Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

. You have no business here. You have no right to an opinion.
You worry about your own God damned country.
Where is your medical degree?
Why do you support trying to force women to bond with something that's going to be medical waste in a few hours?

Why would anyone support something that is clearly an undue burden to the right to privacy and offensive to the Constitution?

Lol, the anti-abortion nuts in this thread are right out of the same crowd that decided background checks were tyranny.

Why do you object to the most scientific equipment and practices being used? Why do you want women to be kept in the dark about their bodies, and the procedure that they are considering? Why do you object to abortion being as safe was possible?
Why do you support trying to force women to bond with something that's going to be medical waste in a few hours?
In the hopes that it might NOT be medical waste. I know that's meaningless to you, because human life is worthless to you.

Damn, why don't you assholes just make abortion mandatory for everybody? Make it retroactive to age 12, or something?

Bloodthirsty barbarians.

Pure emotional hysteria. Turn your shorts inside out and you can wear them an extra day, old man.

I'm old? Oh, shit! Now you're going to call for old people to be "aborted"!

That's what happens when progs are in charge. Lakes of blood.

Every. Single. Time.
Why do you support trying to force women to bond with something that's going to be medical waste in a few hours?

Why would anyone support something that is clearly an undue burden to the right to privacy and offensive to the Constitution?

Lol, the anti-abortion nuts in this thread are right out of the same crowd that decided background checks were tyranny.

Supporting life is nutty?

I guess it would be, to a death cultist.
It's nutty to waste good procedure on worthless women.

Women, to the left, are expendable...just as their children are.
It's nutty to waste good procedure on worthless women.

Women, to the left, are expendable...just as their children are.

that is true. the left always considers women just as a workforce.
But it is always amazing how many women actually fall for this trap
Lol..take a stand against medical advances!

Abortion is a constitutional right and therefore, women should not be afforded the best care that is available!

yeah but, they accuse Republicans and the right of not being for SCIENCE..

they wouldn't want to know what I went through to check my baby for downs syndrome because of the increased chances of that with my age..I was 38...he is now a healthy boy going on 20

amniocentesis...they probably would of fainted..lol

but they wail over someone having a vaginal ultrasound before a abortion...
They gave Palin shit for not having aborted Trig.

Worthless piles of shit. They say they want to stay out of people's bedrooms -- but they're lying.

I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof. You could do that too. If you had proof.
I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.

And? What difference does it make? Palin's daughter was living with her parents when she had the baby and did not become dependent on the state
yeah but, they accuse Republicans and the right of not being for SCIENCE..

they wouldn't want to know what I went through to check my baby for downs syndrome because of the increased chances of that with my age..I was 38...he is now a healthy boy going on 20

amniocentesis...they probably would of fainted..lol

but they wail over someone having a vaginal ultrasound before a abortion...
They gave Palin shit for not having aborted Trig.

Worthless piles of shit. They say they want to stay out of people's bedrooms -- but they're lying.

I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof. You could do that too. If you had proof.

What relevance does it have?

The health of the mother comes first. Thats where I stand. :) Plus, in the case of rape & incest, again, the mother's wishes come first.
I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof.
Oh, you mean like the proof you presented here?
You could do that too. If you had proof.
Oh, looky here: Proof.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Larry Flynt: Palin Should Have Had an Abortion
Sarah Palin is the dumbest thing. She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be (sic) Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable. She carries it to all these different political events against abortion, she did it just because she didn’t want to say she’d had an abortion. How long is it going to live? Another 12, 15 years? Doesn’t even know it’s in this world. So what kind of compassionate conservative is she? I don’t think anybody will want her near the White House.​

?Objectivist? Writer: Trig Palin a Financial Burden Who Should Have Been Aborted | NewsBusters
Like many, I am troubled by the implications of Alaska governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome. Given that Palin's decision is being celebrated in some quarters, it is crucial to reaffirm the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome (or by extension, any unborn fetus)—a freedom that anti-abortion advocates seek to deny.​
And let's look at a comment from DU. Is your DUmmy name "humbled_opinion", by any chance?

Other oh-so-tolerant liberals:
“I can’t think of anything more revolting than praising — as some sort of moral ideal — the decision to give birth to a retarded child, when one has the option of aborting it and creating a normal child instead. That is, indeed, the worship of the retarded over the normal.”
— Posted by M.S.

“And that’s also why it would not surprise me in the slightest to see the anti-abortion crowd resort in future to increasing physical violence, particularly as they are “encouraged” by the elevation of sympathizers and enablers–such as McCain and Palin–to positions of national power”
— Posted by J.D.

“The idea that a woman simply must not abort a fetus diagnosed with Down’s syndrome is precisely the “worship” of retardation-
Okay, the probability of Palin’s motives being purely political is high. And that too is disgusting.”
— Posted by Anonymous​

So, yes, some on the left did criticize Palin for not killing her baby. Now backpedal and move the goalposts. We both know you're going to.
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They gave Palin shit for not having aborted Trig.

Worthless piles of shit. They say they want to stay out of people's bedrooms -- but they're lying.

I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof. You could do that too. If you had proof.

What relevance does it have?

None. But for the first time in living memory, he backed up his claim.

daveman: do you even know any females IRL? Why you hijacking the thread welchboi?
I'm not going to take reproductive advice from some unmarried conservative woman who claims to be a thumper :eusa_pray: and has rug rats running around her gov't subsidized (claims EIC & child exemptions) dwelling. Just sayin.....

i thought you were a guy?....:eusa_eh:

There you go "thinking" again. :rolleyes: Stick w/ things you're good at like FAILtrolling. :thup:

ok "Dottie".....gotcha......dont let them stick the ultra sound up your vagina or ass whatever your case may be....
Why do you support trying to force women to bond with something that's going to be medical waste in a few hours?
In the hopes that it might NOT be medical waste. I know that's meaningless to you, because human life is worthless to you.

Damn, why don't you assholes just make abortion mandatory for everybody? Make it retroactive to age 12, or something?

Bloodthirsty barbarians.

Pure emotional hysteria. Turn your shorts inside out and you can wear them an extra day, old man.

what do you do if its stained?....just askin....sounds like you have done this before....
stop lying

He's not lying...if the Bill is passed the woman can choose to have an abortion with the ultra sound procedure or not have an abortion...see...choice.

Or go to another state.

But that's not convenient, is it? And abortion is ALLLLL about convenience. Because some women don't think they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

So tell me Daveman, if a woman gets raped and gets pregnant, is that a consequence of their actions? Would you insist that she carry that fetus to delivery?

For some reason most pro-lifers never want to answer that question, so I don't expect I'll be getting an answer from you.
So if someone robs my house, would I be justified in killing the next person that knocks on my door?

BTW, abortion in instances of rape has never been illegal.

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