Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

But when a woman choices to get an abortion, that is part of the procedure. This (what this fucker is trying) is damn near rape in my opinion.

Fuck him. Make him get a fist up his ass and see if he likes it.

My gawd, but YOU exemplify the ignorant idiocy of leftist intellectualism...or more accurately the lack there of~

fucking troll.
I will support a ban on abortion if all lifers are forced to adopt at least one unwanted child.

Fair is fair. You love babies so much, you can adopt one.

You mean because you don't love babies women should be allowed to kill them. You are so fucking arrogant and asinine!

Wanting to prevent/stop the killing of a human life is noble in and of itself.

How about we stop making it legal to kill them because its the humane and ethical thing to do?

Oh...that's right, you love killing them instead... How about every liberal just get sterilized and we all just watch the issue go away. Fair is fair.
Conservatives love the unborn, but when they are born they are money grubbing future commie socialists. That is until they turn eighteen, then they love them again, they need warm bodies to fill the ranks.
Conservatives love the unborn, but when they are born they are money grubbing future commie socialists. That is until they turn eighteen, then they love them again, they need warm bodies to fill the ranks.

The inanity of your post is picture perfect of your ability to think intelligently.
I understand that you believe terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment--because ultimately you view the two as the same. Pregnancy is a disease or a disfunction that needs to be treated. You have a perverse view of the subject.

You don't understand anything at all. I never said terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment, you're making shit up. But, it is rather obvious that Republicans don't consider women much, since they seem to be okay with Viagra being paid by the insurance companies, but want to make sure women pay for contraceptives.

If you want to do away with abortions, doing away with contraceptives isn't going help. Maybe if righties could figure that out, they wouldn't come up with such idiotic ideas.

Oh my, what hypocrisy! Tell me, how do they defend this? :)

Oh my what ignorance...

Some insurance companies cover both. Some insurance companies cover neither. Some insurance companies require co-pays, whereas with others they are fully covered.

In addition, erectile dysfunction is actually a medical dysfunction and covered as such. Women who suffer from hormone related illness such as endometriosis usually do get free birth control pills under most all plans I have ever seen. But there certainly are private policies that have contraceptive coverage...and Walmart has it for 10.00 a month...Planned Parenthood has it for free...hey, why don't they have Viagra for free?
Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.


Yes, clap at insipid arguments and cheer on killing unborn babies...you'd make a good little Nazi disciple- too bad you couldn't have been born in the 1920's.

If you think rectal exams should take place prior to Viagra prescriptions...which don't kill unborn babies, then take that logic to your representatives and get a bill passed.
An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.


Yes, clap at insipid arguments and cheer on killing unborn babies...you'd make a good little Nazi disciple- too bad you couldn't have been born in the 1920's.

If you think rectal exams should take place prior to Viagra prescriptions...which don't kill unborn babies, then take that logic to your representatives and get a bill passed.

godwin yourself.....what a fucking loser you are. Looks like you are just a Allie alt.
vroom vroom......Least i dont want to strip peoples rights away with more government...

And yes you are a lonely sick fuck.
Some folks may be wondering about my passion on this subject.

My wife and I have lost two babies to miscarriage. Dear God, but that hurt. It still does. We console ourselves knowing we'll get to hold our lost babies in Heaven.

I simply cannot understand why anyone would knowingly choose to throw away something that precious.

I just can't.

So, kid, you can fuck off with your demand for more and more abortions, you twisted little bastard.
I have two kids and lost one by miscarriage. It does suck and i totally understand how that is.
it is a tough choice to make but its not my place to make it for people. Free will is a big thing, and this is striping that from people. Abortion is a heavy thing to take on for a woman. ( least most)

The difference is dave, i will support whatever choice you and your wife decided. You do not.

That says a lot
I can't understand why anyone would look at the numbers of abortions performed annually and say, "Oh, well..." -- especially when they've lost babies of their own.

There's a huge disconnect going on in your head. And it's pathetic.
A fetus has no rights. It is not a person.
Yeah, progs have a way of defining anyone they find inconvenient as not human. Babies, old people, political dissidents...

Makes it easier to murder them, doesn't it?

Don't forget this is also the same mentality that Germans had when slaughtering Jews...and white slave owners about blacks.
Indeed. People go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify murder.
And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment". How many who wave the "anti abortion" banner then turn around and say, "She shouldn't have sex. It's her own fault. Why should I help take care of it?"

One group that's overlooked are "homeless women". Republicans want them "punished" as well.

Funny, they can forgive Vitter and other adulterers, even elect them to congress after they've broken laws, but for women? Stick it to them.

Obama is the one that calls pregnancies "punishment". You already forgot his speech?

The one where he says Republicans want to punish women for getting pregnant?

No, no, they want to punish women for having sex! Because any woman who has sex outside of marriage is a slut and a whore and should burn in hell!
nope......then you can't bitch when someone like Bloomberg wants to ban sodas.
You are the samething and the same problem. Nannystaters are the worst type of people. Get a life.

Yes, leave it to a lunatic from the left to claim banning sodas is equal to requiring a woman to have an ultra sound before killing her unborn baby.

You are the very same kind of lunatic that would have hollered for lynching blacks and owning them...after all it used to be legal....and they were not thought to be completely human like us white folks...

i wouldnt have owned blacks retard, but lets not make shit up in order to have a point ok twat.

Yes i consider you and people like Bloomberg burdens on free will. You people disgust me.
You're already on record as saying you don't want women to make informed choices.

So your whining about free will is particularly hypocritical.
Oh my what ignorance...

Some insurance companies cover both. Some insurance companies cover neither. Some insurance companies require co-pays, whereas with others they are fully covered.

In addition, erectile dysfunction is actually a medical dysfunction and covered as such. Women who suffer from hormone related illness such as endometriosis usually do get free birth control pills under most all plans I have ever seen. But there certainly are private policies that have contraceptive coverage...and Walmart has it for 10.00 a month...Planned Parenthood has it for free...hey, why don't they have Viagra for free?

Viagra still comes with risks, and men must be aware of the risks before they get that prescription! They should undergo counseling so they are well aware of the potential side effects!

If they could control their bodies, they wouldn't need to use abortion as birth control, would they?

So you are going to control it FOR them? Nice!

No need to control their bodies. Just need them not to kill their offspring because of the control they've already exercised.

There is no offspring until the baby is born.
stop lying

He's not lying...if the Bill is passed the woman can choose to have an abortion with the ultra sound procedure or not have an abortion...see...choice.

Or go to another state.

But that's not convenient, is it? And abortion is ALLLLL about convenience. Because some women don't think they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

They are dealing with it - by having an abortion.
vroom vroom......Least i dont want to strip peoples rights away with more government...

And yes you are a lonely sick fuck.
Some folks may be wondering about my passion on this subject.

My wife and I have lost two babies to miscarriage. Dear God, but that hurt. It still does. We console ourselves knowing we'll get to hold our lost babies in Heaven.

I simply cannot understand why anyone would knowingly choose to throw away something that precious.

I just can't.

So, kid, you can fuck off with your demand for more and more abortions, you twisted little bastard.

I know exactly how you feel. When you lose a child, the nonsense arguments to support killing children become so transparent. The lengths they go to try to pretend the children aren't human. It's one of the worst human rights violations of our generation.
Indeed. And given the demographics of abortion, it's eugenics, too.

But the white left has always loved them some eugenics.
yes because educating women before determining to abort a pregnancy is so terrible. Liberals are all for limited government when it comes to the protection of the unborn, but limiting the size of soft drinks, Happy Meal Toys, smoking--they are all for government intrusion. Sickening hypocrites.

Women don't need lifers to educate them. They know what abortion is, they don't need to see the fetus before making a decision. They are not stupid.

When did you appoint yourself the spokesperson for women?

Looks to me like many women don't agree with you.

National Pro-Life Women?s Caucus Launched for Pro-Life Women Legislators | LifeNews.com
yes because educating women before determining to abort a pregnancy is so terrible. Liberals are all for limited government when it comes to the protection of the unborn, but limiting the size of soft drinks, Happy Meal Toys, smoking--they are all for government intrusion. Sickening hypocrites.

Women don't need lifers to educate them. They know what abortion is, they don't need to see the fetus before making a decision. They are not stupid.

When did you appoint yourself the spokesperson for women?

Looks to me like many women don't agree with you.

National Pro-Life Women?s Caucus Launched for Pro-Life Women Legislators | LifeNews.com

Go and ask women who have had abortions if they believe they made the right choice.
The only women who say they didn't make the right choice are women who have been brainwashed into becoming pro life for the sake of making money - like Norma McCorvey.
A transvaginal ultrasound isn't really invasive. It's no more invasive than inserting a tampon. Of course with a transvaginal ultrasound you are required to drink a ton of water first.
This procedure serves no legitimate purpose, medical or otherwise.

No normal person should need any more than that to oppose mandating this procedure.

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