gvt, close at hand to the citizens within each town or district???????????????? vs the State or Federal big shots getting their hands in to it?

this is getting confusing trajan....

who else can you blame?

the teacher's union or teachers are NOT what has made the State's huge budget deficit, but they were willing to give up benefits and salary to help out....

yet YOU and others make them out to be the scum of the earth....

Honestly, you have really blown my mind on this issue....you really have.... :)

Personally, I think if the governor cares so much about the deficit, HE SHOULD GIVE UP HIS SALARY and his benefits.... I am sure he can afford to work probono....for the sake of saving the State!!! :razz:

my bets are that the dude gets recalled after a year in office....if he keeps this demonizing up!

:eusa_eh:I never made teachers out to be anything, I made the unions out to be what they are. Personally I see the teachers as stuck in the middle, I am sure they want what they have but then again so does just about anyone who has been fed on the expectations they have, its not a crime. Its a learned response.

That being said I would not be surprised if some of the individuals once free from having their dues collected automatically beg off sending it voluntarily. *shrugs*.

If that be the case, they shouldn't get the benefits of union negotiations....let them negotiate for themselves...I understand that management would be quite agreeable to 1 on 1 negotiations.

WHY do they have to negotiate on such a piss-poor record?
The WI desires to bust the public sector unions.

No doubt the unions will retain collective bargaining powers and the governor will face recall next year.

The Governor played his hand and got bitch slapped

Ain't easy being a tea bagger

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