Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

of course they don't, they care more about animals than they do the unborn child...you see how cold they are
They hate human life -- but are too chickenshit to check out.

they were just a clob of cells once too...and look at the cold unfeeling people that came from that..

Let's ask this woman if she supports abortion:
Gianna Jessen

My name is Gianna Jessen... I was aborted, and I did not die. My biological mother was 7 months pregnant when she went to Planned Parenthood in southern California, and they advised her to have a late-term saline abortion.

A saline abortion is a solution of salt saline that is injected into the mother's womb. The baby then gulps the solution. It burns the baby inside and out, and then the mother is to deliver a dead baby within 24 hours.

This happened to me! I remained in the solution for approximately 18 hours and was delivered ALIVE... in a California abortion clinic. There were young women in the room who had already been given their injections and were waiting to deliver dead babies. When they saw me the abortionist was not yet on duty and had me transferred to the hospital.

I should be blind, burned... I should be dead! And yet, I live! Due to a lack of oxygen supply during the abortion I live with cerebral palsy.

When I was diagnosed with this, all I could do was lie there. They said that was all I would ever do! Through prayer and hard work by my foster mother, I was walking at age 3 ½ with the help of a walker and leg braces. At that time I was also adopted into a wonderful family. Today I am left only with a slight limp. I no longer have need of a walker or leg braces.

...Death did not prevail over me... and I am so thankful!​

Noomi and the other death cultists hate her.
the Democrat-Progressive party is the one who has a war on women and children..

they don't mind you all killing off your offspring...they will just replace you with illegal immigrants..
I wonder if Dottie or any of the other death cultists would have the guts to tell their children, "You know, if our circumstances had been just a little different, we would have vacuumed you out and flushed you down the drain without a moment's hesitation. That's how much you mean to us."
The death cultists demand Bush be tried for killing Iraqi children.

You should thank him. You love dead children, after all.
You mean "between a woman and her abortionist". Not her doctor. They often aren't doctors at all.

It puts a layer of protection between women and hacks and un-licensed quacks who would otherwise butcher them.

And that is what creeps like DC object to. They want women to be mutilated and killed. They don't think they're important enough to rate cutting edge equipment in abortion houses.

your views on this are quite clear you single-issue poster. :eusa_hand: You could care less about the woman. Thats a red herring. You are obsessed w/ the fetus. You realize that you are one creepy person right? :eusa_eh:

I'd wager she cares plenty enough, you know, by being a woman and all. Hey, she has the right to do with her body as she pleases, right? Or does that only work one way for you people?

dc covers his own lack of care by pretending my care for the health of the woman is *fake*.

It doesn't matter...he still stands firmly against a procedure that would reduce the risk of abortion SIGNIFICANTLY.

They don't deliver babies without them, they certainly don't perform C-sections...yet he wants to deny women who are undergoing abortions a simple and effective means of pinpointing the age and location of the fetus...which increases the safety of the planned abortion.

Can't have that! Women must be allowed to die for abortion!
Abortion is and always has been a human rights violation against the women that are victimized by progressive ghouls. The babies are not the only victims...and you can see exactly how concerned the strident male supporters of unsafe abortions are by their rabid insistence that abortion clinics continue to operate as back alley abbatoirs...despite their legality, and the availability of equipment that can substantially reduce the risk to women.
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Abortion is and always has been a human rights violation against the women that are victimized by progressive ghouls. The babies are not the only victims...and you can see exactly how concerned the strident male supporters of unsafe abortions are by their rabid insistence that abortion clinics continue to operate as back alley abbatoirs...despite their legality.

Well, seeing as how the male and female play an important role in bringing that child into the world, the fate of the young one should depend on the decision of both, not one motivated by "choice". This only leads to unnecessary bloodshed.
No human has a *right* to kill another innocent human being.

The whole concept is just justification for human rights violations. And they are working hard to expand it....
An abortion isn't necessary, either.

However, if abortion clinics are going to provide the best service possible to the poor, abused, traumatized, frequently ill, and otherwise desperate women who come through their doors, they will want to be as safe as possible...and in the abortion industry, the horrors occur when the position and/or age of the baby being killed isn't precisely indicated. So in order to best serve those women and to reduce the risk of death and long-term medical issues, it makes sense to require abortionists to use readily available equipment, that is used in EVERY ob/gyn office in the country, to accurately locate and determine the age of the embryo/fetus.

Right? Because that's how we prevent monsters like Gosnell from making millions of dollars off of women who may or may not know exactly how far along they are...and will prevent women from getting perforated bowels and uteruses that occur when abortion clinicians operate "blind".

It's all about the health of the woman, right?

:blahblah: where did you go to medical school? :eusa_hand:

how come you did not ask Carbiner what his Medical background is?.....:eusa_eh:
I'm not going to take reproductive advice from some unmarried conservative woman who claims to be a thumper :eusa_pray: and has rug rats running around her gov't subsidized (claims EIC & child exemptions) dwelling. Just sayin.....

i thought you were a guy?....:eusa_eh:
And the right, in all their humanity, see unwanted babies as "punishment".

Derp lies. All the time, Derp lies.

Obama Says He Doesn't Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby
"But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."​
Derp lies.

Dean lie?.....Dean will tell you, you lie, but he cant prove it....and he will run from the thread when confronted.....thats what kind of an Ass the guy is....
An abortion isn't necessary, either.

However, if abortion clinics are going to provide the best service possible to the poor, abused, traumatized, frequently ill, and otherwise desperate women who come through their doors, they will want to be as safe as possible...and in the abortion industry, the horrors occur when the position and/or age of the baby being killed isn't precisely indicated. So in order to best serve those women and to reduce the risk of death and long-term medical issues, it makes sense to require abortionists to use readily available equipment, that is used in EVERY ob/gyn office in the country, to accurately locate and determine the age of the embryo/fetus.

Right? Because that's how we prevent monsters like Gosnell from making millions of dollars off of women who may or may not know exactly how far along they are...and will prevent women from getting perforated bowels and uteruses that occur when abortion clinicians operate "blind".

It's all about the health of the woman, right?

:blahblah: where did you go to medical school? :eusa_hand:

how come you did not ask Carbiner what his Medical background is?.....:eusa_eh:
Because Carby is a lefty, and lefties are experts in everything.

Just ask 'em!
Extremist assholes maintain that we shouldn't require the latest medical advancements in abortion clinics.

Trying to talk a woman out of having an abortion is not a medical advancement.

In fact, it is more dangerous, medically, to have a baby than it is to have an abortion.

Correctly aging the fetus and locating it prior to an invasive and risky procedure is not trying to talk a woman out of anything.

It's educating her about what's going on in her body, and lowering the chance that she might bleed to death in an abortion clinic, or in an ER some weeks later.

It's funny to see you try to invent a rationalization for the bill, to manufacture a reason for it,

when all we have to do is go to the actual sponsor of the bill, to find out the REAL reason:

The bill's chief Assembly sponsor, Rep. Pat Strachota, R-West Bend, said the ultrasound provision is designed to help the woman bond with the fetus by seeing it and convince her to save it.

Read more: Wisconsin lawmakers approve bill requiring ultrasound before abortion | Fox News

So stop trying to fool anyone with your bullshit.

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