Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Lefties believe that women should just line up for uterine scrapings, and *trust* the scrapers. They don't need to know anything about what's going on. They're just women...women whose children are worthless, and who are therefore worthless themselves.
It's no end of ironic to see the left, who insist that abortion is a "medical" and "scientific" procedure that takes place for the benefit of women's "health" are fighting tooth and nail against modern practices which make it less risky, and allows women to be more fully informed about the procedure.

What ever happened to the "women's health" and "education is the answer!" mantra? "Women have a right to know!"....Is any of this ringing a bell?

Forcing a woman to have an ultrasound is not about her right to know. She can exercise her right to know anytime she chooses.

There is no legitimate medical reason for this mandate; there is no legitimate non-medical reason for this mandate. This is nothing more than the diehards in the anti-choice camp trying to fuck with people in a battle they've already lost.

forcing...nobody forces women to have pap smears, breast exams, etc etc... are you licensed doctor?

you don't want a ultrasound done for a abortion, don't go get one I guess
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You need an vaginal ultrasound in order to educate women about abortion? Don't you think there are more effective, non-invasive ways of doing it, like with a pamphlet?

Don't you think that women that are getting an abortion have already found out what it is all about? Geez, you don't give women much credit, must be a Republican.

Women don't need pamphlets, either, they will be filled with pro life junk. Women can make their own decisions and they don't need men controlling their lives!

So your making the point there are no women that are for this?

The only women for this are women who want to harass other women who are trying to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion.
Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

And of course, there is the whole matter of choice.... And the GOP wonders why they have such a problem with women who think for themselves.

when was the last time a republican was in your bedroom,or kitchen, or laundry room, or tool shed forcing you to spread em and not use contraception?

seems you lib chicks only wear a tin foil hat when copulating
Women don't need pamphlets, either, they will be filled with pro life junk. Women can make their own decisions and they don't need men controlling their lives!

So your making the point there are no women that are for this?

The only women for this are women who want to harass other women who are trying to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion.

Yeah sure..it's for sure in the constitution.you should be forced to get a colonoscopy..in your case every six months
if Republicans cared about the women in the own party, they would have let them have a hand in writing the latest unconstitutional bill put frwd by Repubs.
if Republicans cared about the women in the own party, they would have let them have a hand in writing the latest unconstitutional bill put frwd by Repubs.

Not sure which "unconstitutional bill" you're talking about. The Wisconsin legislation was sponsored by Mary Lazich.
if Republicans cared about the women in the own party, they would have let them have a hand in writing the latest unconstitutional bill put frwd by Repubs.

Not sure which "unconstitutional bill" you're talking about. The Wisconsin legislation was sponsored by Mary Lazich.

I'm talking about the one in Boehner's House right now taking-up valuable time & money
Lol..take a stand against medical advances!

Abortion is a constitutional right and therefore, women should not be afforded the best care that is available!
Lol..take a stand against medical advances!

Abortion is a constitutional right and therefore, women should not be afforded the best care that is available!

"afforded" a shaming wand? :rolleyes: Nice try. :clap2:

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Lol..take a stand against medical advances!

Abortion is a constitutional right and therefore, women should not be afforded the best care that is available!

yeah but, they accuse Republicans and the right of not being for SCIENCE..

they wouldn't want to know what I went through to check my baby for downs syndrome because of the increased chances of that with my age..I was 38...he is now a healthy boy going on 20

amniocentesis...they probably would of fainted..lol

but they wail over someone having a vaginal ultrasound before a abortion...
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Lol..take a stand against medical advances!

Abortion is a constitutional right and therefore, women should not be afforded the best care that is available!

yeah but, they accuse Republicans and the right of not being for SCIENCE..

they wouldn't want to know what I went through to check my baby for downs syndrome because of the increased chances of that with my age..I was 38...he is now a healthy boy going on 20

amniocentesis...they probably would of fainted..lol

but they wail over someone having a vaginal ultrasound before a abortion...

when its mandated by the gubment? You betcha' ;)
It's not mandated, any more than it's mandated that people undergo certain testing procedures before they are given a triple bypass.

There are certain procedures that are not performed until certain tests are taken. This is the best tool our medical community has to accurately determine the age of an embryo/fetus. And knowing the age precisely translates into safer abortions.

And you are all about safer abortions...right? RIGHT?
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

Huge mistake on the GOP's part.

This kind of shit is alienating even Republican women who are pro-life.

A woman I know is about as pro-life as it gets. She got pregnant unexpectedly and was in dire financial straits, but still had the child, even though every one of her friends suggested an abortion. Even other women who had children of their own.

But she and her husband had the kid and can't imagine life without their child today.

She has even stated she would have a baby if a rapist impregnated her. We are talking hardcore pro-life, she is.

But this vaginal ultrasound thing has her mighty pissed.

The GOP is fucking up. Big time. This is just vengeful shit. Vindictive. A dick move.
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February 21, 2012:

Ultrasounds Already Part of VA Planned Parenthood Abortion Procedure « Commentary Magazine

The backlash against the new Virginia legislation requiring ultrasounds before an abortion procedure – which some have bizarrely compared to “forcible rape” – may be even more overblown than initially thought. Apparently, ultrasounds are already part of the abortion procedures at Virginia Planned Parenthoods.

The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood didn’t immediately return calls yesterday. But here’s what it said on the recording for its abortion services information hotline:

“Patients who have a surgical abortion generally come in for two appointments. At the first visit we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit generally takes about an hour. At the second visit, the procedure takes place. This visit takes about an hour as well. For out of town patients for whom it would be difficult to make two trips to our office, we’re able to schedule both the initial appointment and the procedure on the same day.

Medical abortions generally require three visits. At the first visit, we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit takes about an hour. At the second visit, the physician gives the first pill and directions for taking two more pills at home. The third visit is required during which you will have an exam and another ultrasound.”​

From a health perspective, these ultrasounds are critical. They detect the exact age of the fetus, which often dictates which type of abortion procedure the woman can receive. They can also spot potential complications that could impact the procedure, like ectopic pregnancies. In clinics that don’t have access to ultrasound technology, sometimes pelvic exams can be used as a substitute. But those are arguably just as invasive as the transvaginal ultrasounds pro-choice activists are decrying.

In other words, the real reason pro-choicers oppose the law isn’t because of the “invasiveness” or “creepiness” of ultrasounds. It can’t be it. Virginia Planned Parenthood clinics already include them in its abortion procedures.
In the Media we only hear about conservatives/republicans who want to ban abortion even in cases of rape. They actually represent the views of 10% of Americans or less.

But there is a 20-25% of Americans who believe that abortion must be legal in all circumstances and any time (or until the sixth month at least). That's scary and extreme too, but no one talks.
this is one state...it's not a national push by republicans for crying out loud..

you don't want one done in Wisconsin drive to another state to kill your child
Anyone who takes a stand against a simple procedure, used in OB/GYN offices EVERYWHERE (I have had a few over the course of my last couple of pregnancies) is allowing their slip to show.

This is a simple, accepted, and accurate way to determine the age and location of the embryo/fetus. It takes a couple of seconds, and is in no way as awful as an abortion, which requires the uterus itself to be opened and medical instruments and a vacuum to be inserted.

People who argue against this requirement in abortion clinics are saying "We like our abortions dangerous, and our women dumb."
In the Media we only hear about conservatives/republicans who want to ban abortion even in cases of rape. They actually represent the views of 10% of Americans or less.

But there is a 20-25% of Americans who believe that abortion must be legal in all circumstances and any time (or until the sixth month at least). That's scary and extreme too, but no one talks.


Two thirds of Americans are against abortions past the first trimester. When you consider half of Americans call themselves "pro-life" and half call themselves "pro-choice", and yet two thirds oppose abortion beyond the first trimester, we are looking at a lot of overlap.

And yet we allow the extremist assholes to control the dialogue.

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