Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

man....the dots is becoming quite a ugly little thing..
that was so uncalled for what she said...nasty

Next peeballs will swing by to call me names, and dc will show his love for all women by calling me a white trash whore.

That's the way they swing.

you aren't exactly poster girl material for the Rightist thumper movement allie. What are you batting now anyway?

She knocked your ass outta the park.
I'm merely repeating the hypocrisy that renders allie's opinions on the matter irrelevant. She has no credibility w/ her own base much less w/ people who aren't Righties. She is the last person here to be sermonizing about whats best for women. Its obvious that she cares more about fetus than the health of the mother so claiming that she is concerned w/ women' rights is laughable.

It's obvious you don't care who's life you ruin. Keep your mouth closed.

didn't you tell someone just the other day to not post as well n00b? :eusa_eh: You're a confirmed Rightie flamer who speaks before he thinks so ... Didn't you flip-out/melt-down the other day on Sallow? Why, yes you did :lol:
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An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

Because pregnancy and an erection is the same in the perverse mind of a leftist.

Very rarely can one not precede the other.

Looking at the legislative agenda in Wisconsin should clue in everyone of the Republican Agenda. Big Brother will intrude in the bedrooms and doctors offices if those authoritarian misogynists have their way.

I wonder if any of those who posted on this thread and are opposed to abortion understand how little different they are from the Taliban?
And another mindless death cultist chimes in, exactly as programmed.
they don't care ABOUT the women, just being able to crow they are pro-choice and dump on republicans for anything

Rdean especially doesn't care about anyone, just his sick and twisted brand of hate he spreads

like this
One thing we know beyond a doubt. If there were ever a way to determine if a fetus was going to be gay, Republican opposition to abortion would completely evaporate.
The only way Derp and the other death cultists would oppose abortion would be if the abortionists used guns.
An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

Because pregnancy and an erection is the same in the perverse mind of a leftist.

Very rarely can one not precede the other.

Looking at the legislative agenda in Wisconsin should clue in everyone of the Republican Agenda. Big Brother will intrude in the bedrooms and doctors offices if those authoritarian misogynists have their way.

I wonder if any of those who posted on this thread and are opposed to abortion understand how little different they are from the Taliban?

exactly. The majority of the country aint goin back to the 1950's as much as the Akin's, Bachmann's, Mourdock's, ect... would like us too.
Because pregnancy and an erection is the same in the perverse mind of a leftist.

Very rarely can one not precede the other.

Looking at the legislative agenda in Wisconsin should clue in everyone of the Republican Agenda. Big Brother will intrude in the bedrooms and doctors offices if those authoritarian misogynists have their way.

I wonder if any of those who posted on this thread and are opposed to abortion understand how little different they are from the Taliban?
And another mindless death cultist chimes in, exactly as programmed.

More than one.

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Lefties believe that women should just line up for uterine scrapings, and *trust* the scrapers. They don't need to know anything about what's going on. They're just women...women whose children are worthless, and who are therefore worthless themselves.
They've come out and declared that women are nothing more than genitals.
Lol..take a stand against medical advances!

Abortion is a constitutional right and therefore, women should not be afforded the best care that is available!

yeah but, they accuse Republicans and the right of not being for SCIENCE..

they wouldn't want to know what I went through to check my baby for downs syndrome because of the increased chances of that with my age..I was 38...he is now a healthy boy going on 20

amniocentesis...they probably would of fainted..lol

but they wail over someone having a vaginal ultrasound before a abortion...
They gave Palin shit for not having aborted Trig.

Worthless piles of shit. They say they want to stay out of people's bedrooms -- but they're lying.
I'm merely repeating the hypocrisy that renders allie's opinions on the matter irrelevant. She has no credibility w/ her own base much less w/ people who aren't Righties. She is the last person here to be sermonizing about whats best for women. Its obvious that she cares more about fetus than the health of the mother so claiming that she is concerned w/ women' rights is laughable.

It's obvious you don't care who's life you ruin. Keep your mouth closed.

didn't you tell someone just the other day to not post as well n00b? :eusa_eh: You're a confirmed Rightie flamer who speaks before he thinks so ... Didn't you flip-out/melt-down the other day on Sallow? Why, yes you did :lol:

Ohh, now you call me a flamer? A troll calling me a flamer? Lmao. Yes, and Sallow hasn't bothered to respond to me since. Something about picking on disabled children kinda pisses me off, you know? But what do you care? You'd rather kill them, for the sake of a woman's right to choose.

Save your rant.
man....the dots is becoming quite a ugly little thing..
that was so uncalled for what she said...nasty

Next peeballs will swing by to call me names, and dc will show his love for all women by calling me a white trash whore.

That's the way they swing.

you aren't exactly poster girl material for the Rightist thumper movement allie. What are you batting now anyway?

Something over 4000 rep.

February 21, 2012:

Ultrasounds Already Part of VA Planned Parenthood Abortion Procedure « Commentary Magazine

The backlash against the new Virginia legislation requiring ultrasounds before an abortion procedure – which some have bizarrely compared to “forcible rape” – may be even more overblown than initially thought. Apparently, ultrasounds are already part of the abortion procedures at Virginia Planned Parenthoods.

The Virginia League for Planned Parenthood didn’t immediately return calls yesterday. But here’s what it said on the recording for its abortion services information hotline:

“Patients who have a surgical abortion generally come in for two appointments. At the first visit we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit generally takes about an hour. At the second visit, the procedure takes place. This visit takes about an hour as well. For out of town patients for whom it would be difficult to make two trips to our office, we’re able to schedule both the initial appointment and the procedure on the same day.

Medical abortions generally require three visits. At the first visit, we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit takes about an hour. At the second visit, the physician gives the first pill and directions for taking two more pills at home. The third visit is required during which you will have an exam and another ultrasound.”​

From a health perspective, these ultrasounds are critical. They detect the exact age of the fetus, which often dictates which type of abortion procedure the woman can receive. They can also spot potential complications that could impact the procedure, like ectopic pregnancies. In clinics that don’t have access to ultrasound technology, sometimes pelvic exams can be used as a substitute. But those are arguably just as invasive as the transvaginal ultrasounds pro-choice activists are decrying.

In other words, the real reason pro-choicers oppose the law isn’t because of the “invasiveness” or “creepiness” of ultrasounds. It can’t be it. Virginia Planned Parenthood clinics already include them in its abortion procedures.
Then what the hell are the pro-aborts squawking about?

Morons, the lot of 'em.
In the Media we only hear about conservatives/republicans who want to ban abortion even in cases of rape. They actually represent the views of 10% of Americans or less.

But there is a 20-25% of Americans who believe that abortion must be legal in all circumstances and any time (or until the sixth month at least). That's scary and extreme too, but no one talks.
Obama supports late-term abortion.

No wonder the death cult sucks his ass.
Yes, because we sure don't want women to be reminded that the inconvenient lump of tissue they're intending to kill is an actual human baby, do we?

They might change their minds. And we can't have that. We only support a woman's right to choose if she chooses to abort.

Right, USMB lefties?

Until you and the rest of the males on USMB can get pregnant, you all should just STFU!!!

View attachment 26508
Until you've worn the uniform, you should STFU about military matters.

Now, do you see how utterly stupid your statement is?

History says "No!"
Extremist assholes maintain that we shouldn't require the latest medical advancements in abortion clinics.

Trying to talk a woman out of having an abortion is not a medical advancement.

In fact, it is more dangerous, medically, to have a baby than it is to have an abortion.

I bet you wish your mom had aborted you, don't you?
Extremist assholes maintain that we shouldn't require the latest medical advancements in abortion clinics.

Trying to talk a woman out of having an abortion is not a medical advancement.

In fact, it is more dangerous, medically, to have a baby than it is to have an abortion.

Correctly aging the fetus and locating it prior to an invasive and risky procedure is not trying to talk a woman out of anything.

It's educating her about what's going on in her body, and lowering the chance that she might bleed to death in an abortion clinic, or in an ER some weeks later.
The death cult likes their women ignorant and in danger.
allie thinks that a bill written solely by republican men is in the best interest of all women, let alone republican-voting women like her :rofl:
I keep wondering how stupid progressives can be, and there you are, pushing the envelope.

Wisconsin Christian News :: Welcome

Authored by Senator Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin) and Representative Pat Strachota (R-West Bend), the Woman’s Right to Know Her Unborn Child Act would ensure that a woman seeking an abortion has full knowledge of her baby’s development by allowing her to view an ultrasound of her unborn baby and visualize her baby’s heart beating.​
I'm merely repeating the hypocrisy that renders allie's opinions on the matter irrelevant. She has no credibility w/ her own base much less w/ people who aren't Righties. She is the last person here to be sermonizing about whats best for women. Its obvious that she cares more about fetus than the health of the mother so claiming that she is concerned w/ women' rights is laughable.

Allie seems pretty credible to me. She puts a lot of time and energy into her cause. You, in comparison, don't.
I'm merely repeating the hypocrisy that renders allie's opinions on the matter irrelevant. She has no credibility w/ her own base much less w/ people who aren't Righties. She is the last person here to be sermonizing about whats best for women. Its obvious that she cares more about fetus than the health of the mother so claiming that she is concerned w/ women' rights is laughable.

Allie seems pretty credible to me. She puts a lot of time and energy into her cause. You, in comparison, don't.

I agree with that..she pointed out the medical reasons for it..but they don't care
I haven't read this thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned yet.

I heard somewhere that most abortions are preceded by an ultrasound anyway? That it's part of the assessment procedure. I don't have corroboration on that. Is it true?

Bumping my question. Seriously curious about this. Are ultrasounds standard before abortions as I recently heard?


Abortion Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Abortion Preparation on eMedicineHealth

Abortion Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Surgical Abortion on eMedicineHealth
And that proves it: The death cult doesn't want women to make informed choices -- because they might choose to not kill their child.

And they HATE that idea.

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