Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

The health of the mother comes first. Thats where I stand. :) Plus, in the case of rape & incest, again, the mother's wishes come first.

And the state lacks the authority to dictate to citizens whether they may or may not have children in any event.
So if someone robs my house, would I be justified in killing the next person that knocks on my door?
Obviously you have no empathy for a woman that is raped. What if it is a minor and the pregnancy could kill her if carried to term?

BTW, abortion in instances of rape has never been illegal.
If Republicans could have their way, they would overturn Roe v Wade, that means no abortions of any kind. In Wisconsin, you have to have a police report that you were raped before you are allowed to have an abortion. And, in New Mexico they want to force rape victims to carry fetus to term. So much for the "freedom" that conservatives seem to advocate.

New Mexico Abortion Bill Requires Rape Victims To Carry Fetus To Term
True enough....

But the state lacks the authority to make murder of innocents legal. When it does, it is bad law, and should not be recognized. Those who commit murder, regardless of the authority behind it, frequently are prosecuted later. Think Nuremburg.
So if someone robs my house, would I be justified in killing the next person that knocks on my door?
Obviously you have no empathy for a woman that is raped. What if it is a minor and the pregnancy could kill her if carried to term?

BTW, abortion in instances of rape has never been illegal.
If Republicans could have their way, they would overturn Roe v Wade, that means no abortions of any kind. In Wisconsin, you have to have a police report that you were raped before you are allowed to have an abortion. And, in New Mexico they want to force rape victims to carry fetus to term. So much for the "freedom" that conservatives seem to advocate.

New Mexico Abortion Bill Requires Rape Victims To Carry Fetus To Term

Now you're just lying.

Again. Or would it be...still?
So if someone robs my house, would I be justified in killing the next person that knocks on my door?
Obviously you have no empathy for a woman that is raped. What if it is a minor and the pregnancy could kill her if carried to term?

BTW, abortion in instances of rape has never been illegal.
If Republicans could have their way, they would overturn Roe v Wade, that means no abortions of any kind. In Wisconsin, you have to have a police report that you were raped before you are allowed to have an abortion. And, in New Mexico they want to force rape victims to carry fetus to term. So much for the "freedom" that conservatives seem to advocate.

New Mexico Abortion Bill Requires Rape Victims To Carry Fetus To Term

Now you're just lying.
Point out where I'm lying.

Again. Or would it be...still?
Since you are lying about me lying, I guess one could say you are still lying and will continue to lie. Try having an honest debate for once.
"No abortions of any kind" part. A lie.

Now go away before you embarass yourself, again.

The woman in the inner-cities should be able to get abortions up to the first year of life. ;)
They gave Palin shit for not having aborted Trig.

Worthless piles of shit. They say they want to stay out of people's bedrooms -- but they're lying.

I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof. You could do that too. If you had proof.

What relevance does it have?


rdean has had this pointed out to him before that the 'cuts' were to projected building expansions. Not services.
So if someone robs my house, would I be justified in killing the next person that knocks on my door?
1.Obviously you have no empathy for a woman that is raped. What if it is a minor and the pregnancy could kill her if carried to term?

BTW, abortion in instances of rape has never been illegal.
If Republicans could have their way, they would overturn Roe v Wade, that means no abortions of any kind. In Wisconsin, you have to have a police report that you were raped before you are allowed to have an abortion. And, in New Mexico they want to force rape victims to carry fetus to term. So much for the "freedom" that conservatives seem to advocate.

New Mexico Abortion Bill Requires Rape Victims To Carry Fetus To Term

1. So, should a baby lose a chance to live just because it was conceived due to an averse circumstance?

2. If Democrats had their way, abortion would be mandatory.
Because it's better to risk the health and life of women than to actually require abortion providers to determine the age of the baby they're killing.

They don't need to force women to look at the screen while they determine this, do they?
I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.

And? What difference does it make? Palin's daughter was living with her parents when she had the baby and did not become dependent on the state

How lucky for her that she had parents with money who could babysit for her.
He's not lying...if the Bill is passed the woman can choose to have an abortion with the ultra sound procedure or not have an abortion...see...choice.

Or go to another state.

But that's not convenient, is it? And abortion is ALLLLL about convenience. Because some women don't think they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

So tell me Daveman, if a woman gets raped and gets pregnant, is that a consequence of their actions? Would you insist that she carry that fetus to delivery?

For some reason most pro-lifers never want to answer that question, so I don't expect I'll be getting an answer from you.
I'm not some chickenshit pro-abortion death cultist, so I'll answer your question.

I don't support punishing the innocent for the sins of someone else (the rapist, before you get even stupider and insist I'm saying the mother sinned).

But I could understand a woman not wanting that baby. I would prefer, naturally, that the baby be given up for adoption.

But there are many children of rape out there who live happy and productive lives, because their mothers chose to keep and love them.

I don't expect you to be able to understand that.

The woman in the inner-cities should be able to get abortions up to the first year of life. ;)

The health of the mother comes first. Thats where I stand. :) Plus, in the case of rape & incest, again, the mother's wishes come first.

And the state lacks the authority to dictate to citizens whether they may or may not have children in any event.

Within our inner-cities I pray to god abortion becomes more common!!!!:eusa_whistle:
Stupid fucking racist.
Republicans are obsessing over abortion legislation of late because they're desperate to throw a bone to white socially conservative working class Americans,

for whom the GOP has virtually nothing else to offer.

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