Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

An abortion isn't necessary, either.

However, if abortion clinics are going to provide the best service possible to the poor, abused, traumatized, frequently ill, and otherwise desperate women who come through their doors, they will want to be as safe as possible...and in the abortion industry, the horrors occur when the position and/or age of the baby being killed isn't precisely indicated. So in order to best serve those women and to reduce the risk of death and long-term medical issues, it makes sense to require abortionists to use readily available equipment, that is used in EVERY ob/gyn office in the country, to accurately locate and determine the age of the embryo/fetus.

Right? Because that's how we prevent monsters like Gosnell from making millions of dollars off of women who may or may not know exactly how far along they are...and will prevent women from getting perforated bowels and uteruses when abortion clinicians operate "blind".

You would outlaw all abortion no matter how safe they were. You won't even support the morning after pill which is extremely safe.

Oh, are we going into "pretend land" mode?

Looks like you have no defense.
An abortion isn't necessary, either.

However, if abortion clinics are going to provide the best service possible to the poor, abused, traumatized, frequently ill, and otherwise desperate women who come through their doors, they will want to be as safe as possible...and in the abortion industry, the horrors occur when the position and/or age of the baby being killed isn't precisely indicated. So in order to best serve those women and to reduce the risk of death and long-term medical issues, it makes sense to require abortionists to use readily available equipment, that is used in EVERY ob/gyn office in the country, to accurately locate and determine the age of the embryo/fetus.

Right? Because that's how we prevent monsters like Gosnell from making millions of dollars off of women who may or may not know exactly how far along they are...and will prevent women from getting perforated bowels and uteruses that occur when abortion clinicians operate "blind".

It's all about the health of the woman, right?

:blahblah: where did you go to medical school? :eusa_hand:
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She already does make an informed decision, without your help.

Which is why women overwhelmingly make a pro life decision when they are given the information you don't want them to have.

You mean when they are brainwashed with lies.

The lies come from abortion mills like Planned Parenthood.

10 Planned Parenthood Lies Every Pro-Choice Person Should Condemn | NewsReal Blog

7. Lying to Women About the Health Risks of Abortions

Planned Parenthood has been caught on tape telling women that abortion will not affect their ability to become pregnant again. They have also told women that women don’t die from abortions and that having an abortion is safer than having a baby. I’m not sure where they got their statistics for this and it might be true if you’re talking about early abortions vs. full term births. I did not find information to support or refute this claim. However, the risks of abortions are very serious and very real and PP representatives don’t give their clients the facts. Bleeding, infection, damage to organs (perforated uterus, etc. can lead to a total hysterectomy,) and death are the most common risks. While they mention these risks on the PP website, they brush off the seriousness of it by suggesting you can just take some antibiotics if any of these things should happen to you.

Most often, these complications are simple to treat with medicine or other treatments.​

Abortion is not like getting your teeth cleaned (as some femisogynists would have you believe). It is an operation that can seriously injure or scar a woman for life. One wrong move by the abortionist and the patient may never have children. Abortion is a serious risk and women should be given all the information before they elect to endanger their health and their lives. PP should not be allowed to tell women abortion is “safe.” During one of Live Action’s projects Lila Rose goes undercover again and asks, is abortion safe? The answer is a resounding yes! There is no discussion of possible risks, bleeding, infection or death. I’m sure they hand a scared girl a consent form written in tiny font that is three pages long including these facts, but does she read it? Probably not after hearing the nurse tell her it’s safer than giving birth.

PP: Oh yeah. It’s a very safe procedure. It’s actually safer than carrying to term.

Rose: The abortion won’t hurt me from having more kids in the future will it?

PP: Nope.​

First, there’s no way that person can know that because it’s a risky surgery. The patient could develop an infection that could sterilize her. Furthermore, there is evidence that says miscarriages are more likely after abortion and so are premature births. But PP doesn’t show their patients those studies.​
You should come out and say it: You love the idea of dead babies.
allie thinks that a bill written solely by republican men is in the best interest of all women, let alone republican-voting women like her :rofl:
Apparently not, you are all so afraid of sex.
Reality suggests otherwise.

A new report says political conservatives have a much better sex life than Democrats by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

The finding: Republicans have the highest rate of orgasm of any group in the report. Especially conservative Republicans. No wonder those tea partiers always look so happy.
In fact, a majority of self-identified conservatives reported that during sex they reach orgasm just about every single time. That's way higher than the Democrat's national job approval.
Such a high conservative orgasm rate compares with only 40% reported success for liberal Democrats who, being liberal, talk openly forever about subjects like sex to affirm their liberality.
But we now know they're over-compensating for inadequacy and self-report experiencing considerably less satisfaction in private.


Other study findings: Biggest sexual turnoffs for women are lazy guys (72%) followed closely by unclean ones (71%)​

Buuuuuurn! Two strikes against prog guys! No wonder you're not getting laid! :lol:

And you know about sedentary seniors, right? Wrong! The over-60s reported the highest rate of almost-always orgasm of any age cohort -- 59% vs 29% among those sad, swinging singles in their twenties.​

So, it looks like your stereotypes of conservatives' sex lives are based on lies. But then, everything you believe is based on lies.
But, you seem to be missing the point. Insurance companies already provide Viagra, so that's right, Republican and Democrat men don't have to "force" them to do so, but Republican men are the ones that have their panties in a wad wanting to make sure women pay for contraceptives.
Liar. No one's keeping you from getting insurance that covers it.
I'm not going to take reproductive advice from some unmarried conservative woman who claims to be a thumper :eusa_pray: and has rug rats running around her gov't subsidized (claims EIC & child exemptions) dwelling. Just sayin.....
allie thinks that a bill written solely by republican men is in the best interest of all women, let alone republican-voting women like her :rofl:

Ad hominem, which is exactly what all you women-hating ghouls resort to when asked to explain how it's good for women to deny them procedures that could save their lives in abortion clinics.
And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment".

Derp lies. All the time, Derp lies.

Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby
"But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."​
Derp lies.
And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment".

Derp lies. All the time, Derp lies.

Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby
"But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."​
Derp lies.

Bwahaha! But he didn't mind burdening his wife and himself with them. What a hoot!
Women don't care what you think. They care about controlling their bodies, and they won't let men stand in their way.
If they could control their bodies, they wouldn't need to use abortion as birth control, would they?

So you are going to control it FOR them? Nice!

No, I am not a totalitarian like you. I'd sure like to see more personal responsibility exercised.

But the left does everything it can to suppress it.

It's so amazingly easy to not get pregnant. But the left has insisted that people shouldn't face the consequences of their actions -- with the result of a dead human being.

You see no problem with that. You share the usual leftist hatred for life.

Progressivism is a death cult.
I'm not going to take reproductive advice from some unmarried conservative woman who claims to be a thumper :eusa_pray: and has rug rats running around her gov't subsidized (claims EIC & child exemptions) dwelling. Just sayin.....

She has the same pair of ovaries a liberal woman does. Why you delineate the two is beyond me.
Republicans in Wisconsin want small government, small enough to fit in a woman's uterus, that is.

They also want to make sure everyone pays for their contraceptives by doing away with the mandate to have insurance provide them. No contraceptives, means more unwanted pregnancies, and no abortions means more people on welfare! Now that's a great way to approach the welfare problem - make it bigger!

It's true, they do want to take the country back - backwards, that is.

I love the logic here. It's revealing, in that the left views humanity as a cancer on this planet.

we are worth less than a grain of sand on a beach. The cosmos is quite large and vast. You are literally irrelevant
But you lefties are all valuable?

I'm going to laugh in your stupid face now.

He's not lying...if the Bill is passed the woman can choose to have an abortion with the ultra sound procedure or not have an abortion...see...choice.

Or go to another state.

But that's not convenient, is it? And abortion is ALLLLL about convenience. Because some women don't think they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

They are dealing with it - by having an abortion.
Which isn't as sanitary and without risk as a dental cleaning, as the pro-aborts claim.

Again: You don't want women to make an informed choice. You just want more dead babies.

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