Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

nothing is stopping you from opening your mouth. There is a difference between a piece of paper, video or PSA vs shoving something inside a woman or having an ultrasound.

regardless the moral of the story is you want to use government to order people around.

You rail on about your 2nd amendment rights but want to strip others of their privacy.

Go fuck yourself.
The baby you're so leg-tingly about killing, boy, is a genetically-distinct human being. It has rights, too.

But you don't give a shit about that. You just want to rack up more dead babies.

Mindless little bastard.

A fetus has no rights. It is not a person.
Yeah, progs have a way of defining anyone they find inconvenient as not human. Babies, old people, political dissidents...

Makes it easier to murder them, doesn't it?
one is a choice and the other would not be. So you support authoritarian measures with your government yet want to rail on about liberals......Hypocrite.

The abortion will be linked to a prior procedure...it's still a choice. Want an abortion- then this is how we do them in WS.

nope......then you can't bitch when someone like Bloomberg wants to ban sodas.
You are the samething and the same problem. Nannystaters are the worst type of people. Get a life.

Yes, leave it to a lunatic from the left to claim banning sodas is equal to requiring a woman to have an ultra sound before killing her unborn baby.

You are the very same kind of lunatic that would have hollered for lynching blacks and owning them...after all it used to be legal....and they were not thought to be completely human like us white folks...
Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

And of course, there is the whole matter of choice.... And the GOP wonders why they have such a problem with women who think for themselves.

How is deliberately trying to keep women uneducated about abortion an example of women thinking for themselves?

If the left wanted women to think for themselves, they wouldn't be opposing them getting this information.
You want to see babies vacuumed out of their mothers...and I'M a sick fuck?

Eat shit, kid.

vroom vroom......Least i dont want to strip peoples rights away with more government...

And yes you are a lonely sick fuck.
Some folks may be wondering about my passion on this subject.

My wife and I have lost two babies to miscarriage. Dear God, but that hurt. It still does. We console ourselves knowing we'll get to hold our lost babies in Heaven.

I simply cannot understand why anyone would knowingly choose to throw away something that precious.

I just can't.

So, kid, you can fuck off with your demand for more and more abortions, you twisted little bastard.
I have two kids and lost one by miscarriage. It does suck and i totally understand how that is.
it is a tough choice to make but its not my place to make it for people. Free will is a big thing, and this is striping that from people. Abortion is a heavy thing to take on for a woman. ( least most)

The difference is dave, i will support whatever choice you and your wife decided. You do not.

That says a lot
nothing is stopping you from opening your mouth. There is a difference between a piece of paper, video or PSA vs shoving something inside a woman or having an ultrasound.

regardless the moral of the story is you want to use government to order people around.

You rail on about your 2nd amendment rights but want to strip others of their privacy.

Go fuck yourself.
The baby you're so leg-tingly about killing, boy, is a genetically-distinct human being. It has rights, too.

But you don't give a shit about that. You just want to rack up more dead babies.

Mindless little bastard.

no it doesnt. you have zero....If they legally had rights then abortion would be illegal. Stop making shit up.

Of course i want to rack up more babies. It pisses you and others off. I love it. Everytime you make a stupid argument, a woman has an abortion.

Not sure if you're trolling, or you really mean that.

The latter wouldn't surprise me a bit. Progs have a terrific loathing for life.
The baby you're so leg-tingly about killing, boy, is a genetically-distinct human being. It has rights, too.

But you don't give a shit about that. You just want to rack up more dead babies.

Mindless little bastard.

A fetus has no rights. It is not a person.
Yeah, progs have a way of defining anyone they find inconvenient as not human. Babies, old people, political dissidents...

Makes it easier to murder them, doesn't it?

Don't forget this is also the same mentality that Germans had when slaughtering Jews...and white slave owners about blacks.
Just because she made a bad decision, doesn't mean every other woman will.

I notice you're pretending the study I posted showing 98% of abortions are elective simply doesn't exist.

You can ignore reality if you like. But it doesn't make it go away.

Who gives a fuck if they are elective? Why is that justification for this stupid ultrasound bill?

So, you're on record as being okay with abortion as birth control.

Damn, that's fucked up.
The abortion will be linked to a prior procedure...it's still a choice. Want an abortion- then this is how we do them in WS.

nope......then you can't bitch when someone like Bloomberg wants to ban sodas.
You are the samething and the same problem. Nannystaters are the worst type of people. Get a life.

Yes, leave it to a lunatic from the left to claim banning sodas is equal to requiring a woman to have an ultra sound before killing her unborn baby.

You are the very same kind of lunatic that would have hollered for lynching blacks and owning them...after all it used to be legal....and they were not thought to be completely human like us white folks...

i wouldnt have owned blacks retard, but lets not make shit up in order to have a point ok twat.

Yes i consider you and people like Bloomberg burdens on free will. You people disgust me.
nothing is stopping you from opening your mouth. There is a difference between a piece of paper, video or PSA vs shoving something inside a woman or having an ultrasound.

regardless the moral of the story is you want to use government to order people around.

You rail on about your 2nd amendment rights but want to strip others of their privacy.

Go fuck yourself.

The right to privacy doesn't allow you to kill another human being.

law says you are wrong twat.You knew this already is still felt the need to lie.

Stop ruining the constitution to fit your warped values. We don't live in a theocracy. Please go move to the ME, maybe you can run into some terrorists or something.

The law is wrong. The Constitution says NOTHING about abortion. It never has. It never will. No matter how much you want to pretend otherwise.

We are talking about human rights. Not religion. Does it bother you at all that you support an evil worse than slavery? Does it bother you that millions of human being have been killed because you think people should be able to conveniently kill their children?

You've got blood on your hand. And your mental gymnastics to justify your bad policies, doesn't make you any less innocent.
FYI, erections are the first step in most pregnancies.

Wow that's a profound point...

Tell that to Google, she/he doesn't seem to know that.

I understand that you believe terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment--because ultimately you view the two as the same. Pregnancy is a disease or a disfunction that needs to be treated. You have a perverse view of the subject.
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The right to privacy doesn't allow you to kill another human being.

law says you are wrong twat.You knew this already is still felt the need to lie.

Stop ruining the constitution to fit your warped values. We don't live in a theocracy. Please go move to the ME, maybe you can run into some terrorists or something.

The law is wrong. The Constitution says NOTHING about abortion. It never has. It never will. No matter how much you want to pretend otherwise.

We are talking about human rights. Not religion. Does it bother you at all that you support an evil worse than slavery? Does it bother you that millions of human being have been killed because you think people should be able to conveniently kill their children?

You've got blood on your hand. And your mental gymnastics to justify your bad policies, doesn't make you any less innocent.

Really you don't understand case law huh?

I dont need to go any further in your post. You just showed how ignorant you really are.
stop lying

He's not lying...if the Bill is passed the woman can choose to have an abortion with the ultra sound procedure or not have an abortion...see...choice.

that's not a choice. Thats a set of conditions. you are forcing people. you are an authoritarian and a decease.

I know you think you've got something... But if it helps you to call me an authoritarian because I support measures to stop slaughtering innocent unborn babies...then I wear that name proudly!

I would have also been an abolitionist... whereas I can tell you'd have been the lynching kind.
They will if they kill their child.

But instead of protecting innocent life, you encourage killing them.

Do you want to pay more taxes to support the babies that will be born? Want to see more single mums on welfare?

1) They will pay more taxes than they are now.

2) No. I want parents to step up and take care of their responsibilities instead of falling for your lies and trying to run away from them.

3) I know personal responsibility is an idea you have absolutely no concept of, but it's a fundamental principle of being a free people. You cannot govern yourself if you refuse to take responsibility for your actions. You cannot govern yourself if you constantly run from responsibility.

4) I dont want to see single mums. I want to see men step up and take responsibility for their children. Something vile men have been using abortion to avoid since it became legal.

5) You need to stop lying to people and making these false dichotemies. It's not abort or raise our taxes. There are many more abortions than that. Making adoption laws easier. Ecouraging people to actually marry.

Why do you guys feel the need to lie so much to support abortion? Be honest, even if it's just to yourself. It's not healthy.
Wow that's a profound point...

Tell that to Google, she/he doesn't seem to know that.

I understand that you believe terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment--because ultimately you view the two as the same. Pregnancy is a disease or a disfunction that needs to be treated. You have a perverse view of the subject.

Erections are related to sexual health. Why are you so opposed to a rectal exam? Are you scared?

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