Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our 'Priority'

At the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”

Wisconsin fans of small government go big when it comes to the uterus


There's some discussion that Republicans will bring this up in the house in a week or two.

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Sandy Pasch (D-Shorewood), a nurse, says these are not the issues that should top the legislative agenda. "Especially when Wisconsin remains 44th in the nation in job growth, 45th in wage growth and dead last in short-term job growth, it is stunning how Wisconsin Republicans are more interested in blocking access to health care services that women need than focusing on the real issues facing women and Wisconsin families."

Wisconsin Republicans ready slew of abortion bills

Jobs - no

Education - no

Deficit - no

Wars - maybe

Immigration - no

Sticking it to women - YES! YES! YES!

That's messed up.

I couldn't make this this up. It would never occur to me.

Republicans in Wisconsin want small government, small enough to fit in a woman's uterus, that is.

They also want to make sure everyone pays for their contraceptives by doing away with the mandate to have insurance provide them. No contraceptives, means more unwanted pregnancies, and no abortions means more people on welfare! Now that's a great way to approach the welfare problem - make it bigger!

It's true, they do want to take the country back - backwards, that is.

And then Republicans run around here with big surprised faces saying they just can't understand how anyone could say the GOP is making war on women.

I had to give up on the Republicans, finally, after being a member of the party and voting Republican for decades. But somewhere in the early 2000s the men in the party just went nuts!

The GOP stands for losing multiple wars for ten years at a stretch that cost us huge deficits; for emotionally sex-torturing women with invasive required sonograms while they are trying to get abortions; and nominating sex fiends for presidential candidates, like Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.

You guys don't need us women anyway, we're only 55% of the voting public, right? No problem, you can win elections without us, I'm suuuuurrrrrrrrrre.
So if someone robs my house, would I be justified in killing the next person that knocks on my door?
Obviously you have no empathy for a woman that is raped. What if it is a minor and the pregnancy could kill her if carried to term?

BTW, abortion in instances of rape has never been illegal.
If Republicans could have their way, they would overturn Roe v Wade, that means no abortions of any kind. In Wisconsin, you have to have a police report that you were raped before you are allowed to have an abortion. And, in New Mexico they want to force rape victims to carry fetus to term. So much for the "freedom" that conservatives seem to advocate.

New Mexico Abortion Bill Requires Rape Victims To Carry Fetus To Term

New Mexico is a Blue State aint it?....
Republicans are obsessing over abortion legislation of late because they're desperate to throw a bone to white socially conservative working class Americans,

for whom the GOP has virtually nothing else to offer.


So I think that there's a kind of moral panic, a fear of the end of whiteness that we've been seeing a long time in that I think, you know, Obama's ascension as President kind of symbolizes to a certain degree. And so I think this is one response to that sense that there's a decreasing white majority in the country and that women's bodies and white women's bodies in particular are obviously a crucial way of reproducing whiteness, white supremacy, white privilege. And so I think it's just a kind of clamping down on women's bodies, in particular white women's bodies, even though women of color are really caught in the fray.

MSNBC Panel Suggests Racist Motivation by Pro-lifers, Goal of 'Reproducing Whiteness' | Media Research Center

LMAO!!!! You cannot make this stuff up!!


You guys are desperate!

That is a common motive, reproducing white people, for forcing women to carry to term. I see it expressed here, and on many forums, commonly.

Whites are a declining population group. They've been declining for some years in Europe and this very week there was a news article that whites have started a net decline here. We have fewer children.

However, blacks have more abortions. So that goes the other direction.

This probably all means simply that Hispanics and Muslims will shortly take over the country, as they don't get abortions and reproduce heavily. Oh, good, America will turn into Mexico or Saudi Arabia.
I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof.
Oh, you mean like the proof you presented here?
You could do that too. If you had proof.
Oh, looky here: Proof.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Larry Flynt: Palin Should Have Had an Abortion
Sarah Palin is the dumbest thing. She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be (sic) Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable. She carries it to all these different political events against abortion, she did it just because she didn’t want to say she’d had an abortion. How long is it going to live? Another 12, 15 years? Doesn’t even know it’s in this world. So what kind of compassionate conservative is she? I don’t think anybody will want her near the White House.​

?Objectivist? Writer: Trig Palin a Financial Burden Who Should Have Been Aborted | NewsBusters
Like many, I am troubled by the implications of Alaska governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome. Given that Palin's decision is being celebrated in some quarters, it is crucial to reaffirm the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome (or by extension, any unborn fetus)—a freedom that anti-abortion advocates seek to deny.​
And let's look at a comment from DU. Is your DUmmy name "humbled_opinion", by any chance?

Other oh-so-tolerant liberals:
“I can’t think of anything more revolting than praising — as some sort of moral ideal — the decision to give birth to a retarded child, when one has the option of aborting it and creating a normal child instead. That is, indeed, the worship of the retarded over the normal.”
— Posted by M.S.

“And that’s also why it would not surprise me in the slightest to see the anti-abortion crowd resort in future to increasing physical violence, particularly as they are “encouraged” by the elevation of sympathizers and enablers–such as McCain and Palin–to positions of national power”
— Posted by J.D.

“The idea that a woman simply must not abort a fetus diagnosed with Down’s syndrome is precisely the “worship” of retardation-
Okay, the probability of Palin’s motives being purely political is high. And that too is disgusting.”
— Posted by Anonymous​

So, yes, some on the left did criticize Palin for not killing her baby. Now backpedal and move the goalposts. We both know you're going to.

Center for the Advancement of Capitalism is a conservative website.
Larry Flynt hardly represents Democrats.
Who is "Anonymous".

FAIL! Better luck next time.
I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.


44 - Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

See what I did there. I made an assertion and then I backed it up with proof.
Oh, you mean like the proof you presented here?
You could do that too. If you had proof.
Oh, looky here: Proof.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Larry Flynt: Palin Should Have Had an Abortion
Sarah Palin is the dumbest thing. She did a disservice to every woman in America. She knew from the first month of pregnancy that kid was going to be (sic) Down’s Syndrome. It’s brain dead. A virtual vegetable. She carries it to all these different political events against abortion, she did it just because she didn’t want to say she’d had an abortion. How long is it going to live? Another 12, 15 years? Doesn’t even know it’s in this world. So what kind of compassionate conservative is she? I don’t think anybody will want her near the White House.​

?Objectivist? Writer: Trig Palin a Financial Burden Who Should Have Been Aborted | NewsBusters
Like many, I am troubled by the implications of Alaska governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome. Given that Palin's decision is being celebrated in some quarters, it is crucial to reaffirm the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome (or by extension, any unborn fetus)—a freedom that anti-abortion advocates seek to deny.​
And let's look at a comment from DU. Is your DUmmy name "humbled_opinion", by any chance?

Other oh-so-tolerant liberals:
“I can’t think of anything more revolting than praising — as some sort of moral ideal — the decision to give birth to a retarded child, when one has the option of aborting it and creating a normal child instead. That is, indeed, the worship of the retarded over the normal.”
— Posted by M.S.

“And that’s also why it would not surprise me in the slightest to see the anti-abortion crowd resort in future to increasing physical violence, particularly as they are “encouraged” by the elevation of sympathizers and enablers–such as McCain and Palin–to positions of national power”
— Posted by J.D.

“The idea that a woman simply must not abort a fetus diagnosed with Down’s syndrome is precisely the “worship” of retardation-
Okay, the probability of Palin’s motives being purely political is high. And that too is disgusting.”
— Posted by Anonymous​

So, yes, some on the left did criticize Palin for not killing her baby. Now backpedal and move the goalposts. We both know you're going to.

Center for the Advancement of Capitalism is a conservative website.
Larry Flynt hardly represents Democrats.
Who is "Anonymous".

FAIL! Better luck next time.

FAIL! No counterargument. Better luck next time.
Republicans are obsessing over abortion legislation of late because they're desperate to throw a bone to white socially conservative working class Americans,

for whom the GOP has virtually nothing else to offer.


So I think that there's a kind of moral panic, a fear of the end of whiteness that we've been seeing a long time in that I think, you know, Obama's ascension as President kind of symbolizes to a certain degree. And so I think this is one response to that sense that there's a decreasing white majority in the country and that women's bodies and white women's bodies in particular are obviously a crucial way of reproducing whiteness, white supremacy, white privilege. And so I think it's just a kind of clamping down on women's bodies, in particular white women's bodies, even though women of color are really caught in the fray.

MSNBC Panel Suggests Racist Motivation by Pro-lifers, Goal of 'Reproducing Whiteness' | Media Research Center

LMAO!!!! You cannot make this stuff up!!


You guys are desperate!

Your post has nothing to do with my post.
Republicans are obsessing over abortion legislation of late because they're desperate to throw a bone to white socially conservative working class Americans,

for whom the GOP has virtually nothing else to offer.


So I think that there's a kind of moral panic, a fear of the end of whiteness that we've been seeing a long time in that I think, you know, Obama's ascension as President kind of symbolizes to a certain degree. And so I think this is one response to that sense that there's a decreasing white majority in the country and that women's bodies and white women's bodies in particular are obviously a crucial way of reproducing whiteness, white supremacy, white privilege. And so I think it's just a kind of clamping down on women's bodies, in particular white women's bodies, even though women of color are really caught in the fray.

MSNBC Panel Suggests Racist Motivation by Pro-lifers, Goal of 'Reproducing Whiteness' | Media Research Center

LMAO!!!! You cannot make this stuff up!!


You guys are desperate!

Your post has nothing to do with my post.

Yes it does. Trying to add an an element of race to the abortion debate, saying that Republicans are "trying desperately to throw a bone to white socially conservative working class Americans"?

Yes, it has plenty to do with your post. Why must you liberals insert race into everything??
They insert it because it is about race for them.

They believe that poor black women and their children are valueless...that is why they encourage them to kill their offspring, and it is why they don't want to allow those women to know how far along they are, or see what they are destroying. They are working hard to keep them ignorant, and (in the case of the babies) dead. They do not care that the ultrasounds will save the lives of WOMEN, or allow them to make EDUCATED choices...because they don't care about the lives of those women, and they don't want them educated about what is being done to them.
They insert it because it is about race for them.

They believe that poor black women and their children are valueless...that is why they encourage them to kill their offspring, and it is why they don't want to allow those women to know how far along they are, or see what they are destroying. They are working hard to keep them ignorant, and (in the case of the babies) dead. They do not care that the ultrasounds will save the lives of WOMEN, or allow them to make EDUCATED choices...because they don't care about the lives of those women, and they don't want them educated about what is being done to them.

yawn...you need some new material
They insert it because it is about race for them.

They believe that poor black women and their children are valueless...that is why they encourage them to kill their offspring, and it is why they don't want to allow those women to know how far along they are, or see what they are destroying. They are working hard to keep them ignorant, and (in the case of the babies) dead. They do not care that the ultrasounds will save the lives of WOMEN, or allow them to make EDUCATED choices...because they don't care about the lives of those women, and they don't want them educated about what is being done to them.

yawn...you need some new material

And you need a rebuttal. Next!
Because it's better to risk the health and life of women than to actually require abortion providers to determine the age of the baby they're killing.

They don't need to force women to look at the screen while they determine this, do they?

yes, they do. that's the whole purpose of the test.

but for a rabid por-abort killing the baby no matter what is the main purpose, so God forbid some women may change their mind
Because it's better to risk the health and life of women than to actually require abortion providers to determine the age of the baby they're killing.

They don't need to force women to look at the screen while they determine this, do they?

yes, they do. that's the whole purpose of the test.

This is the wrongest, most disrespectful of women law I have ever seen in my lifetime. It's a genine atrocity.
They don't need to force women to look at the screen while they determine this, do they?

yes, they do. that's the whole purpose of the test.

This is the wrongest, most disrespectful of women law I have ever seen in my lifetime. It's a genine atrocity.

this is bullshit. it is a normal requirement and should have been done across the board.
the atrocity is the abortion laws in this country - in no civilized country other than the US can a woman make a "choice" up to the delivery date - in most it is forbidden after first trimester
I don't remember that. I remember Palin's daughter being an unwed mother when she cut aid to unwed mothers in her state.

And? What difference does it make? Palin's daughter was living with her parents when she had the baby and did not become dependent on the state

How lucky for her that she had parents with money who could babysit for her.

so if they don't then they should go kill it by abortion..

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