Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Really you don't understand case law huh?

I dont need to go any further in your post. You just showed how ignorant you really are.

Lol. I know enough to realize case law isn't the Constitution. You might want to learn that sometime.

I have to say it is amusing for you to accuse me of ignorance when you make such an ignorant statement. Thank you for the laugh.

you are worthless.

Because I know the difference between the Constitution and case law? Or because i made you look like a fool?
this is a major reason why Rove has lost all his hair, having to deal w/ the Repub Base :eusa_pray: after all these years :(

And who exactly cares about Rove here?

He is complete irrelevant. It's the principles that matter.
this is a major reason why Rove has lost all his hair, having to deal w/ the Repub Base :eusa_pray: after all these years :(

And who exactly cares about Rove here?

He is complete irrelevant. It's the principles that matter.

hence, Rove is bald having to put out all the social conservative fires started by you people. :clap2:

Because he's a slime ball who doesn't want to actually fix the problems of our society?
You don't understand anything at all. I never said terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment, you're making shit up. But, it is rather obvious that Republicans don't consider women much, since they seem to be okay with Viagra being paid by the insurance companies, but want to make sure women pay for contraceptives.

If you want to do away with abortions, doing away with contraceptives isn't going help. Maybe if righties could figure that out, they wouldn't come up with such idiotic ideas.

Oh my, what hypocrisy! Tell me, how do they defend this? :)

No one forces insurance companies to pay for viagra. They voluntarily contract with people. People are free to not take their insurance or not pay for it.
So what is your problem with contraceptives being provided by insurance companies?

No one forces insurance companies to pay for contraceptives, though I know you want them to.
Obamacare is going to require insurance companies to do so. And yes, I want them to, because that will eliminate many unwanted pregnancies, especially women that don't have enough money to pay for the contraceptives much less another child.

Not to mention men pay for contraceptives all the time. See Condoms don't get sold solely to one gender.
Most men don't like condoms, would prefer that women use contraceptives so they don't have to.

Do you know what hypocrisy is? If you did, i dont think you'd live like you are.
Yes, I know that Republicans wanting women to pay for contraceptives but being okay with men getting Viagra free from their insurance companies is hypocrisy. And then they claim they do not discriminate against women.

Maybe Republican men arent worried about forcing insurance companies to cover viagra because we don't need it.
Apparently not, you are all so afraid of sex.
But, you seem to be missing the point. Insurance companies already provide Viagra, so that's right, Republican and Democrat men don't have to "force" them to do so, but Republican men are the ones that have their panties in a wad wanting to make sure women pay for contraceptives.
And who exactly cares about Rove here?

He is complete irrelevant. It's the principles that matter.

hence, Rove is bald having to put out all the social conservative fires started by you people. :clap2:

Because he's a slime ball who doesn't want to actually fix the problems of our society?

he has bigger fish to fry, like winning elections, as opposed to helping you people force your views on others and losing elections in the process :thup:
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

Republicans in Wisconsin want small government, small enough to fit in a woman's uterus, that is.

They also want to make sure everyone pays for their contraceptives by doing away with the mandate to have insurance provide them. No contraceptives, means more unwanted pregnancies, and no abortions means more people on welfare! Now that's a great way to approach the welfare problem - make it bigger!

It's true, they do want to take the country back - backwards, that is.

I love the logic here. It's revealing, in that the left views humanity as a cancer on this planet.

And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment". How many who wave the "anti abortion" banner then turn around and say, "She shouldn't have sex. It's her own fault. Why should I help take care of it?"

One group that's overlooked are "homeless women". Republicans want them "punished" as well.

Funny, they can forgive Vitter and other adulterers, even elect them to congress after they've broken laws, but for women? Stick it to them.
Yes, because we sure don't want women to be reminded that the inconvenient lump of tissue they're intending to kill is an actual human baby, do we?

They might change their minds. And we can't have that. We only support a woman's right to choose if she chooses to abort.

Right, USMB lefties?

Women don't care what you think. They care about controlling their bodies, and they won't let men stand in their way.
If they could control their bodies, they wouldn't need to use abortion as birth control, would they?

So you are going to control it FOR them? Nice!
So what is your problem with contraceptives being provided by insurance companies?

I don't have a problem with insurance companies providing contraception. I have a problem with insurance companies being FORCED to provide contraception. If they choose to voluntarily contract with a person or a business for insurance that pays for contraception great. It's when the government says "You have to provide this" even if both parties don't want it that there is a problem.

Obamacare is going to require insurance companies to do so. And yes, I want them to, because that will eliminate many unwanted pregnancies, especially women that don't have enough money to pay for the contraceptives much less another child.

Condoms aren't that expensive.

Most men don't like condoms, would prefer that women use contraceptives so they don't have to.

Well most people like hot tubs too. That doesn't mean we have the government force every construction company to install a hottub when they build a house and then not charge the money necessary to pay for it.

Youre telling me that women can't choose not to have sex rather than insist their partner wear a condom and yet they can choose to have an abortion without getting all the information available?

Personally, I've never found women that weak.

Yes, I know that Republicans wanting women to pay for contraceptives but being okay with men getting Viagra free from their insurance companies is hypocrisy. And then they claim they do not discriminate against women.

The fact that you don't even try to understand the actual position of others doesn't make them hypocrites. It just demonstrates that you need to stop creating straw men to attack.

Apparently not, you are all so afraid of sex.
But, you seem to be missing the point. Insurance companies already provide Viagra, so that's right, Republican and Democrat men don't have to "force" them to do so, but Republican men are the ones that have their panties in a wad wanting to make sure women pay for contraceptives.

Afraid of sex? How did you reach that ridiculous conclusion?

Insurance companies provide whatever they contract to provide. You act like all insurance policies are the same and have to cover the same things. Which is one of the problems with the left. They want a one size fits all solution to what they percieve to be a problem. The free market allows people to find an insurance policy that address there needs and wants.

I don't care if my insurance company provides for viagra. It's not something I would negotiate with them about. But if it was that important to me and one company wouldn't provide it, i would merely shop around until I either found one that would cover that, or I would merely purchase the viagra myself. That's what happens when we have liberty. Likewise if it was against my beliefs to use viagra, I would be free to negotiate a contract that didn't cover viagra and I wouldn't have to pay for those benefits.

There are some people and groups that don't believe in using birth control. Why on earth should they be forced into a contract to pay for bith control coverage they don't want? Why should any two parties be forced into a contract that neither intended nor wanted to make?

The only thing that scares me about this conversation is the fact that I have to explain the fundamental concepts behind contractual agreements, namely the voluntariness of the agreement. This concept shouldn't be foreign to any American.
And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment". How many who wave the "anti abortion" banner then turn around and say, "She shouldn't have sex. It's her own fault. Why should I help take care of it?"

One group that's overlooked are "homeless women". Republicans want them "punished" as well.

Funny, they can forgive Vitter and other adulterers, even elect them to congress after they've broken laws, but for women? Stick it to them.

I think you are a bit confused rdean. It's the left that sees babies as a punishment.

The right just recognizes that liberty comes with personal responsibility. We have an obligation to others, especially our children who have no choice in who their parents are.

I dont remember voting for Clinton or Spitzer. Heck, I dont remember voting for Vitter.

Maybe you need to generalize a little less. You might get a more accurate viewpoint of reality.

And no, we aren't sticking it to women. We just fighting to keep them making the worst mistake of their lives, well other than sleeping with a dead beat who cant even bother to take care of his woman and child.
Women don't care what you think. They care about controlling their bodies, and they won't let men stand in their way.
If they could control their bodies, they wouldn't need to use abortion as birth control, would they?

So you are going to control it FOR them? Nice!

No need to control their bodies. Just need them not to kill their offspring because of the control they've already exercised.
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

Republicans in Wisconsin want small government, small enough to fit in a woman's uterus, that is.

They also want to make sure everyone pays for their contraceptives by doing away with the mandate to have insurance provide them. No contraceptives, means more unwanted pregnancies, and no abortions means more people on welfare! Now that's a great way to approach the welfare problem - make it bigger!

It's true, they do want to take the country back - backwards, that is.

I love the logic here. It's revealing, in that the left views humanity as a cancer on this planet.

we are worth less than a grain of sand on a beach. The cosmos is quite large and vast. You are literally irrelevant
Republicans in Wisconsin want small government, small enough to fit in a woman's uterus, that is.

They also want to make sure everyone pays for their contraceptives by doing away with the mandate to have insurance provide them. No contraceptives, means more unwanted pregnancies, and no abortions means more people on welfare! Now that's a great way to approach the welfare problem - make it bigger!

It's true, they do want to take the country back - backwards, that is.

I love the logic here. It's revealing, in that the left views humanity as a cancer on this planet.

And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment". How many who wave the "anti abortion" banner then turn around and say, "She shouldn't have sex. It's her own fault. Why should I help take care of it?"

One group that's overlooked are "homeless women". Republicans want them "punished" as well.

Funny, they can forgive Vitter and other adulterers, even elect them to congress after they've broken laws, but for women? Stick it to them.

Obama is the one that calls pregnancies "punishment". You already forgot his speech?
I love the logic here. It's revealing, in that the left views humanity as a cancer on this planet.

And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment". How many who wave the "anti abortion" banner then turn around and say, "She shouldn't have sex. It's her own fault. Why should I help take care of it?"

One group that's overlooked are "homeless women". Republicans want them "punished" as well.

Funny, they can forgive Vitter and other adulterers, even elect them to congress after they've broken laws, but for women? Stick it to them.

Obama is the one that calls pregnancies "punishment". You already forgot his speech?

The one where he says Republicans want to punish women for getting pregnant?
So what is your problem with contraceptives being provided by insurance companies?

I don't have a problem with insurance companies providing contraception. I have a problem with insurance companies being FORCED to provide contraception. If they choose to voluntarily contract with a person or a business for insurance that pays for contraception great. It's when the government says "You have to provide this" even if both parties don't want it that there is a problem.
So, you don't have a problem with the unfairness of the insurance companies? They provide Viagra but unless forced won't provide contraceptives?
And what do you mean "both parties don't want it"? Just because the insurance company provides it doesn't mean you are forced to take it.

Condoms aren't that expensive.
If that is what you prefer to use that is your choice, but you don't get to dictate to everyone else what they need to use.

Well most people like hot tubs too. That doesn't mean we have the government force every construction company to install a hottub when they build a house and then not charge the money necessary to pay for it.
Yeah, but people having hot tubs isn't making your taxes go up because you are having to subsidize them - more unwanted babies, especially to poor women means more Welfare. I thought righties didn't like welfare? Or, are you going to say, tough luck to them, after some of you have declared unending love for them?

Youre telling me that women can't choose not to have sex rather than insist their partner wear a condom and yet they can choose to have an abortion without getting all the information available?
Why is it the woman's responsibility? It takes two to tango, both parties need to decide what needs to be done. And, you keep insisting that abortions are just for the sake of birth control. Are you okay with a raped woman being forced to carry the child of a rapist? You don't want insurance companies to be "forced" to provide contraceptives, but you're okay with women being "forced" to carry the child of a rapist.

Personally, I've never found women that weak.
I have no idea what this comment is supposed to mean.

The fact that you don't even try to understand the actual position of others doesn't make them hypocrites. It just demonstrates that you need to stop creating straw men to attack.
You are the one that doesn't seem to understand the actual position of others. You want everyone to subscribe to your way.
Afraid of sex? How did you reach that ridiculous conclusion?
Republicans are against contraceptives, they are against abortions, and they preach abstinence, now figure it out.

Insurance companies provide whatever they contract to provide. You act like all insurance policies are the same and have to cover the same things. Which is one of the problems with the left. They want a one size fits all solution to what they percieve to be a problem. The free market allows people to find an insurance policy that address there needs and wants.
Ha,ha, since when did you tell an insurance company what they need to cover? You righties live in a fantasyland. Of course, insurance companies are going to try to cover as little as they can get away with and charge you as much as they can, but not so, with Obamacare.

I don't care if my insurance company provides for viagra. It's not something I would negotiate with them about. But if it was that important to me and one company wouldn't provide it, i would merely shop around until I either found one that would cover that, or I would merely purchase the viagra myself. That's what happens when we have liberty. Likewise if it was against my beliefs to use viagra, I would be free to negotiate a contract that didn't cover viagra and I wouldn't have to pay for those benefits.
But you are not everybody. How can women negotiate when none of the insurance companies carry them, that is, until Obamacare.

There are some people and groups that don't believe in using birth control. Why on earth should they be forced into a contract to pay for bith control coverage they don't want? Why should any two parties be forced into a contract that neither intended nor wanted to make?
They are going to be paying less, when Obamacare goes into effect, so having contraceptives is not going to make a difference. They don't have to get them, that's all.

The only thing that scares me about this conversation is the fact that I have to explain the fundamental concepts behind contractual agreements, namely the voluntariness of the agreement. This concept shouldn't be foreign to any American.
What you don't seem to understand is that Insurance Companies had us by the balls. They could cover as little as they wanted, and you could go around and try to negotiate, but if one company didn't cover it, most others weren't going to either, so negotiating wasn't going to make a difference.

It's like credit companies, if the government hadn't stepped in and enforced some regulations, they could charge you $100 for a late payment, or raise your interest X 100 times. It's not so much about voluntariness when they have the upper hand and consumers are helpless against them.

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