Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Extremist assholes maintain that we shouldn't require the latest medical advancements in abortion clinics.
Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

OK, help me out here. Liberals want ot force me to wear a seatbelt, and wear a motorcycle helmet, and not drink a large soda, and not eat fast food, and yada, yada yada, all in the name of protecting my health. But....... when a conservative suggests a preventative test prior to a proceedure liberals are all up in arms. I mean WTF?

Seriously dude, this women is about to have a life chemically burned and sucked out of her vagina and she is worried about an ultrasound as being invasive? I mean lets get real here.
Yes, because we sure don't want women to be reminded that the inconvenient lump of tissue they're intending to kill is an actual human baby, do we?

They might change their minds. And we can't have that. We only support a woman's right to choose if she chooses to abort.

Right, USMB lefties?

Women don't care what you think. They care about controlling their bodies, and they won't let men stand in their way.

If women were about controlling their bodies.
How did they end up pregnant?...
Are all abortions done because of problems with the fetus?

I think most of them are just another form of birth control.
Forget to take the pill,no condom,no problem.
Young couples fuck like rabbits and the thought is probably
if the chick gets knocked up no biggie.

Abortions are easy to have.
So did any of you whining liberals actually take the time to read this bill? Well I just did. Now if any of you can just point out to me where in this bill it says a woman must undergo an invasive rape like proceedure please point it out to me. otherwise this whole thread is just yet another one of your bullshit spin threads with no foundation. you guys are really getting pathetic.
They've always been pathetic. They are a group of people who call baby killing a right and who want to deny women proper medical care.
Women don't need pamphlets, either, they will be filled with pro life junk. Women can make their own decisions and they don't need men controlling their lives!

So your making the point there are no women that are for this?

The only women for this are women who want to harass other women who are trying to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion.

So when i want to exercise my constitutional right to CHOOSE to wear a eat belt or not or to CHOOSE to wear or not to wear a motorcycle helmet, or maybe if i visit new york i will wan't to CHOOSE to have a 32 oz soda, but liberals don't want me to have a CHOICE. Anyway that ultra sound might save a iife.
Women don't need pamphlets, either, they will be filled with pro life junk. Women can make their own decisions and they don't need men controlling their lives!

So your making the point there are no women that are for this?

The only women for this are women who want to harass other women who are trying to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion.

refresh my memory, exactly which constitutional right is this?
Yes, because we sure don't want women to be reminded that the inconvenient lump of tissue they're intending to kill is an actual human baby, do we?

They might change their minds. And we can't have that. We only support a woman's right to choose if she chooses to abort.

Right, USMB lefties?

Until you and the rest of the males on USMB can get pregnant, you all should just STFU!!!

Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

Not Larry Craig. The master of the wide stance.

was that stance wide enough for you Dean?....just askin.....
So your making the point there are no women that are for this?

The only women for this are women who want to harass other women who are trying to exercise their constitutional right to an abortion.

So when i want to exercise my constitutional right to CHOOSE to wear a eat belt or not or to CHOOSE to wear or not to wear a motorcycle helmet, or maybe if i visit new york i will wan't to CHOOSE to have a 32 oz soda, but liberals don't want me to have a CHOICE. Anyway that ultra sound might save a iife.

So you wouldn't even mandate that a pregnant woman wear a seatbelt?

Hey, good one, you get to wear the pointy hat for the rest of the day.
An abortion isn't necessary, either.

However, if abortion clinics are going to provide the best service possible to the poor, abused, traumatized, frequently ill, and otherwise desperate women who come through their doors, they will want to be as safe as possible...and in the abortion industry, the horrors occur when the position and/or age of the baby being killed isn't precisely indicated. So in order to best serve those women and to reduce the risk of death and long-term medical issues, it makes sense to require abortionists to use readily available equipment, that is used in EVERY ob/gyn office in the country, to accurately locate and determine the age of the embryo/fetus.

Right? Because that's how we prevent monsters like Gosnell from making millions of dollars off of women who may or may not know exactly how far along they are...and will prevent women from getting perforated bowels and uteruses that occur when abortion clinicians operate "blind".

It's all about the health of the woman, right?
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Extremist assholes maintain that we shouldn't require the latest medical advancements in abortion clinics.

Trying to talk a woman out of having an abortion is not a medical advancement.

In fact, it is more dangerous, medically, to have a baby than it is to have an abortion.
Who gives a fuck if they are elective? Why is that justification for this stupid ultrasound bill?

So, you're on record as being okay with abortion as birth control.

Damn, that's fucked up.

So what? Just because YOU hate abortion does not mean you have the right to demand it be banned.
Of course I have that right, you moron. I can make any demand I want. You fascist wannabes haven't taken that right away -- yet.
An abortion isn't necessary, either.

However, if abortion clinics are going to provide the best service possible to the poor, abused, traumatized, frequently ill, and otherwise desperate women who come through their doors, they will want to be as safe as possible...and in the abortion industry, the horrors occur when the position and/or age of the baby being killed isn't precisely indicated. So in order to best serve those women and to reduce the risk of death and long-term medical issues, it makes sense to require abortionists to use readily available equipment, that is used in EVERY ob/gyn office in the country, to accurately locate and determine the age of the embryo/fetus.

Right? Because that's how we prevent monsters like Gosnell from making millions of dollars off of women who may or may not know exactly how far along they are...and will prevent women from getting perforated bowels and uteruses when abortion clinicians operate "blind".

You would outlaw all abortion no matter how safe they were. You won't even support the morning after pill which is extremely safe.
Extremist assholes maintain that we shouldn't require the latest medical advancements in abortion clinics.

Trying to talk a woman out of having an abortion is not a medical advancement.

In fact, it is more dangerous, medically, to have a baby than it is to have an abortion.

Correctly aging the fetus and locating it prior to an invasive and risky procedure is not trying to talk a woman out of anything.

It's educating her about what's going on in her body, and lowering the chance that she might bleed to death in an abortion clinic, or in an ER some weeks later.
Tell that to Google, she/he doesn't seem to know that.

I understand that you believe terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment--because ultimately you view the two as the same. Pregnancy is a disease or a disfunction that needs to be treated. You have a perverse view of the subject.

You don't understand anything at all. I never said terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment, you're making shit up. But, it is rather obvious that Republicans don't consider women much, since they seem to be okay with Viagra being paid by the insurance companies, but want to make sure women pay for contraceptives.

If you want to do away with abortions, doing away with contraceptives isn't going help. Maybe if righties could figure that out, they wouldn't come up with such idiotic ideas.
Stop lying. No one, outside a few cranks, wants to make birth control illegal.

What we object to is having our tax dollars pay for your birth control. Dumbass.
If you thought it would increase the likelihood of mothers killing their babies, you'd be all for shooting them full of demoral, tying their feet in the stirrups and using a chainsaw to perform the ultrasound.

Cuz you love women THAT much.
I understand that you believe terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment--because ultimately you view the two as the same. Pregnancy is a disease or a disfunction that needs to be treated. You have a perverse view of the subject.

You don't understand anything at all. I never said terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to a man with ED getting treatment, you're making shit up. But, it is rather obvious that Republicans don't consider women much, since they seem to be okay with Viagra being paid by the insurance companies, but want to make sure women pay for contraceptives.

If you want to do away with abortions, doing away with contraceptives isn't going help. Maybe if righties could figure that out, they wouldn't come up with such idiotic ideas.

Oh my, what hypocrisy! Tell me, how do they defend this? :)

It's easy. There's no hypocrisy there, because the claim is a lie.

If you want your insurance to pay for your contraceptives, that's between you and them.

Just don't expect me to subsidize it with my taxes.

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